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Date Posted: 13:22:04 11/09/05 Wed
Author: Autumn
Subject: (too big)>>
In reply to:
's message, "He was out on the verandah, an arm draped over his eyes as he dozed off, the sun warming his tanned and well-yoned body. He had just been for a surf ad his board was leant up against the wall behind him as he reclined in the banana lounge, curled up against the ocean breeze. Autumn was doing so much better and his conscience was clearing up well because of it.." on 13:13:53 11/09/05 Wed
She was huddled in one of his hoodies, its dark soft material envoloping her form- which was beginning to return to its natural curvy and toned shape. She had turned up the heat and was currently curled up infront of the TV watching The Grinch- getting into her christmas spirit and flicking through a store christmas catalogue at the decorations. She wasn;t entirely sure what she was doing for christmas this year yet- she kind of wanted to spend it with him but it would be strange not being at home with the little ones and the huge trees and big dinner... but she was a little excited at the prospect at having christmas with just him. She was doing better- she felt much better in herself and her cravings were becoming increasingly less... she had found the answer in oranges. She ate bag fuls of oranges a week and they seemed to dull her cravings. She was never one for wiinter- except christmas- sop as soon as the nights started drawing in early and the cold winds started blowing she started planning for christmas.
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