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Date Posted: 05:07:46 09/16/05 Fri
Author: Trav
Subject: He had his head rested back against the back of the chair and his eyes closed -- he was holding her, yes, but he had his mind elsewhere right now. She was trying, bless her, but he felt like they were trying to force something sometimes. He supposed he would always feel like he was forcing her to love him, as she'd been so difficult to convince in the beginning. He let out a long breath, pulling the blanket tighter around her - it wasn't doing much to cut the chill but the fresh air was lovely.
In reply to: Bella 's message, "She was snuggled up next to him on a chair on the balcony, her queen sized blanket wrapped snugly around them both, protecting them from the chilly winds. She was so happy now that they were together again ..she'd do anything for him, she'd realised. She'd even promised to come and live with him when she was of age and finished school .. which wasn't too long away now.." on 04:57:56 09/16/05 Fri

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  • It may have taken her .. well ... a while, but now she had completely fallen. She figured it must have been the thought of losing him that made her realise it enough. She shifted up against him, a slow smile creeping over her features as shi lifted her hand up to run her nails over his scalp, her fine fingers massaging through his hair. She wasn't forcing anything. She loved him now and that was that...she just had to convince him, it seemed. She pulled her arm back under the covers as he began to pull them tighter around her and she rested her head against his chest, breathing in the nice fresh air, pressing a kiss to his chin lazily "Nate's not gonna be home till late.." She yawned - she'd have probably said it around three times by now ... she couldn't well remember in her bliss, but she just wanted Travis to stay for as long as he could. This love business, she'd decided, wasn't so bad.. (NT) -- Bella, 05:19:50 09/16/05 Fri
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