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Subject: 易服不是病態

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Date Posted: 05:27:03 04/28/06 Fri

明報 2006-04-26 健康 D04 鄭寶華












不 影響別人 毋須治療



Newsday, Melville, N.Y. 2006-04-25 By Sid Cassese And Celeste Hadrick

Domestic registry bill rejected: Nassau Democrats embarrassed by 10-8 denial in legislature
Source: Newsday, Melville, N.Y.

Apr. 25--A domestic partnership registry for Nassau County was shot down yesterday by a 10-8-1 vote - prompting words of shock and chagrin from leaders of the legislature's Democratic majority.

"It is a very embarrassing moment," said Presiding Officer Judy Jacobs (D-Woodbury), a major supporter of the bill that would have allowed domestic partners of any sex to register with the county as couples without being married.

The registry would have facilitated a partner's receiving medical insurance from a private employer or gaining access to the other person during a medical emergency, among other things. Suffolk, New York City and Westchester already have such a registry.

Craig Johnson (D-Port Washington), a leading proponent of the registry, apologized to the bill's supporters, saying he had never been so embarrassed as a legislator. "To be given assurances that it would pass and have it changed ... at the 11th second is reprehensible," he added.

Dorothy Jacobs, a board member of the Long Island Crisis Center in Bellmore, yelled from the audience to Baldwin's Joseph Scannell, the lone Democratic "no" vote: "You should be ashamed of yourself!"

Scannell, who said later he made up his mind only after listening to yesterday's testimony, added: "This bill did not give any substantive rights. In the final analysis, the bill does not solve problems. All it does is add confusion."

The Town of North Hempstead already has such a registry law.

Bill supporters, including Jon Cooper (D-Lloyd Harbor), the majority leader of the Suffolk legislature, said the bill would simply make it easier to prove one's domestic partnership. Suffolk's measure was signed into law last week, and Cooper, saying he had been a domestic partner for 27 years, waved his own local registry card.

But many who testified clearly saw the registry as supporting homosexuality.

Paul Kosowski, a leader of the Nassau County Civics Association, an activist organization with a Cedarhurst address, said: "A vote for domestic registry is a vote for gay marriage."

James Barker, pastor of the Bible Baptist Church in Elmont, said: "You just did the Pledge of Allegiance and said 'One nation under God.' Well, if you believe that, how can you go against God's law?"

Deputy Presiding Officer Roger Corbin (D-Westbury) tried to table the legislation, but Scannell pushed for an immediate vote. Corbin ended up abstaining, saying he's a Roman Catholic who had been lobbied by Bishop William Murphy and clergy in his district.

County Executive Thomas Suozzi, a Democrat running for governor, has declined to state a position for or against the bill.

Late last month, Suozzi said he opposes gay marriage but supports "same-sex couples receiving civil recognition of their relationship."

In other matters, the legislature unanimously approved an increase in the legal age to buy tobacco products in Nassau from 18 to 19, except for active members of the armed forces. The law takes effect 120 days after Suozzi signs it into law, as he is expected to do.

Copyright: Copyright (c) 2006, Newsday, Melville, N.Y. Distributed by Knight Ridder/Tribune Business News. For information on republishing this content, contact us at (800) 661-2511 (U.S.), (213) 237-4914 (worldwide), fax (213) 237-6515, or e-mail reprints@krtinfo.com.

新報 2006-04-24 放眼世界 C08





大公報 2006-04-24 文化 A32 藝術賞析 何俊輝











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