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Subject: Why God Does Not Exist

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Date Posted: 17:29:18 05/02/11 Mon


By A. Theist Ph.D


This is an article that attempts to sum up the arguements against the existence of God, (on the one hand) and/or the existence of a good God on the other.

It is hard to beat agnosticism, but some arguments really are solid and they are as follows:


1. God is omniscent, therefore he knew ahead of time that his plam of creation would go haywire and be full of suffering;

also he was smart enough to have created an infinite number of better 'plans of creation' that would fulfill the same requirements

of his justice and mercy than one that would be this full of suffering, yet he chose the worst one possible.

Also he is omnipotent, so he had the power to do otherwise as well, yet he miused his power to make the worst creation possible...

Also he is omniprescent, which means he was present in every particle of his future creation before he even made it; (non-

existence of his future creation being no impediemt to omnipresence, as it is not limited by existence or time) yet in spite of it

he came up with the worst creation imaginable... So God is either All-Knowing, All-Powerful, and All Present, and cruel, sadistic,

evil, and merciless, or he is an imperfect demiurge with the same characteristics... Also it does not address the fact that a

loving god would have created nothing, rather that create any state of being wherein anyone would suffer; and would destroy all

creation and even himself, if so much as an ant suffered needlessly should he or anything exist.

2. God suffered as Jesus Christ, and so since God suffered as one of us and drank it to the dregs, this justifies the existence of

suffering in creation because god played by his own rules...

It could be argued that God as Christ suffered and atoned for the 'sins of heaven' for having created a creation so full of

suffering to begin with. In any event, suffering 40 days in the desert and on the cross, does not make up for the suffering of

trillions of beings that have lived on the earth and in the universe, including Mankind. The immensity of suffering in creation,

involving all creatures for trillions of years, would in all justice, keep Christ on the Cross suffering for hundreds of millions

of years to atone for it, and he still would not be done. Any God that would argue otherwise would be a self-important ego-maniac.


(A) Let's look at Quantum and Multiversal Physics for example....

Posit an infinite multiverse, infinite in substance; and infinite in the combinations and transformations of what could exist and

not exist.... A Multiverse with infinite combinatory and transformational synthesis of all possible and possible realities that

would both exist and not exist would be endless and infinite in multiplicity.... THis would make an infinite number of worlds,

realities, and beings that would exist and not exist, totally inevitable. i.e. There being no limit to what could exist and not

exist in an infinite macrocosm.... Therefore an infinite number of worlds and beings in infinite combinations of existence and

non-existence would make an infinite number of universes, worlds, and beings inevitable, without any god having had to exist to

create it, or any gods/goddesses ect.

( Matter/energy can neither be created or destroyed, it can only change form. If something can be neither created nor destroyed

such as matter/energy; it is a safe bet that due to the relativity of time in quantum theory: (Past, Present, and Future being one

simultaneous and omniform field in the Fourth Dimension) that matter/emergy was never created and will never be destroyed, in

other words, matter and energy and the universe are eternal... The big bang was probably our universe having erupted out of the

death of another system through a black hole or wormhole.... It would still posit an eternal universe, as form and function in a

given dimension of space/time would be eternal in its dimensional correlates, 4D, and only appear linear in 3D.... THis is all I

can come up with for now. I hold the nature of things to be deterministic on the quantum level, and the variations of choice in

linearity to be variables from similar systems but the future must be predetermined to give continuity to the present so it can

move into it and through it.

This hails the scientific paradigm as being more than able to deal with religious quesions and metaphysics. This is all for now...

Anonymous: Archonis Tuesday, May 03 2011 @ 12:03 AM BST

This should give the pompous prelates of the Romish Sewer ulcers.....

Of course Islamic loons will probably hit the Great Whore with bubonic plague and anthrax someday and make the Third Secret Prophecy Of Fatima true....

The only tragedy is after my experiences there I could care less......

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