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Subject: SEXUAL PLEASURE AND VIRILITY DRUGS, also information about all types of orgasm | |
Author: Knuit Holt (For men and women) |
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Date Posted: 12:06:38 05/08/17 Mon To read about, types of orgasm, how to treat narrow foreskin in boys and men, nakednes in Norwegian school, about an easy muscle building program, please scroll down. Natural sex drugs for men and women. Products for men and women to amplify sexual drive, feelingts and orgasms. Products to intensify erections, genital blood flow, vulvar engorgement, vaginal lubrication and general sexual physiology. Also equipment to adjust the size and shape of the genital organs. ----------------------------------------------- About herbs that can stimulate you sexually, presentation of products based on these herbs --------------------------------------------- Tools and toys for erotic massage and for sexual play, including all types of sexual role-play. Massage tools and toys to use in all sensual body parts of a man and a women. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Smart masturbation techniques for all the sensual parts you have on and inside yourself better sex and masturbation -------------------------------------------------------- Effective slimming advices: Learn all you need to avoid getting over-weight, to get rid of excessive weight and to remain slim - advices about diet and fat-consuming exercizes. -------------------------------------------------------- Affordable parts for your car or other vehicle. Styling equipment, performance upgrade, electrical parts, cabin parts, motor parts, stearing and transmision details, touring comodities ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Airsoft guns of all categories ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Remote controle airplanes, helicopters, drones cars, boats. 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A relaxed ecstatic state can remain a long time after the orgasm. Physiological reactions like engorgement by women, erection by men, fluid secretions and undulating muscular reflexes also get to a peak and then settle down again. By men the orgasm usually, but not always have ejaculation of semen as a component. Orgasm usually occur after prolonged and repetitive stimulation of sexually sensitive body zones, either physically, mentally or both. The stimulation results in nerve impulses being sent to the spinal cord and the brain and good feelings as a result. The central nervous system then sends impulses back to the stimulated area and other sensual zones resulting in all the physical reactions. The physical reactions increase the impulses sent to the brain and the resulting feelings. The central nervous system respond by intensifying the impulses sent back with more intense bodily reactions as the result. The increased feelings also tempt the person to intensify his stimulating actions. This way the feelings, behavior and reactions steadily intensify, often in a wave-like manner until the peek is reached. During the peak there will be many subsequent waves of intense feelings, muscular contractions in the pelvic zones and undulating body movements. Many persons can experience a new increase of arousal when all the orgasmic reactions have settled, and by new stimulation a new orgasm can be reached. When this is possible several times without any waiting time between, the phenomenon is called multiple orgasms. Probably more women than men have this ability. Most persons, however, experience that stimulation just after an orgasm do not result in so good feelings. But with a relaxing pause of some minutes between each orgasm it is possible for most persons to have two or more orgasms. A women or a man can get orgasm by stimulation many body areas. Orgasm by stimulation at the genital area is the most commonly occurring, but there will be reflexive feelings and reactions in the whole pelvic area and other body parts. By women, there seems to be three kind of genital orgasm. By clitoral orgasm the process has the clitoris as the origin and the orgasmic process spreads to deeper area like the G-spot, the inner vaginal area and the uterus. By G-spot orgasm the process seems to start in the area between the vagina and the urethra and the area around the urethra, the so-called G-spot, and spreads to the clitoris and other areas. Some women also report getting orgasm with the innermost parts of the vagina and the uterus as the center. A man most often gets orgasm by stimulation at the penis, and especially the penile head, but the process spread to all parts of his genitals and backwards along the area around the urethra to the prostate. The whole of this area is involved in the reflexive pumping during ejaculation. Some men can also achieve orgasm by primarily stimulating the prostate, most often through the rectal wall. In this case the reactions spread forward to the penis. Some men and women can get orgasm with the rectal and anal area as the center, by stimulating the rectal opening and the inner lining of the anus, and especially if deep anal stimulation is involved. Many women and some men report having orgasms upon stimulation of the breast nipples, the sensual brownish area around the nipples and the area in a wider circumference around the nipples. This area is sexually sensitive in both sexes. A stimulation of the breast area, seems however to create reflexive processes in the genitals and in the uterus and inner vaginal area. The orgasms achieved through breast stimulation may therefore often have its centre in the genital zone, even though the breasts are the zone primarily stimulated. The lips and the deeper parts of the mouth and throat are still a sexually sensitive area. A person can therefore sometimes get orgasm through kissing and oral sex. Also in this case reflections in the pelvic zone plays a great part, and the centre of orgasm lies probably in the pelvic area. When two person kisses, they usually also caress each other and mutually stimulate each other at many sensual body parts. Orgasms can sometimes occur upon pure mental stimulation or as a result of mental processes. In these cases the mental process usually results in reflexes in the genitals and the orgasm will have the genitals or other pelvic areas as the centre of the process. Mental stimulation leading to orgasm is especially common during dreams. By teenage boys and men such dreams can lead to ejaculation and subsequent wakening. ------------------------------------------- Knut Holt is an internet marketer and author with a focus on health items and erotism. To find information about health and sexuality and presentation of natural products in the same fields, please visit his web-site:----- ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- Narrow Foreskin in Boys or Phimosis - How to Treat it By Knut Holt By phimosis the foreskin of a boy or man is so narrow in the end that it cannot be pulled down. There are mainly two types of phimosis. In one type, the foreskin is elastic so that it can be stretched wider at least to some extent. In the other type there are scars or indurations around the tip that makes it totally rigid. Sometimes the phimosis is partial, so that the foreskin can be pulled down, but not pulled back again. When the foreskin is trapped in a retracted position, it is called paraphimosis. This condition should be regarded as an emergency, since the tight foreskin can cut off the blood supply to the penile head. A boy usually have a narrow foreskin in his earliest years and the foreskin also is fixed to the penis head. Gradually the tip widens and the foreskin gets loose so that it can be pulled down. Usually it is possible to withdraw it when the boy is 4-7 years old, and the diagnosis phimosis is therefore usually not done at a very young boy. Phimosis also usually gets away by itself before or during puberty. If the opening in the foreskin tip is very narrow, the foreskin will often get inflated by urine during voiding, an occurrence called ballooning. Phimosis can cause inflammation in the foreskin and at the penile head, caused by gathering of smegma and substances from the urine, and subsequent growth of bacteria, but it does not occur in every case. The narrow foreskin can make sex and ejaculation cumbersome. In some boys the foreskin just does not widen, so it remains very narrow, and then you usually get the elastic type of phimosis. Other boys or men get infections or inflammations in the foreskin that produce scars and constrictions that make it difficult to pull it down, so you get the rigid type of phimosis. The infections are usually due to bad hygiene. The best way of preventing phimosis due to infections and scarring is daily to pull back very gently the foreskin as far as it gets without resistance, wash it well with some mild soap, and then flush it well. The parents should do this on yong boys, while older boys, teens and adults should do this by themselves. One should never try to force the foreskin down, however. Some doctors warn against using any kind of soap and recommend pure water. There are great cultural differences regarding treatment of phimosis between the regions of the World. At some places traditional treatment for phimosis has been circumcision. It has however been shown that phimosis can be cured in most instances without surgery, especially the elastic type: In boys before puberty, the simplest treatment is daily flushing with clean water under the foreskin to take away impurities, while waiting for the condition to resolve by itself. Complications or special susceptibility for infection, like in diabetic boys, can make more specific treatment necessary at an early age. Some boys may also feel it to be more comfortable after treatment. Salves with corticosteroids can also be used 4-6 weeks to make the foreskin softer and combine it with gentle daily attempts to pull the foreskin back. After some weeks the foreskin can usually be pulled back normally in 70% of the cases. On the market you can also find salves based on herbal extracts for the same use. A simple traditional and often successful treatment directed at the condition is each day to stretch the tip of the penis mechanically, and also gently pull it back as long as it gets without resistance, usually with the fingers. The method should preferably be done together with flushing and good washing around the tip. Older boys can learn to perform this method themselves. By the inelastic type of phimosis some kind of surgery will sometimes be necessary, but in many communities surgery is regarded as the last option due to several factors: It is difficult to obtain a real good result functionally and aesthetically by surgery, regardless of method. There is a risk for complications as infections, bleedings and scarring, and there is a risk connected to anesthesia. Circumcision will solve the initial problem, but a full circumcision will alter the penis in a way that the boy or man not always will be pleased with, even when the procedure is fully successful, and this operation also gives the greatest risk for all complications. In addition to the complications mentioned, the exposed penile head will be subjected to mechanical irritation, as a responce grow thicker, and can thereby loose sensitivity. Circumcision will leave a ring of scar just below the penile head that may not look good and feel uncomfortable. Also the reduced amount of skin on the penis can make erections more difficult. Often one can cut off an inelastic ring at the tip, and eventually also use the other methods some time afterwards. Some surgeons do a more complicated reshaping of the foreskin to widen it (preputial plasty), and in many countries in Europe this is the recommended method when surgery is necessary. When consulting a doctor for treatment of phimosis, one should disqus the methods available to find that which fits best the interest for the patient, which often will be a young boy, and not automatically accept a suggestion for circumcision. If the doctor is rigidly inclined towards circumcision, a second opinion should be consulted. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Knut Holt is a business consultant and marketer focusing on the health and erotic fields. At his site there is more information about health, fitness and sexuality. You can also find presentation of products to improve health, including sexual health, and of products in the categories hobby, automotive and apparel. ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- Nakedness in Norwegian Schools - Historic Account and Current Practice By Knut Holt In Norwegian schools, in the 1900es there were many daily weekly, monthly or yearly occations where children from 6-15 had to be naked, but there seemed to be differnces from town to town, between towns and rural areas and from school to schools. Here is an account of the practice of having children naked in certain primary chools in Oslo, the capital of Norway, in the 1960es and 1970es. GYM LESSONS Each class had a gym lesson at least every second day. Before the lesson all children had to strip naked and put on the gym clothes. After the lesson, the pupils once more stripped naked, took a shower, dryed themselves and then took on their street clothes. All this happeend in a common area where everybody could see each other, and under the supervision of the teacher. WASH HOUR Each saturday each class had a wash hour. They had to strip naked in a clothing room and then go into the washroom. They then had to stand in a tub and wash every part of the body systematically. A lady employed at the school superviced the washing procedure and also teached the pupils about proper washing. NUDE SWIMMING LESSONS All children were offered swimming lessons in the age of 11. Those did not occur in the school, but at several swim baths in the town. At a couple of these, the children had to be nude during the lessons. GENERAL SCHOOL PHYSICAL Each year every child had a general physical exam totaly nude in the office of the school nurse. 3 students were called down and had to take off all clothes under the supervision of an authority person employed at the school. Then the authority person followed each students into the adjacent exam room one by one while the other two sat waiting. Then all parts of the body were looked over and examined. Most years the nurse alone performed the exam, but at 7 and 14 a doctor performed the exam. When the nurse performed this exam, she only looked at the genitals and had the children bent forewrd during the scoliosis test in such a manner that she could also see the rectal opening. The doctor palpated the testicles at 7 and made a hernia test at 14. The doctor also spread the genital lips of the girls to look at the uretral and vaginal opening. EXTENSIVE PELVIC/UROLOGIC/GYNECOLOGIC EXAM At some localities in Norway all children had at least one extensive pelvic exam, both boys and girls in the age level 5-7 and 11-14, organized through the school system. These examinations conformed to a protocol and practice taking place at selected localities also in USA and other countries allied to USA, and the examination seemed to be a part of an international surveillance program of children that at least partly was held secret for the common public. The exam at the early age typically took place at a local hospital or health center. At the preteen age it typically happened at a special area in the school consisting of a room for preparation and recovery and an exam room. The child was called in by a letter from the school nurse. A parent took himher up to the preparation room. Here all clothes were taken off. The child had to pee and then lay on an examination table. Here the child got som medicine to fall in sleep and hinder much of the memory about the exam. Once in sleep the bowel of the child was flushed clean. The child was then brought to the adjacent examination room. What happened here, was inspection of the urethra and bladder with a cystosocpe, internal inspection of the vagina of girls and inspection of the lower digestive tract with a sigmoidoscope. This is perhaps the occation where the nakedness was at the extreme, because the student had to lay with hisher legs spread in stirrups. The child was then brought back to the first room to wake up and recover. The exam took quite a long time, fully 4 hours, and it seems that thay did two children each week. The exam was performed with a nurse and coctor coming from a health center and with the same authority person employed at the school to help. The child was not told beforhand what was to happen. This exam began much like an ordinary school physical, and all children were used to be naked during these physicals, so the children did nor suspect much. The anesthesia which was adimistered by a shot took gradually effect and the more intimate parts of the exam took place when the anesthesia was in full effect. Also it seems that one used ample doses of numbing medicines in the body openings during the prepartions and that everything was done extremely cautiously so that the child should not feel any pain or symptoms afterwards. Still children often could remember glimpses from the procedures. What most often was remembered were intsruments being inserted and that they lay totally naked with their legs widely spread. The medication that the children got, was however of a sort that made them mostly uninterested in the ordeals taking place, and uninterested in thinking and talking about things they remembered afterwards. Those of the children that remembered something seemed to have the attitude that this was something necessary for all children to go through and not anything to question further about. HOW DOES THE SCHOOL HEALTH SYSTEM WORK NOWADAYS Nowadays the exam program is less standardized and each child is treated more individually. There are still exams in the school health service at specific age levels, but what is done at these exams vary much according to the need one thinks that the child has. Parents and the children themselves get a lot of information material about these exams and when they will occur, but the material tells very little about the types of exams that might be done, it is like the school health service have a policy of secrecy. Often teachers send children to the school health service for a special assessment if there is something of concern, and Norwegian teachers are very eager to look for deviations that give reason for some special concern. Also the parents or the child himself can ask for an exam. After such an initial exam, the child is most often refered further to a hospital and health center for a more thorrough assessment. The assesments that seem to be most frequent are: - Pelvic assesment, often under general anesthesia or deep sedation, with endoscopic inspection through the urethra, vagina and anus. Usually all these inspections are done, but not necessarily at the same session. The inspection through the anus will often be a full colonoscopy. - Assessment of eyes, ears, vision and hearing. - Orthopedic assessment. - Psychological assessment. - Neurological assessment. Few Norwegian children go through their schooltime without being refered to at least one of these assessment types. If a child goes through a psychological, orthopedic and neurological assessment, heshe is likely to go through the endosopic pelvic procedures as the next step. CHILDREN'S HOUSES One of the most frequent concern schools, parents and child protective agencies have regarding children, is that the child is subjected for sexual abuse, being subjected to vieolence or to negelct. The Norwegion society alo defines these things very videly. The Norwegian society has established a system of instiitutions that children are refered to if one suspects even vagely that some kind of abuse has taken place. What happens in these institutions is as followe: - A general exam of the whoole body - A pelvic exam including genitals and anus, with specimen taking from the intimate openings. - Psychological assessment - Interrogation of the child by policed agencies - Research Thee establishemnts have an examination room equipped much like a gynecological office. By the examinations, pictures are taken of the body and pelvic area of the child and the authorities will keep these pictures for various use, including research. It has been difficult for me to find out if anesthesia is ever used during these exams or inspection with endosopes are used in the urinary system or anus, but vaginal exam with speculum and other instruments occur. I think, however, that more occurs than that decribed in open sources. This link shows a picture of such an examination room: By Knut Holt For more interesting information about health, fitness and sexuality, please go to this page: ------------------------------------------------------------------ By the way, did doctors/nurses ever put you to sleep in a hospital, health center or even at school, and were not told what they did with you under the anesthesia, or you suspect more happened than the things that were told, pleace take this poll. ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ What is Meditation - How to Meditate Expert Author Knut Holt Meditation is a group of mental training techniques .You can use meditation to improve mental health and capacities, and also to help improve the physical health. Some of these techniques are very simple, so you can learn them from a book or an article; others require guidance by a qualified meditation teacher. WHAT IS MEDITATION Most techniques called meditation include these components: 1. You sit or lie in a relaxed position. 2. You breathe regularly. You breathe in deep enough to get enough oxygen. When you breathe out, you relax your muscles so that your lungs are well emptied, but without straining. 3. You stop thinking about everyday problems and matters. 4. You concentrate your thoughts upon some sound, some word you repeat, some image, some abstract concept or some feeling. Your whole attention should be pointed at the object you have chosen to concentrate upon. 5. If some foreign thoughts creep in, you just stop this foreign thought, and go back to the object of meditation. The different meditation techniques differ according to the degree of concentration, and how foreign thoughts are handled. By some techniques, the objective is to concentrate so intensely that no foreign thoughts occur at all. In other techniques, the concentration is more relaxed so that foreign thoughts easily pop up. When these foreign thoughts are discovered, one stops these and goes back to the pure meditation in a relaxed manner. Thoughts coming up, will often be about things you have forgotten or suppressed, and allow you to rediscover hidden memory material. This rediscovery will have a psychotherapeutic effect. THE EFFECTS OF MEDITATION Meditation has the following effects: 1. Meditation will give you rest and recreation. 2. You learn to relax. 3. You learn to concentrate better on problem solving. 4. Meditation often has a good effect upon the blood pressure. 5. Meditation has beneficial effects upon inner body processes, like circulation, respiration and digestion. 6. Regular meditation will have a psychotherapeutically effect. 7. Regular meditation will facilitate the immune system. 8. Meditation is usually pleacent. THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN HYPNOSIS AND MEDITATION Hypnosis may have some of the same relaxing and psychotherapeutic effects as meditation. However, when you meditate you are in control yourself; by hypnosis you let some other person or some mechanical device control you. Also hypnosis will not have a training effect upon the ability to concentrate. A SIMPLE FORM OF MEDITATION Here is a simple form of meditation: 1. Sit in a good chair in a comfortable position. 2. Relax all your muscles as well as you can. 3. Stop thinking about anything, or at least try not to think about anything. 4. Breath out, relaxing all the muscles in your breathing apparatus. 5. Repeat the following in 10 - 20 minutes: -- Breath in so deep that you feel you get enough oxygen. -- Breath out, relaxing your chest and diaphragm completely. -- Every time you breathe out, think the word "one" or another simple word inside yourself. You should think the word in a prolonged manner, and so that you hear it inside you, but you should try to avoid using your mouth or voice. 6. If foreign thoughts come in, just stop these thoughts in a relaxed manner, and keep on concentrating upon the breathing and the word you repeat. As you proceed through this meditation, you should feel steadily more relaxed in your mind and body, feel that you breathe steadily more effectively, and that the blood circulation throughout your body gets more efficient. You may also feel an increasing mental pleasure throughout the meditation. THE EFFECTS OF MEDITATION UPON DISEASES As any kind of training, meditation may be exaggerated so that you get tired and worn out. Therefore you should not meditate so long or so concentrated that you feel tired or mentally emptied. Meditation may sometimes give problems for people suffering from mental diseases, epilepsy, serious heart problems or neurological diseases. On the other hand, meditation may be of help in the treatment of these and other conditions. People suffering from such conditions should check out what effects the different kinds of meditation have on their own kind of health problems, before beginning to practise meditation, and be cautious if they choose to begin to meditate. It may be wise to learn meditation from an experienced teacher, psychologist or health worker that use meditation as a treatment module for the actual disease. Knut Holt is an internet consultant and marketer focusing on health items. Please go here to find anti-aging supplements, medicines against acne, eczema, scars, wrinkles, other skin problems and natural medicines against many common diseases. Free to reprint and reformat as long as the authors name and his link follow. Article Source: [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |