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Date Posted: 02:40:06 04/17/05 Sun
Author: Autumn
Subject: She was getting irritable hanging around the apartment all the time... things with her own place had also fallen through- she couldnt make rent and she was never there anyway- so she'd basically moved in with him. Just because she'd been staying home however didn't mean she'd given up the drugs. And tonight- she was going out, with or without him. She sat on their bed with her legs crossed, a mirror laid flat on them as she made the small heap of white powder into a line. She leant over it with her straw and sniffed it quickly, Nate had never really gone in for the cocain scene- more the pills- so she tended to keep this behind closed doors- though she didn't expect he was naive to it.
In reply to: Nate 's message, "..." on 02:06:12 04/17/05 Sun

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  • He was just getting in from doing some small grocery shopping, a bag with milk eggs and bread in one hand, his car keys and wallet in the other, just having come back from the petrol station - the only thing open at this time of night. He ran a hand through his hair and sighed a little, moving to put the milk into the fridge as well as the eggs and the bread into the bread bin before he called out for her.. (NT) -- Nate, 02:44:49 04/17/05 Sun
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