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Date Posted: 07:19:53 11/15/05 Tue
Author: Adam Sanchez
Subject: ---
He was definitely nervous, to say the least. He'd been putting off telling his parents about his child for the longest time, and he'd just told Travis what he was about to do as they sat there on the lounge watching television together as their mother had allready dubbed them as pests rather than help and shooed them out of the kitchen. Even Parker wasn't allowed in their while she was cooking the surprise family meal and so he left looking rather affronted as he was hastily ushered from the kitchn by his own wife and went to sulk on one of the banana chairs out the back. Adam had finished his tale, gladly aware that their was no chance either of his parents had heard any of it and asked "So..how do you think they'll take it?" He watched his half brother expectantly, waiting for his opinion, though he had no idea himself what their reactions might be..
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- Travis shrugged a bit, running a hand through his hair -- this sounded like a whole lotta drama, he was pleased he didn't have to deal with anything like this yet. Pressing his lips together, he lookd over at his brother and raised a brow. "Well, they can't exactly get mad -- look at what they've done in their lifetime." It was true that neither their mother or their fathers had been particularly cautious, sowing their wild oats in every which direction. How could they, without being hypocritical, turn out Adam for what he had done? (NT) -- Trav, 07:37:55 11/15/05 Tue
- Well, that made him feel a bit better, he supposed. His own pierced brow furrowed and he sighed resting his head back against the couch, wringing his hands together, just fidgeting mostly because of ihs nerves. It was a pretty big deal, what he was about to expose. "Yeah, I guess you're right.." The could hardly get mad at him for this - they weren't exactly perfect. They'd had their own little twisted love affairs. How else would his half brother be sitting here with him had they not? Besides, he was finally taking responsibility for his actions which was something his mother had always told him to do.. He glanced back to Travis for a moment. "I mean .. you didn't just erupt out of thin air, did you?" None of the Sanchez kids new in detail what had gone on in their parents early years, but they new that there had been some type of affair. "They can't really lecture me about it, right?" (NT) -- Adam, 07:48:22 11/15/05 Tue
- He couldn't help but laugh at the thought of himself erupting out of thin air, and just shook his head. "You're really a piece of work. You definitely get that from Parker, you know. Mom will be glad you're doing the right thing anyways, I don't know about Parker." Though Travis had grown up in Parker's house, there were still things that he wasn't sure about -- Parker hadn't meant to do it, but he had, through time, treated him differently than he'd treated Adam -- not necessarily in a bad way, or a way that made Parker out to be a monster, just differently. (NT) -- Travis, 07:51:43 11/15/05 Tue
- He smirked a little bit at that - his first thought was that Parker would more than likely completely explode, but then, he couldn't be sure. "Yeah, I think Mom will be fine with it. Or, you know, as fine as she could be about me hiding a grandson from her for eighteen months." It had only really just hit him then that this would make his parents, well, grandparents.. (NT) -- Adam, 07:57:02 11/15/05 Tue
- He reached out to clap a hand on his half brother's shoulder, reassuringly. "Mom will be thrilled to be a grandmother, and you know it. She still has wanna-baby syndrome." Even though their mother had had her tubes tied and could no longer have babies, she coo'd and loved over every one she encountered. (NT) -- Travis, 15:48:12 01/26/06 Thu
- He smirked to himself at that. Angel was incredibly clucky over Holly's daughter, not to mention Toby. He'd kept it to himself, but he'd always thought his mother had been a little jealous of Krista in that sense. "Yeah, she'll spoil him." It made him feel a bit better, really knowing that Angel would be absolutely ecstatic about the whole thing and treat leo as her own - at least he'd have someone to help him out. (NT) -- Adam, 15:56:01 01/26/06 Thu
- "And then Parker will settle down and accept it." He dropped his hand off his brother's shoulder. He was his half brother, but he whole loved him, and as his older brother, he felt it was his job to reassure and look out for him, despite their different backgrounds. "Because we all know who is really the boss in this house and family." And it was true -- Parker did pretty much anything for Angel, he had since day one. (NT) -- Trav, 16:01:18 01/26/06 Thu
- He grinned a little at that - he was, all in all, thankful for his brothers support, though he did notably tense up when Parker appeared at the door, calling them all out onto the back porch for dinner. He let out a long sigh and heaved himself up from the lounge. All thoughts of his parents being accepting left him and he made his way to the outside dining area, feeling like he was about to go walking into a mine field - this could either go bad or worse. (NT) -- Adam, 16:08:46 01/26/06 Thu