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Subject: Re: Kasey Interview

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Date Posted: 14:12:51 01/20/05 Thu
In reply to: Christy 's message, "Re: Kasey Interview" on 13:51:04 01/20/05 Thu

>I'd like to take the time to invite you to come and
>really look around the Raizing Kahne board because I
>believe you will see it is certainly not a board of
>"Kahneyboppers" I am the owner of that board and I do
>not like the fact you disrespected the 630 members of
>my board, cause I can certainly tell you that I am not
>a Kahneybopper and neither are most of the posters at
>my board.


I still check your board out. I can't remember the specifics of what I read on that particular day, but it was just really bad. I will admit that it is not wide spread on your board and that is why I still check it out. I apologize if I offended you. I will admit that your board is one of the better ones out there, but there was a day and topic that some members just went too far in my opinion about Kasey. Majority of your members are mature, there were immature comments made by a few of your members that really got to me one day. I had actually forgotten about this until I saw your post. Again, I apologize to you and I never meant to offend you or your hard work on the board you created.


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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Kasey Interview

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Date Posted: 19:12:44 01/20/05 Thu

I had totally forgotten about this post altogether... I had intended to respond to it earlier but never got around to it. I am actually a member of Christy's board and enjoy it very much. I like the fact that she has it where there is a place specifically for talking about Kasey's looks. And then for the most part the rest of the board stays pretty clear of that sort of thing. =0) So Mucho props to Christy for a great job! I love it! And I wish so much that I could make this board half what her's is. I hope we can put this all behind us. I don't think that Melissa was intending to be disrespectful, I think she just caught the board on a bad day. So let's just forgive and forget... after all we are all here for the same reason-> We all love Kasey! =0)

Kristen K.

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