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Date Posted: 16:12:46 03/05/05 Sat
Author: Gabriella
Subject: This is the story of a girl..
Her naked torso was laid up and pressed against his own, the bed sheets crowding around her form and tucked beneath his. Her face was buried in the crook of his neck, her arms resting comfortably on either side of him as she slept. They had gone out for dinner that night, and she'd had fun .. but they had still ended up in bed together, not that she could really help herself - it was just the way she was, and guys didn't normally object...
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- He wasn't objecting because though they were in bed, it was he that was in bed with her and not some other guy - he hadn't had to share her body with another man's hands or hardly even eyes all night and that made him exceedingly happy. He pressed a kiss to her forehead easily, drawing her hair away from her eyes with calloused fingers. (NT) -- Travis, 16:16:50 03/05/05 Sat
- She stirred gently at his soft caresses, making a slight noise of protest as she shifted further beneath the covers, and buried her face further into the curve of his neck. She'd noticed he got easily jealous, even when she was just speaking to some friends from school, and that would be the only thing she would really object too ... his jealousy. But otherwise, right now, things with him were good and fun, and she wasn't tired of him yet - a good sign. (NT) -- Bella, 16:31:56 03/05/05 Sat
- What was written as jealousy in her book was merely protectiveness and the desire for exclusivity in his books. He smiled a little bit, pulling her tightly against his body and resting his cheek against hers easily. "Morning sleepyhead.." (NT) -- Tripp, 16:36:52 03/05/05 Sat
- She pouted, her teeth catching his ear lobe, never having been a real morning person. She groaned a little, pulling the covers up over them both. "Let me sleep.." (NT) -- Bella, 16:41:12 03/05/05 Sat
- He pushed a hand up, billowing the covers out so they went out like a tent over them and looked down at her, grinning. "You bit me!" (NT) -- tripp, 16:44:52 03/05/05 Sat
- Her gaze flickered lazily over him, though she smirked briefly, stretching out beneath the quilt "You woke me!" She shifted against him, trying the make herself more comfortable, though she was pretty comfortable where she was.. (NT) -- Bella, 16:47:55 03/05/05 Sat
- "I didn't realize you were such an aggressive carnivore!" He smirked, touseling her hair into her eyes playfully and rolling onto his back to stretch and yawn exaggeratedly. (NT) -- Tripp, 08:13:25 03/09/05 Wed
- She pouted and hmmphed as she was rolled off of him, though she smirked and stretched a little herself, her teeth grazing his necknipping and sucking softly at his pulse, murmering gently "My bad .. thought you liked it rough.." (NT) -- Bella, 13:01:53 03/09/05 Wed
- He smirked a little at her playfulness and then shrugged, tucking his arms behind his head and stretched out languidly. "Well not if you're taking chunks out of me." (NT) -- Tripp, 16:02:02 03/09/05 Wed
- She shifted back on top of him, her smooth and silky skin sliding over his chest, her hair draping over her shoulders, smirking a little and pressing a kiss to his lips, letting at a satisfied sigh "Nate won't be home until late tonight.. We have all day here.." (NT) -- Bella, 16:20:38 03/09/05 Wed
- He pushed her hair aside, and rested his hand in it, against her scalp, pulling her down for an easy kiss. "Interesting...." (NT) -- Tripp, 16:24:39 03/09/05 Wed
- She smirked a touch, catching and sucking on his lower lip, her hips pressing briefly, teasingly against his own before she pulled back from his kiss "Very interesting.." (NT) -- Bella, 16:29:16 03/09/05 Wed
- He smirked, letting his hand slide down her bare back easily, and pressing a kiss to her forehead. "If we've got all day why are you in such a hurry, darling?" (NT) -- Tripp, 16:32:29 03/09/05 Wed
- She smirked saucily, her chest sliding back down him so she could sit up and straddle his lap, wrapping the blanket around her naked form "We can slow it down if I exhaust you.." She grinned a little, her fine nails sliding lightly over his hip.. (NT) -- Bella, 16:37:22 03/09/05 Wed
- He raised a brow and shook his head a little bit at her, a bit of a chuckle rolling out of his throat. "Okay, okay.." His hands slid down to frame her hips easily. (NT) -- Tripp, 18:50:51 03/09/05 Wed
- She smirked a bit and mirrored his arched brow questioningly "Okay, okay what..?" (NT) -- Bella, 18:54:39 03/09/05 Wed
- "Okay okay you win." He laughed a little, pressing his head back against the pillow as he watched her, reached up and tugged a curl. "I am at your command." (NT) -- Tripp, 05:23:11 03/10/05 Thu
- She grinned a little at that, dropping the blanket from around her as she leant down to place a torrid kiss to his lips, her hands trailing down his bare chest teasingly, her hair falling from behind her ears to frame her pretty face as she broke the kiss to let her hands move down a little lower.. (NT) -- Bella, 05:27:46 03/10/05 Thu
- He smirked a little bit, reaching for her wrists playfully and flipping her onto her back, covering her with his own body, chuckling a bit as he pinned her hands over her head. (NT) -- Tripp, 05:33:27 03/10/05 Thu
- She arched up to him, hmph'ing poutily as she was flipped onto her back, arching up to him again as his body pressed down onto her (NT) -- Bella, 05:38:55 03/10/05 Thu
- He smirked at the way her body responded, and then rolled away, climbing out of bed and into his boxers. "Breakfast!" He stated firmly, pulling the blankets up over her bare body and heading out the door. (NT) -- Tripp, 06:39:20 03/10/05 Thu
- She pouted to herself, sliding out of the bed and into some white boyleg underwear, slipping on a camisole to cover her torso, folding her arms across her chest as she found him in the kitchen, leaning against the doorway "You better be making it for me, dumb boy.." She ambled sleepily over to him, pressing a chaste kiss to his cheek "I want pancakes.." (NT) -- Bella, 06:45:08 03/10/05 Thu
- He smirked a little bit at that, and then started rummaging through the cupboards, pulling out the pancake mix and a skillet to cook it in, as well as a bowl and other assorted things. "Of course I'm cooking it for you." (NT) -- Tripp, 06:47:39 03/10/05 Thu
- She grins a little, stretching her arms up in the air and yawning a bit "I am gonna go shower - I smell like you.." she spoke with playful distaste, though, really, she loved his scent.. (NT) -- Bella, 06:50:08 03/10/05 Thu
- He laughed a little, mixing the egg and milk into the dry pancake mixture and peeking over his shoulder at her. "You lie - you love it and you and I both know it." (NT) -- Tripp, 06:54:45 03/10/05 Thu
- She stuck her tongue out at him, tugging her shirt off as she turned to head for the bathroom, always teasing him... (NT) -- Bella, 06:56:54 03/10/05 Thu
- He rolled his eyes at her, setting to work with the pancakes, as well as eggs and toast and some bacon on the side - fatten her up, that would do proper. He set the table and arranged everything so it looked more like an actual meal than something just haphazardly thrown together. (NT) -- Tripp, 07:05:34 03/10/05 Thu
- She emerged out of the bathroom a good fifteen or so minutes later, looking perfect as always with her damp and toussled hair framing her face, faded jeans hugging her hips and and old tee hugging her curves. She pressed a kiss to his forehead in thanks as she passed him, moving to the fridge to find the orange juice.. (NT) -- Bella, 07:11:16 03/10/05 Thu
- The one thing that he had forgotten. He'd set out glasses but nothing in them. He watched her form move to the fridge and back with a slight grin upon his features. "I'm an angel, I know.." (NT) -- Tripp, 07:15:32 03/10/05 Thu
- She smirked a bit "Mm, you forgot my orange juice, though .." she ruffled his hair playfully before she sat, her legs sliding in between and around his own.. (NT) -- Bella, 07:17:35 03/10/05 Thu
- He shook his head a little bit at her behaviour and then tucked into the food he'd prepared - living alone as a bachelor had honed his breakfast making skills, as he typically ate breakfast at any time during the day. "Well, I just wanted to watch you get it, so I did that on purpose." (NT) -- Tripp, 07:21:02 03/10/05 Thu
- She rolled her eyes and arched a brow as she glanced over the table, smirking a little "And I see you just happened to have forgotten the maple syrup.." Her favourite on pancakes.. (NT) -- Bella, 07:24:22 03/10/05 Thu
- "That's so you get to watch me." He smirked as he pushed back from the table and headed to the fridge for the maple syrup - couldn't be the generic brand, but rather maple. (NT) -- Tripp, 07:26:09 03/10/05 Thu
- She grinned a little - so maybe she was just a tiny bit high maintenance, but one could say it was all worth it in the end. "Well you're not nearly as cute as me, but okay.." (NT) -- Bella, 07:30:15 03/10/05 Thu
- He rolled his eyes a little bit and then shook his head. "When it comes to looks, I am obviously your male equivalent and you know that." He settled himself back at the table, sliding the glass bottle of maple syrup toward her. (NT) -- Tripp, 07:36:58 03/10/05 Thu
- She smiled in thanks to him and smirked a little at his comment "I'm still cuter.." (NT) -- Bella, 07:41:10 03/10/05 Thu
- "Objectively... but if I was a woman, you'd have some serious competition, you know. And besides, am I not the cutest guy you know?" He cocked his head, blonde hair falling to the side as he put on his best puppy pout. (NT) -- Tripp, 07:47:03 03/10/05 Thu
- She arched a brow and tipped her head to the side a little, as if to contemplate this "Well .. top be safe I am just gonna say yes.." She winked at him a little, finishing of her first pancake.. (NT) -- Bella, 07:50:28 03/10/05 Thu
- "You know as long as you keep my ego inflated, you'll never want for anything." He smirked, cutting his pancakes with the side of his fork - typical guy manner, knives were useless. (NT) -- Tripp, 07:52:41 03/10/05 Thu
- She rolled her eyes at his manners, though she smirked a little, moving in to grab herself some eggs and bacon and such "i think I do a pretty good job of that.." (NT) -- Bella, 07:56:38 03/10/05 Thu
- :"I think I have to agree with you." He grinned, pushing the plate toward her easily. He was a little uncertain on what it was, exactly that they had, but he figured talking about the future wouldn't hurt anything too badly. "So you think after highschool you'd want to set up house?" (NT) -- Tripp, 07:58:57 03/10/05 Thu
- She paused for a moment, her faulter noticable, though she covered it with a shrug. It was weird talking about that kind of stuff for her.. She was just a kid and he seemed so ready for all of that. "Haven't thought about it." (NT) -- Bella, 08:02:33 03/10/05 Thu
- He pushed his eggs about on the plate a little and then shrugged. "I know it's quite a ways in the future.. just thought I'd throw out the idea now - I mean.. I like this.." He gestured to the two of them sitting at the table together. "And don't think it would hurt too bad if you wanted to come stay with me once you don't have any obligation to your brother, y'know?" (NT) -- Tripp, 08:04:46 03/10/05 Thu
- She, personally, didn't want to think much about the future. She was having fun now and that was all that mattered to her. She wasn't really the type to settle down with a steady boyfriend .. she could be quite fickle, and all his talk of them having so much of a future together turned her off just a little. "Yeah .. maybe.." (NT) -- Bella, 08:09:08 03/10/05 Thu
- It was obvious that she wasn't as interested in the relationship as he was and he frowned a little, turning silently back to his food, his pride wounded a little bit. (NT) -- Tripp, 08:10:44 03/10/05 Thu
- Her brow furrowed and she sighed a little bit - relationships were hard to deal with.. "You're mad at me.." she observed, biting her lip a little (NT) -- Bella, 08:14:43 03/10/05 Thu
- "I'm not mad at you, Bella." He sighed into his eggs, finishing up and taking his plate to the sink, rinsing it off and starting up a sinkful to wash the dishes. (NT) -- Tripp, 08:17:25 03/10/05 Thu
- She finished up herself and padded after him to the sink, rinsing off her own plate "So what's wrong, then..?" (NT) -- Bella, 08:23:34 03/10/05 Thu
- "Nothing." He supposed he shouldn't be so surprised - it had been a struggle to convince her to be exclusive, he couldn't imagine anything short of a fistfight to make her do anything more serious than that. (NT) -- Tripp, 08:27:24 03/10/05 Thu
- She arhced a brow and frowned a little, helping him to rinse off the dishes "That's bullshit ..Don't lie to me." (NT) -- Bella, 08:30:05 03/10/05 Thu
- She didn't let much of herself show so why should he let her know what was on his mind? He set to work drying the dishes he'd already done. "I'm not lying to you." (NT) -- Tripp, 08:31:23 03/10/05 Thu
- "Whatever." She huffed quietly, still working at the dishes. Right now wasn't fun. She had been having so much more fun before he started up on all of this 'our future' talk .. It had been her kind of fun when they used to go to the strip almost everynight and then go to his place or her place and fuck - she wasn't through with being a kid yet, and he obviously was. (NT) -- Bella, 08:35:57 03/10/05 Thu
- It was the single largest flaw in relationships where the ages were so different - he knew it, he had known it when they'd commenced the relationship - he was ready for a real life, and she was still a kid. He frowned a little bit and shook his head, glancing over at her lightly, and clearing his throat. (NT) -- Tripp, 08:38:07 03/10/05 Thu
- She glanced back at him and just rolled her eyes a little, and she finished off the last dish, stepping out of the kitchen for a moment she frowned a little, leaning back against the wall.. (NT) -- Bella, 08:42:27 03/10/05 Thu
- Still in his boxers, he wandered past her to her room, gathering up his clothes and starting down the hall for the washroom, to take a shower - he wasn't angry, pretell, just... disappointed. (NT) -- Tripp, 08:49:02 03/10/05 Thu
- She sighed a little as he passed, however, she followed him a short while later once she heard the water running, stripping off herself and moving into the shower with him cautiously, though she'd allready had one herself. She moved toward him and pressed her cheek against his bare chest. "I'm sorry .." Sorry she couldn't be who he wanted her to be.. (NT) -- Bella, 08:53:59 03/10/05 Thu
- His arms moved around her easily, pulling her lithe form to his own - "You don't have to be sorry - it's just obvious that we both want different things out of this." He couldn't even say relationship - he wasn't even sure. (NT) -- Tripp, 08:59:13 03/10/05 Thu
- She sighed a little, closing her eyes and letting the hot water flow over her "I might .. later. But I just don't want to think about that stuff right now.." (NT) -- Bella, 09:02:27 03/10/05 Thu
- It was hard to count on something that wasn't a sure thing - and he didn't know if he could wait around until the end of days for her, but he sighed, rubbing a hand along her back easily. "Don't worry about it, Bella." (NT) -- Tripp, 09:03:20 03/10/05 Thu