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Date Posted: 08:08:24 11/14/10 Sun
Author: Pussy Cat. (Shagged rotten)
Subject: My wife's "Dirty Pussy".

Things really went tits up for my pussy one day. It really was one of the worst boobs made by a pussy ever. You see I live near a town called Milf ord Haven, which is in England but not in the county of Middle sex. I had to go fetch my three young schoolgirls from school, and I knew that if I was late they would be girls gone wild, as they would be left standing at the gates. I was looking forward to seeing their teacher, who I really fancied, although I thought that she might be one of those lesbians, or have a leaning towards lesbianism, as she never responded to my tentative advances. I felt a twinge of sadness. She didnt exactly have Pamela Anderson's body, and her salary would never exactly put her in the Paris Hilton league. Still since I have been forced to put all thoughts of Jessica Simpson, Jenna Jameson, Carmen Electra, and girls of their quality out of my mind, I guess the sexy teacher ought to do just fine, that is so long as she isnt really a lesbian. Perhaps I could get her a present. Would she like an Eminem CD? Could I get her a souvinir Eminem T shirt on e bay. I could write her some poetry. Maybe she likes games. It would be easy to buy her some computer games. I could offer her some links to games cheat sites. That might impress.
My last wife was a disaster. She definitely came off the 50 cent shelf. She could certainly be counted amongst the dogs. The last I saw of her was her nude body in our marital bed, as she conducted convoluted negotiations with a strange man, who I later found out was a salesman who travelled in the Sus sex area near Brighton. I walked out of the house that day, and didnt return until she had taken her badass of with her paramour. I always feel a slight frisson when I enter the house after work. I guess I am suffering some delayed kind of shock. That is why I put so much capital into getting to know this teacher. A new girl in bed might help to wipe out painful memories.
Anyway to return to the story of the wet pussy. It had been raining rather heavily. Her pussy was about the only thing that my wife had left me when she decanted with the salesman from Sus sex. I knew that the pussy had been outside all morning. She was bound to be a very messy wet pussy by now. I called at the door, but there was no sign of the pussy. I had to go hunt around for her, because I knew that when my three girls came home from school they would miss her. The girls loved pussies, and that particular pussy especially, probably because it had been my wife's pussy. They still felt that connection.
After searching around for about ten minutes, calling all the time, I heard a plaintive "meoau" coming from underneath a hedgerow at the bottom of our garden. There I found the pussy up to her chest in a pool of water. She had slipped in, and wasnt able to scramble out. I managed to rescue the poor thing. But she really was a very dirty pussy, and a very wet pussy as well. "This pussy is too wet" I said to myself. " I cant just leave her. I knew that I would be a bit late collecting my three girls, but they would be very distressed if they saw their mother's wet pussy. So I borrowed one of my daughters hairdryers, and set to work. Soon everything was back to normal, and I had a silky smooth pussy purring contentedly on the armchair. As I rushed around looking for my carkeys, I heard someone driving up to the door. Who should come rushing in but my three lovely girls, and hot on their heels came the beaming features of the teacher I had been fantasisng about. She explained that she decided to give the girls a lift home herself, and my heart started to flutter when she told me that she also really wanted to get to know me a bit better as well. When she started to stroke the cat, and she rolled over to have her belly tickled I feel the whole family was impressed.
Now one year later we are planning our wedding. It turned out that she is definetly not a lesbian, and we could not be happier. I owe a great debt of gratitude to my wife's dirty wet pussy for being instrumental in bringing us together.

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