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hands beauty care your nails kwsf-002 -- farhan sabir, 03:57:52 01/14/09 Wed (NoHost/
Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well. Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening. visit: http://nikhar-e-arab.com/nailcare.html
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Hands beauty care your nails. (old) -- raza, 04:07:37 01/14/09 Wed (NoHost/
Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well. Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening. visit: http://nikhar-e-arab.com/nailcare.html
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Hands beauty care your nails ODD2225 -- Anwar Ahmed Khan, 04:24:31 01/14/09 Wed (NoHost/
Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well. Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening. visit: http://nikhar-e-arab.com/nailcare.html
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Hands beauty care your nails. (ODJ2239) -- MOHAMMAD HASHSHAM IQBAL, 08:25:45 01/14/09 Wed (khi77.pie.net.pk/
Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well. Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening. visit: http://nikhar-e-arab.com/nailcare.html
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Hands beauty care your nails. (kwsd-395) -- umair, 12:34:24 01/14/09 Wed (NoHost/
Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well. Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening. visit: http://nikhar-e-arab.com/nailcare.html
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How to speed up metabolism (ODA2170) -- Karim Khiyani, 01:28:29 01/15/09 Thu (static-host202-61-44-19.link.net.pk/
Don't skip breakfast. You will lose weight more quickly if you have a bite to eat in the morning. Drink hot water with lemon Eat hot meals rather than cold. Your metabolism speeds up very slightly when you eat and again if the food is hot. Do at least thirty minutes of cardiovascular exercise, five days a week. This will condition you to burn fat more efficiently. Don't deprive your body of carbohydrates, no matter what they say.
You need carbs for energy and will feel terrible without them. Wear a pedometer and see that you take 1,000 steps every day. If you have a sit-down job, get up every hour and walk around for five minutes or so. Dedicate two hours a week to weight training, concentrating on the larger muscles. Every other day is optimal. visit: http://nikhar-e-arab.com/spendupmetabolism.html
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Welcome on links to everywhere.(ODD2225) -- ANWAR AHMED KHAN, 13:00:35 01/15/09 Thu (58-27-145-56.wateen.net/
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Welcome on links to everywhere. (KDEF-398) -- Fahad, 14:33:27 01/15/09 Thu (pxy.khi.dancom.net.pk/
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Welcome on links to everywhere ODD2225 -- Anwar Ahmed Khan, 19:57:22 01/15/09 Thu (NoHost/
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Hands beauty care your nails. (KWSR-436) -- Raheed, 23:05:44 01/21/09 Wed (tw118-static130.tw1.com/
Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well. Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening. visit: http://nikhar-e-arab.com/nailcare.html
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Hands beauty care your nails.(kdel-367) -- luqman suleman, 23:10:38 01/21/09 Wed (pxy.khi.dancom.net.pk/
Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well. Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening. visit: http://nikhar-e-arab.com/nailcare.html
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Hands beauty care your nails. (KDEF-398) -- Fahad, 23:35:15 01/21/09 Wed (pxy.khi.dancom.net.pk/
Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well. Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening. visit: http://nikhar-e-arab.com/nailcare.html
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Hands beauty care your nails. (KDEH-446) -- haris khan, 04:56:06 01/22/09 Thu (tw118-static56.tw1.com/
Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well. Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening. visit: http://nikhar-e-arab.com/nailcare.html
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Hands beauty care your nails. KDEI-003 -- imran khan, 06:52:42 01/22/09 Thu (NoHost/
Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well. Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening. visit: http://nikhar-e-arab.com/nailcare.html
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Hands beauty care your nails. (old) -- raza, 07:30:27 01/22/09 Thu (NoHost/
Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well. Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening. visit: http://nikhar-e-arab.com/nailcare.html
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Hands beauty care your nails. KWSR-390 -- ronald gill, 06:50:52 01/23/09 Fri (pxy.khi.dancom.net.pk/
Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well. Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening. visit: http://nikhar-e-arab.com/nailcare.html
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Welcome on links to everywhere. (KDEF-398) -- Fahad, 14:55:35 01/23/09 Fri (pxy.khi.dancom.net.pk/
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Canada Pension Plan.(ODJ2246) -- Malik Mohammad Zahid, 12:08:46 01/24/09 Sat (NoHost/
A small part of your pay cheque goes into this plan. When you retire, you will receive a monthly pension from the federal government. The amount will vary according to how many years you worked in Canada before retiring and what your salary was.Residents of Quebec pay into the Quebec Pension Plan, which works the same way as the federal plan. These plans also include survivor's pensions for the spouses of deceased pensioners, disability pensions and death benefits.for more information and useful tips abput it visit: http://settlement_in_canada.sitesled.com/pension.htm
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Canada Pension Plan (KWSR-390) -- Ronald Gill, 15:27:14 01/24/09 Sat (pxy.khi.dancom.net.pk/
A small part of your pay cheque goes into this plan. When you retire, you will receive a monthly pension from the federal government. The amount will vary according to how many years you worked in Canada before retiring and what your salary was.Residents of Quebec pay into the Quebec Pension Plan, which works the same way as the federal plan. These plans also include survivor's pensions for the spouses of deceased pensioners, disability pensions and death benefits.for more information and useful tips abput it visit: http://settlement_in_canada.sitesled.com/pension.htm
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Canada Pension Plan.(KWSR-436) -- Raheed, 17:21:51 01/24/09 Sat (pxy.khi.dancom.net.pk/
A small part of your pay cheque goes into this plan. When you retire, you will receive a monthly pension from the federal government. The amount will vary according to how many years you worked in Canada before retiring and what your salary was.Residents of Quebec pay into the Quebec Pension Plan, which works the same way as the federal plan. These plans also include survivor's pensions for the spouses of deceased pensioners, disability pensions and death benefits.for more information and useful tips abput it visit: http://settlement_in_canada.sitesled.com/pension.htm
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Different languages(ODA2170) -- Karim Khiyani, 10:55:29 01/30/09 Fri (pxy.khi.dancom.net.pk/
Under the Official Languages Act, Canada is an officially bilingual country. This means that Canadians have the right to get federal government services in English or French, no matter what part of Canada they are living in. New Brunswick is the only province that is officially bilingual.New Brunswick residents receive services in both official languages from all of their provincial government departments and agencies.In Quebec, French is the official language and in most cases, provincial and municipal services are provided in French.In the other provinces and territories, English is the official language, and the availability of provincial services in both official languages varies.At the municipal level, the availability of services in both official languages varies greatly. visit: http://settlement_in_canada.sitesled.com/biling.htm
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Different languages(XXX) -- Asif Ali, 11:48:24 01/31/09 Sat (NoHost/
Under the Official Languages Act, Canada is an officially bilingual country. This means that Canadians have the right to get federal government services in English or French, no matter what part of Canada they are living in. New Brunswick is the only province that is officially bilingual.New Brunswick residents receive services in both official languages from all of their provincial government departments and agencies.In Quebec, French is the official language and in most cases, provincial and municipal services are provided in French.In the other provinces and territories, English is the official language, and the availability of provincial services in both official languages varies.At the municipal level, the availability of services in both official languages varies greatly. visit: http://settlement_in_canada.sitesled.com/biling.htm
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General information of Canada(kwsr-390) -- ronald gill, 18:26:37 02/03/09 Tue (pxy.khi.dancom.net.pk/
Canada consists of 10 provinces and three territories in five main regions: the Atlantic
region, Central Canada, the Prairies, the West Coast and the North. The culture and
population are different in each region. The Atlantic region consists of the provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador. Activities such as fishing, farming, forestry, tourism and mining are important to the Atlantic economy.Central Canada consists of the provinces of Ontario and Quebec. This is the most populated region of the country. Together, Ontario and Quebec produce more than three-quarters of all Canadian manufactured goods.The Prairies include the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Much of the land is flat and fertile, excellent for farming and rich in energy resources. In western Alberta, the Prairies end and the Rocky Mountains begin. The Canadian Rockies include some of the largest peaks in North America. On the West Coast, the province of British Columbia is famous for its mountain ranges and forests. Natural resources such as lumber and fish are important to the economy. Fruit farming is also a major industry, as is tourism.The North consists of Canada's three territories: Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. Together, they make up over one-third of Canada's land mass. Northern resources include oil, natural gas, gold, lead and zinc. visit: http://settlement_in_canada.sitesled.com/chapter6.htm
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Different languages(ODD2226) -- Zeshan Habib, 05:04:56 02/04/09 Wed (
Under the Official Languages Act, Canada is an officially bilingual country. This means that Canadians have the right to get federal government services in English or French, no matter what part of Canada they are living in. New Brunswick is the only province that is officially bilingual.New Brunswick residents receive services in both official languages from all of their provincial government departments and agencies.In Quebec, French is the official language and in most cases, provincial and municipal services are provided in French.In the other provinces and territories, English is the official language, and the availability of provincial services in both official languages varies.At the municipal level, the availability of services in both official languages varies greatly. visit: http://settlement_in_canada.sitesled.com/biling.htm
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Be a Search Engine Marketers.(ODJ2239) -- Mohammad Hashsham Iqbal, 02:18:59 02/11/09 Wed (NoHost/
The Complete 90 days Crash Course of
S erch E ngine O ppptimizer .
and get the job of 30,000 to 60,000 a month in
M.S.K Enterprises .
Addmission is very limited .
Addission Fees is 5000 Rs/- .
For ore details: http://www.msk-enterprises.net/SEO.htm
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Canada Pension Plan.(KWSR-390) -- Ronald Gill, 12:16:16 02/11/09 Wed (pxy.khi.dancom.net.pk/
A small part of your pay cheque goes into this plan. When you retire, you will receive a monthly pension from the federal government. The amount will vary according to how many years you worked in Canada before retiring and what your salary was.Residents of Quebec pay into the Quebec Pension Plan, which works the same way as the federal plan. These plans also include survivor's pensions for the spouses of deceased pensioners, disability pensions and death benefits.for more information and useful tips abput it visit: http://settlement_in_canada.sitesled.com/pension.htm
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General information of Canada(kwsr-390) -- ronald gill, 10:32:18 02/13/09 Fri (pxy.khi.dancom.net.pk/
Canada consists of 10 provinces and three territories in five main regions: the Atlantic
region, Central Canada, the Prairies, the West Coast and the North. The culture and
population are different in each region. The Atlantic region consists of the provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador. Activities such as fishing, farming, forestry, tourism and mining are important to the Atlantic economy.Central Canada consists of the provinces of Ontario and Quebec. This is the most populated region of the country. Together, Ontario and Quebec produce more than three-quarters of all Canadian manufactured goods.The Prairies include the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Much of the land is flat and fertile, excellent for farming and rich in energy resources. In western Alberta, the Prairies end and the Rocky Mountains begin. The Canadian Rockies include some of the largest peaks in North America. On the West Coast, the province of British Columbia is famous for its mountain ranges and forests. Natural resources such as lumber and fish are important to the economy. Fruit farming is also a major industry, as is tourism.The North consists of Canada's three territories: Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. Together, they make up over one-third of Canada's land mass. Northern resources include oil, natural gas, gold, lead and zinc. visit: http://settlement_in_canada.sitesled.com/chapter6.htm
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Be a Search Engine Marketers.(ODD2226) -- Zeshan Habib, 03:08:50 02/17/09 Tue (
The Complete 90 days Crash Course of
S erch E ngine O ppptimizer .
and get the job of 30,000 to 60,000 a month in
M.S.K Enterprises .
Addmission is very limited .
Addission Fees is 5000 Rs/- .
For ore details: http://www.msk-enterprises.net/SEO.htm
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Be a Search Engine Marketers. (ODA2170) -- Karim Khiyani, 06:48:29 02/17/09 Tue (static-host202-61-41-14.link.net.pk/
The Complete 90 days Crash Course of
S erch E ngine O ppptimizer .
and get the job of 30,000 to 60,000 a month in
M.S.K Enterprises .
Addmission is very limited .
Addission Fees is 5000 Rs/- .
For ore details: http://www.msk-enterprises.net/SEO.htm
Optional Link URL:
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General information of Canada(kwsr-390) -- ronald gill, 08:49:28 02/17/09 Tue (NoHost/
Canada consists of 10 provinces and three territories in five main regions: the Atlantic
region, Central Canada, the Prairies, the West Coast and the North. The culture and
population are different in each region. The Atlantic region consists of the provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador. Activities such as fishing, farming, forestry, tourism and mining are important to the Atlantic economy.Central Canada consists of the provinces of Ontario and Quebec. This is the most populated region of the country. Together, Ontario and Quebec produce more than three-quarters of all Canadian manufactured goods.The Prairies include the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Much of the land is flat and fertile, excellent for farming and rich in energy resources. In western Alberta, the Prairies end and the Rocky Mountains begin. The Canadian Rockies include some of the largest peaks in North America. On the West Coast, the province of British Columbia is famous for its mountain ranges and forests. Natural resources such as lumber and fish are important to the economy. Fruit farming is also a major industry, as is tourism.The North consists of Canada's three territories: Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. Together, they make up over one-third of Canada's land mass. Northern resources include oil, natural gas, gold, lead and zinc. visit: http://settlement_in_canada.sitesled.com/chapter6.htm
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Canada Pension Plan.(KWSR-390) -- Ronald Gill, 10:19:25 02/17/09 Tue (NoHost/
A small part of your pay cheque goes into this plan. When you retire, you will receive a monthly pension from the federal government. The amount will vary according to how many years you worked in Canada before retiring and what your salary was.Residents of Quebec pay into the Quebec Pension Plan, which works the same way as the federal plan. These plans also include survivor's pensions for the spouses of deceased pensioners, disability pensions and death benefits.for more information and useful tips abput it visit: http://settlement_in_canada.sitesled.com/pension.htm
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History of Canada(ODF2256) -- mirza, 14:02:38 02/17/09 Tue (NoHost/
Canada is a land of many cultures and many peoples. Aboriginal peoples have occupied the territory now called Canada for several thousands of years. Everybody else, either by birth or by descent, has been an immigrant - we have all come from somewhere else. It has been said that Canada is a "nation of immigrants."There are three main groups of Aboriginal peoples in Canada: the First Nations, the Inuit and the Mtis. There are more than 50 different languages spoken by Canada's Aboriginal peoples, most of which are spoken only in Canada. In fact, the name "Canada" may have come from the word "Kanata," which means a settlement in the language of the Huron-Iroquois First Nations peoples. As a country, Canada came into being on July 1, 1867. This event is known as "Confederation." Before 1867, the French arrived first, then the British. Each brought their own language, system of government, laws and culture. In 1763, after a long war between the British and the French, all of Canada came under British rule and was known as "British North America." In the late 18th and into the 19th century, during and after the time of the American Revolution, many African-Americans and United Empire Loyalists fled the United States for Canada, where British ties remained and slavery had been abolished. During the mid- to late 19th and early 20th century, waves of immigrants arrived from Europe, attracted by the opportunity of a new and better life in Canada. Some settled in towns and cities; others worked in factories, mines and lumber camps. Many were farmers who turned the Prairie region into wheat fields. Asian immigrants from China, Japan and India settled mainly in the western provinces during this time. Many immigrants helped build Canada's national railways, which joined the east and west coasts and opened up the interior for settlement. After both world wars, thousands of Europeans came to Canada as immigrants and refugees and helped build Canada's post-war economy. Over the last 50 years, people from all over the globe have sought a better life or have sought refuge in Canada, fleeing civil wars, political unrest and natural disasters. Canada still needs the skills, talents and enthusiasm of newcomers to build our country, together with those who have come before them. All of this has been reflected in Canada's immigration and refugee policies. Today, Canada is home to immigrants from more than 240 countries. Most newcomers decide to become citizens of Canada, after they are settled and have met the requirements of Canadian citizenship. visit: http://settlement_in_canada.sitesled.com/history.htm
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General information of Canada(kwsr-390) -- ronald gill, 07:55:40 02/19/09 Thu (NoHost/
Canada consists of 10 provinces and three territories in five main regions: the Atlantic
region, Central Canada, the Prairies, the West Coast and the North. The culture and
population are different in each region. The Atlantic region consists of the provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador. Activities such as fishing, farming, forestry, tourism and mining are important to the Atlantic economy.Central Canada consists of the provinces of Ontario and Quebec. This is the most populated region of the country. Together, Ontario and Quebec produce more than three-quarters of all Canadian manufactured goods.The Prairies include the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Much of the land is flat and fertile, excellent for farming and rich in energy resources. In western Alberta, the Prairies end and the Rocky Mountains begin. The Canadian Rockies include some of the largest peaks in North America. On the West Coast, the province of British Columbia is famous for its mountain ranges and forests. Natural resources such as lumber and fish are important to the economy. Fruit farming is also a major industry, as is tourism.The North consists of Canada's three territories: Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. Together, they make up over one-third of Canada's land mass. Northern resources include oil, natural gas, gold, lead and zinc. visit: http://settlement_in_canada.sitesled.com/chapter6.htm
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General information of Canada(KDEM-1110) -- Zafar Iqbal, 09:14:52 02/19/09 Thu (NoHost/
Canada consists of 10 provinces and three territories in five main regions: the Atlantic
region, Central Canada, the Prairies, the West Coast and the North. The culture and
population are different in each region. The Atlantic region consists of the provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador. Activities such as fishing, farming, forestry, tourism and mining are important to the Atlantic economy.Central Canada consists of the provinces of Ontario and Quebec. This is the most populated region of the country. Together, Ontario and Quebec produce more than three-quarters of all Canadian manufactured goods.The Prairies include the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Much of the land is flat and fertile, excellent for farming and rich in energy resources. In western Alberta, the Prairies end and the Rocky Mountains begin. The Canadian Rockies include some of the largest peaks in North America. On the West Coast, the province of British Columbia is famous for its mountain ranges and forests. Natural resources such as lumber and fish are important to the economy. Fruit farming is also a major industry, as is tourism.The North consists of Canada's three territories: Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. Together, they make up over one-third of Canada's land mass. Northern resources include oil, natural gas, gold, lead and zinc. visit: http://settlement_in_canada.sitesled.com/chapter6.htm
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Different languages. (ods1908 ) -- sohail ahmed, 11:58:09 02/19/09 Thu (NoHost/
Under the Official Languages Act, Canada is an officially bilingual country. This means that Canadians have the right to get federal government services in English or French, no matter what part of Canada they are living in. New Brunswick is the only province that is officially bilingual.New Brunswick residents receive services in both official languages from all of their provincial government departments and agencies.In Quebec, French is the official language and in most cases, provincial and municipal services are provided in French.In the other provinces and territories, English is the official language, and the availability of provincial services in both official languages varies.At the municipal level, the availability of services in both official languages varies greatly. visit: http://settlement_in_canada.sitesled.com/biling.htm
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General information of Canada (KDEN-1119) -- nahid, 14:03:16 02/19/09 Thu (tw118-static3.tw1.com/
Canada consists of 10 provinces and three territories in five main regions: the Atlantic
region, Central Canada, the Prairies, the West Coast and the North. The culture and
population are different in each region. The Atlantic region consists of the provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador. Activities such as fishing, farming, forestry, tourism and mining are important to the Atlantic economy.Central Canada consists of the provinces of Ontario and Quebec. This is the most populated region of the country. Together, Ontario and Quebec produce more than three-quarters of all Canadian manufactured goods.The Prairies include the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Much of the land is flat and fertile, excellent for farming and rich in energy resources. In western Alberta, the Prairies end and the Rocky Mountains begin. The Canadian Rockies include some of the largest peaks in North America. On the West Coast, the province of British Columbia is famous for its mountain ranges and forests. Natural resources such as lumber and fish are important to the economy. Fruit farming is also a major industry, as is tourism.The North consists of Canada's three territories: Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. Together, they make up over one-third of Canada's land mass. Northern resources include oil, natural gas, gold, lead and zinc. visit: http://settlement_in_canada.sitesled.com/chapter6.htm
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Canada Pension Plan.(ODF2256) -- TAUSIF BAIG, 21:04:58 02/19/09 Thu (NoHost/
Even if you have many years of experience, you do not automatically have the right to practise your trade or profession in Canada.In most cases, you will need to have your credentials assessed to see whether you need more training, education or Canadian work experience before being qualified to practise.You may wish to get your credentials evaluated before you leave for Canada. The following organizations can tell you how to get your credentials assessed.The Canadian Information Centre for International Credentials Web site (www.cicic.ca) has information on academic and occupational credentials for all of Canada and lists nearly 200 professions and trades, in alphabetical order.When you click on your profession or trade, you will find a link to the address and telephone number of the professional or trade association, the addresses and telephone numbers of provincial evaluation services and regulatory agencies, and labour market information (for example, whether there is a demand for people with your particular trade or profession). You will also be able to find out whether your profession or trade is regulated.The Centre does not grant equivalencies or assess credentials. It gives advice and refers newcomers to sources of help. To contact the Centre by mail, write to: visit: http://settlement_in_canada.sitesled.com/eduassess.htm
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Employment in regulated professions and trades in Canada.(KWSR-390) -- Ronald Gill, 08:01:48 02/21/09 Sat (static-host202-61-44-46.link.net.pk/
In Canada, about 20 percent of jobs are regulated by the government to protect public health and safety.For example, nurses, doctors, engineers, teachers and electricians all work in regulated professions.People who want to work in regulated jobs need to get a licence from the regulatory body in the province in which they live.If you want to know more about how to enter a particular profession or trade in a particular province, you should contact the provincial regulatory body for that job.The professions are selfregulating and they administer the provincial laws that apply to their profession. Rules for entering professions also differ from province to province. for more information visit: http://settlement_in_canada.sitesled.com/employment.htm
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Employment in regulated professions and trades in Canada.(OEF2258) -- SARWAR ALEEM IKRAM, 15:26:43 02/21/09 Sat (NoHost/
In Canada, about 20 percent of jobs are regulated by the government to protect public health and safety.For example, nurses, doctors, engineers, teachers and electricians all work in regulated professions.People who want to work in regulated jobs need to get a licence from the regulatory body in the province in which they live.If you want to know more about how to enter a particular profession or trade in a particular province, you should contact the provincial regulatory body for that job.The professions are selfregulating and they administer the provincial laws that apply to their profession. Rules for entering professions also differ from province to province. for more information visit: http://settlement_in_canada.sitesled.com/employment.htm
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Employment in regulated professions and trades in Canada.(KDEM-1110) -- zafar iqbal, 13:19:15 02/22/09 Sun (NoHost/
In Canada, about 20 percent of jobs are regulated by the government to protect public health and safety.For example, nurses, doctors, engineers, teachers and electricians all work in regulated professions.People who want to work in regulated jobs need to get a licence from the regulatory body in the province in which they live.If you want to know more about how to enter a particular profession or trade in a particular province, you should contact the provincial regulatory body for that job.The professions are selfregulating and they administer the provincial laws that apply to their profession. Rules for entering professions also differ from province to province. for more information visit: http://settlement_in_canada.sitesled.com/employment.htm
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Hands beauty care your nails.kdeu-454 -- umair ali khan, 00:16:42 01/14/09 Wed (NoHost/
Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well. Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening. visit: http://nikhar-e-arab.com/nailcare.html
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Hands beauty care your nails.kdeu-454 -- Umair Ali Khan, 00:25:39 02/23/09 Mon (NoHost/
>Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of
>your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will
>help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the
>remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal
>time to the other hand. Before color is applied to
>nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do
>this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped
>with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub
>over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any
>creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be
>ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small
>amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke
>down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold
>just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides
>of the nail and you are done. The nail should be
>completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for
>a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait
>until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply
>the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds
>life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as
>well. Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and
>when they are dry, store them away until the next
>manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the
>fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning
>with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from
>sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent
>this from happening. visit:
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Welcome on links to everywhere.(KDEM-1110) -- zafar iqbal, 06:59:34 02/23/09 Mon (NoHost/
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Be a Search Engine Marketers.(odjan2222) -- M.RAMEEZ, 02:34:30 02/24/09 Tue (NoHost/
The Complete 90 days Crash Course of
S erch E ngine O ppptimizer .
and get the job of 30,000 to 60,000 a month in
M.S.K Enterprises .
Addmission is very limited .
Addission Fees is 5000 Rs/- .
For ore details: http://www.msk-enterprises.net/SEO.htm
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Canada Pension Plan.(KDEM-1110) -- zafar iqbal, 08:52:15 02/24/09 Tue (NoHost/
A small part of your pay cheque goes into this plan. When you retire, you will receive a monthly pension from the federal government. The amount will vary according to how many years you worked in Canada before retiring and what your salary was.Residents of Quebec pay into the Quebec Pension Plan, which works the same way as the federal plan. These plans also include survivor's pensions for the spouses of deceased pensioners, disability pensions and death benefits.for more information and useful tips abput it visit: http://settlement_in_canada.sitesled.com/pension.htm
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Employment in regulated professions and trades in Canada.(KDEA-3330) -- Ali Akbar Khan, 03:36:08 02/25/09 Wed (NoHost/
In Canada, about 20 percent of jobs are regulated by the government to protect public health and safety.For example, nurses, doctors, engineers, teachers and electricians all work in regulated professions.People who want to work in regulated jobs need to get a licence from the regulatory body in the province in which they live.If you want to know more about how to enter a particular profession or trade in a particular province, you should contact the provincial regulatory body for that job.The professions are selfregulating and they administer the provincial laws that apply to their profession. Rules for entering professions also differ from province to province. for more information visit: http://settlement_in_canada.sitesled.com/employment.htm
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Employment in regulated professions and trades in Canada.(KDEM-1110) -- Zafar Iqbal, 08:39:40 02/25/09 Wed (NoHost/
In Canada, about 20 percent of jobs are regulated by the government to protect public health and safety.For example, nurses, doctors, engineers, teachers and electricians all work in regulated professions.People who want to work in regulated jobs need to get a licence from the regulatory body in the province in which they live.If you want to know more about how to enter a particular profession or trade in a particular province, you should contact the provincial regulatory body for that job.The professions are selfregulating and they administer the provincial laws that apply to their profession. Rules for entering professions also differ from province to province. for more information visit: http://settlement_in_canada.sitesled.com/employment.htm
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Employment in regulated professions and trades in Canada.(KDEA-3330) -- Ali Akbar Khan, 19:10:46 03/02/09 Mon (NoHost/
In Canada, about 20 percent of jobs are regulated by the government to protect public health and safety.For example, nurses, doctors, engineers, teachers and electricians all work in regulated professions.People who want to work in regulated jobs need to get a licence from the regulatory body in the province in which they live.If you want to know more about how to enter a particular profession or trade in a particular province, you should contact the provincial regulatory body for that job.The professions are selfregulating and they administer the provincial laws that apply to their profession. Rules for entering professions also differ from province to province. for more information visit: http://settlement_in_canada.sitesled.com/employment.htm
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Reduce Varicose Veins. (KWSD-395) -- umair, 22:25:23 03/03/09 Tue (NoHost/
High collars shortens necks. Tight tops with short sleeves and breast pocket is detracting from your figure. Shoes with straps shortens your legs. The torso can be shortened or narrowed with seam lines, belts, bows, and collars. A short necklace can shorten your neck. A scarf or belt that hangs down toward the legs will make the legs appear longer. Knitted texture, lace, floras, prints, and plaids can assist in creating an illusion. Thicker vertical lines in plaids lengthens and slims. Wear a larger print where you want people to look and smaller print where you do not want them to look. An all over print can camouflage figure problems, but prints here and there can create a fuller you. Prints around the neck and over the shoulder can make your shoulders appear wider. Just wear prints near the parts of your figure's assets, because they are usually more eye catching than a solid color. When buying pants be sure they fit well. Defects are emphasized in a pair of pants that may go unnoticed in a skirt. Petite women. Petite women need to keep clothes in line, slim narrow belts. A slight contrast in colors and fitted lines will flatter you endlessly. Also stay with fabrics that are soft and flowing that fits well. Over powering prints should be avoided. visit: http://nikhar-e-arab.com/fashionforyou.html
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Welcome on links to everywhere. -- zahid, 07:15:58 03/04/09 Wed (NoHost/
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Be a Search Engine Marketers.(ODD2226) -- Zeshan Habib, 00:45:06 03/05/09 Thu (
The Complete 90 days Crash Course of
S erch E ngine O ppptimizer .
and get the job of 30,000 to 60,000 a month in
M.S.K Enterprises .
Addmission is very limited .
Addission Fees is 5000 Rs/- .
For ore details: http://www.msk-enterprises.net/SEO.htm
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Canada Pension Plan.(KDEA-3330) -- Ali Akbar Khan, 09:53:56 03/05/09 Thu (NoHost/
A small part of your pay cheque goes into this plan. When you retire, you will receive a monthly pension from the federal government. The amount will vary according to how many years you worked in Canada before retiring and what your salary was.Residents of Quebec pay into the Quebec Pension Plan, which works the same way as the federal plan. These plans also include survivor's pensions for the spouses of deceased pensioners, disability pensions and death benefits.for more information and useful tips abput it visit: http://settlement_in_canada.sitesled.com/pension.htm
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Canada Pension Plan.(KDEM-1110) -- Zafar Iqbal, 11:34:59 03/05/09 Thu (NoHost/
A small part of your pay cheque goes into this plan. When you retire, you will receive a monthly pension from the federal government. The amount will vary according to how many years you worked in Canada before retiring and what your salary was.Residents of Quebec pay into the Quebec Pension Plan, which works the same way as the federal plan. These plans also include survivor's pensions for the spouses of deceased pensioners, disability pensions and death benefits.for more information and useful tips abput it visit: http://settlement_in_canada.sitesled.com/pension.htm
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Canada Pension Plan. (KDEM-1110) -- M Naeem Sabir, 19:42:58 03/14/09 Sat (NoHost/
A small part of your pay cheque goes into this plan. When you retire, you will receive a monthly pension from the federal government. The amount will vary according to how many years you worked in Canada before retiring and what your salary was.Residents of Quebec pay into the Quebec Pension Plan, which works the same way as the federal plan. These plans also include survivor's pensions for the spouses of deceased pensioners, disability pensions and death benefits.for more information and useful tips abput it visit: http://settlement_in_canada.sitesled.com/pension.htm
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Employment in regulated professions and trades in Canada. -- asifzahid, 10:08:12 03/16/09 Mon (NoHost/
In Canada, about 20 percent of jobs are regulated by the government to protect public health and safety.For example, nurses, doctors, engineers, teachers and electricians all work in regulated professions.People who want to work in regulated jobs need to get a licence from the regulatory body in the province in which they live.If you want to know more about how to enter a particular profession or trade in a particular province, you should contact the provincial regulatory body for that job.The professions are selfregulating and they administer the provincial laws that apply to their profession. Rules for entering professions also differ from province to province. for more information visit: http://settlement_in_canada.sitesled.com/employment.htm
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Employment in regulated professions and trades in Canada. (KDEM-1110) -- M Naeem Sabir, 18:36:09 03/16/09 Mon (NoHost/
In Canada, about 20 percent of jobs are regulated by the government to protect public health and safety.For example, nurses, doctors, engineers, teachers and electricians all work in regulated professions.People who want to work in regulated jobs need to get a licence from the regulatory body in the province in which they live.If you want to know more about how to enter a particular profession or trade in a particular province, you should contact the provincial regulatory body for that job.The professions are selfregulating and they administer the provincial laws that apply to their profession. Rules for entering professions also differ from province to province. for more information visit: http://settlement_in_canada.sitesled.com/employment.htm
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Immigration counter checklist (ODMarch-2269) -- Ambreen Nasir, 08:56:07 03/17/09 Tue (ftth-customer.connect2b.net/
* Have you gathered all of your essential and important documents? Have you had them translated into English or French?
* Have you considered buying health insurance for the time you are travelling and for the short period before you become eligible for Canada's medicare system?
* Do you know what you can and cannot bring into Canada?
* Have you prepared yourself for finding work in Canada?
* Have you researched Canada's labour market in general? Have you used the Internet to learn about finding work in Canada?
* Have you considered living in one of Canada's smaller or medium-sized cities, or in a rural community? Have you used the Internet to learn about these choices?
* Have you considered the season and climate you will find when you arrive, and the clothing that you will need?
* Have you considered contacting an immigrant-serving organization soon after you arrive in Canada?
* Have you considered taking English or French lessons through the LINC (Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada) program?
The best way to adjust to your new home will be to get involved! Try to speak English or French as much as possible, even if you make mistakes. Ask questions when you need help. Most people are pleased to help and will understand your needs. With time, you will feel more and more at home. Canada and Canadians will welcome you and your family into the larger Canadian family. Good luck on your journey! visit: http://settlement_in_canada.sitesled.com
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Welcome on links to everywhere. -- asifzahid, 10:35:13 03/17/09 Tue (NoHost/
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Immigration counter checklist (XXX) -- waheed, 12:23:02 03/17/09 Tue (NoHost/
* Have you gathered all of your essential and important documents? Have you had them translated into English or French?
* Have you considered buying health insurance for the time you are travelling and for the short period before you become eligible for Canada's medicare system?
* Do you know what you can and cannot bring into Canada?
* Have you prepared yourself for finding work in Canada?
* Have you researched Canada's labour market in general? Have you used the Internet to learn about finding work in Canada?
* Have you considered living in one of Canada's smaller or medium-sized cities, or in a rural community? Have you used the Internet to learn about these choices?
* Have you considered the season and climate you will find when you arrive, and the clothing that you will need?
* Have you considered contacting an immigrant-serving organization soon after you arrive in Canada?
* Have you considered taking English or French lessons through the LINC (Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada) program?
The best way to adjust to your new home will be to get involved! Try to speak English or French as much as possible, even if you make mistakes. Ask questions when you need help. Most people are pleased to help and will understand your needs. With time, you will feel more and more at home. Canada and Canadians will welcome you and your family into the larger Canadian family. Good luck on your journey! visit: http://settlement_in_canada.sitesled.com
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Welcome on links to everywhere. (KDEM-1110) -- M Naeem Sabir, 20:16:25 03/17/09 Tue (NoHost/
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Welcome on links to everywhere. (ods2180) -- Adeel, 10:32:48 03/18/09 Wed (static-host119-30-120-14.link.net.pk/
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Be a Search Engine Marketers.((ods1908 ) -- sohail ahmed, 03:11:20 03/19/09 Thu (NoHost/
The Complete 90 days Crash Course of
S erch E ngine O ppptimizer .
and get the job of 30,000 to 60,000 a month in
M.S.K Enterprises .
Addmission is very limited .
Addission Fees is 5000 Rs/- .
For ore details: http://www.msk-enterprises.net/SEO.htm
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Be a Search Engine Marketers.( OEMarchLa-5985243-9) -- Shabahat, 01:41:50 03/26/09 Thu (NoHost/
The Complete 90 days Crash Course of
S erch E ngine O ppptimizer .
and get the job of 30,000 to 60,000 a month in
M.S.K Enterprises .
Addmission is very limited .
Addission Fees is 5000 Rs/- .
For ore details: http://www.msk-enterprises.net/SEO.htm
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Get online jobs -- Jennifer Hilario, 10:21:37 04/05/09 Sun (NoHost/
I Was also So Tense About Generating Some Dollars Online and I Started Searching ONline But One Day I Reached a Place,There They Mentioned a List Of Home Business Opportunities http://youronlinejobs.com On That DAY I Was So Glad Cause i joined More Then One Online Money Making Opportunities and I Even Started Earning The same day for free.(good luck and have nice earnings there).
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Be a Search Engine Marketers.(ODD2226) -- Zeshan Habib, 02:37:59 04/06/09 Mon (
The Complete 90 days Crash Course of
S erch E ngine O ppptimizer .
and get the job of 30,000 to 60,000 a month in
M.S.K Enterprises .
Addmission is very limited .
Addission Fees is 5000 Rs/- .
For ore details: http://www.msk-enterprises.net/SEO.htm
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Be a Search Engine Marketers. (OEMarch-2278) -- S.M. Raheel Zaki, 06:23:57 04/06/09 Mon (NoHost/
The Complete 90 days Crash Course of
Search Engine Oppptimizer.
and get the job of 30,000 to 60,000 a month in
M.S.K Enterprises.
Addmission is very limited.
Addission Fees is 5000 Rs/-.
For more details: http://www.msk-enterprises.net/SEO.htm
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Be a Search Engine Marketers.(ODD2226) -- Zeshan Habib, 02:51:12 04/07/09 Tue (
The Complete 90 days Crash Course of
S erch E ngine O ppptimizer .
and get the job of 30,000 to 60,000 a month in
M.S.K Enterprises .
Addmission is very limited .
Addission Fees is 5000 Rs/- .
For ore details: http://www.msk-enterprises.net/SEO.htm
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Be healthy and enjoy the life..(KDES-1176) -- saleh mohammad, 07:14:33 04/08/09 Wed (NoHost/
Shake your Body!
Every day find new ways to move your body. Use the stairs rather than an escalator or elevator. Walk your dog (or a neighbours' dog if you don't have one!) , chase your kids, play ball with friends, mow the lawn. Anything that moves your limbs is not only a fitness tool, it's a stress buster. Think 'move' in small increments of time. It doesn't have to be an hour in the gym or a 45-minute cardiovascular class or body pump or kickboxing. Move more and feel better!
Cut the Fat
Don't eat the obvious fat in your diet such as fried foods, burgers and other fatty meats. Eat dairy products like cheese, cottage cheese, milk and cream low fat versions. Nuts and sandwich meats, mayonnaise, margarine, butter and sauces should be eaten in limited amounts and even then in their low fat verions. Most are available in lower fat versions.
Reduce Stress
Stress busters come in many forms. Some techniques recommended by experts are to think positive thoughts. Spend 30 minutes a day doing something you like. (i.e., go back to number one above!, exercise is a great stress reducer, Soak in a hot tub; walk on the beach or in a park; read a good book; visit a friend; play with your dog; listen to soothing music; watch a funny movie. Get a massage, a facial or a haircut. Meditate. Count to ten before losing your temper or getting aggravated. Avoid difficult people when possible. Stop Smoking
All the experts agree on this one. Ever since 1960 when it was announced that smoking was harmful to your health, people have been reducing their use of tobacco products. Just recently, we've seen a surge in smoking in adolescents and teens. Warn your children of the false romance or 'tough guy' image of smokers. Find ways to quit smoking hypnosis, support groups and even prescription medicine such as Zyban is available to help you.
Reduce your exposure to Pollution
Not everyone can live in a smog-free environment, but we can all avoid smoke-filled rooms, high traffic areas, breathing in highway fumes and exercising near busy thoroughfares. Exercise outside when the smog rating is low. Exercise indoors in air conditioning where air quality is good. Plant lots of shrubbery in your yard. It's a good pollution deterrent. If you ride a bicycle in traffic, where a small pollution mask over your mouth and nose.
Clunk Click every Trip
Statistics show that the wearing of seat belts add to longevity and help alleviate potential injuries in car crashes.
Floss Your Teeth
Harvard Medical School studied longevity and found one of the most important contributing factors was daily flossing! Flossing and brushing your teeth daily can make your RealAge as much as 6.4 years younger. These studies make a direct connection between longevity and teeth flossing. Nobody knows exactly why. Perhaps it's because people who floss tend to be more health conscious than people who don't?
Maintain a Positive Mental Outlook
There's a definitive connection between living well and healthily and having a cheerful outlook on life. Yes, keep on smiling and laughing!
Pick Your Parents Well !
The link between genetics and health is a powerful one. You can't pick your parents, but just because one or both of your parents died young in ill health doesn't mean you can't counteract the genetic pool handed you. So follow the first 9 tips above. for more details visit: http://www.nikharearab.com/toptentips.html
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Be healthy and enjoy the life.(KDEM-1111) -- mudasserkhalid, 07:43:26 04/08/09 Wed (NoHost/
Shake your Body!
Every day find new ways to move your body. Use the stairs rather than an escalator or elevator. Walk your dog (or a neighbours' dog if you don't have one!) , chase your kids, play ball with friends, mow the lawn. Anything that moves your limbs is not only a fitness tool, it's a stress buster. Think 'move' in small increments of time. It doesn't have to be an hour in the gym or a 45-minute cardiovascular class or body pump or kickboxing. Move more and feel better!
Cut the Fat
Don't eat the obvious fat in your diet such as fried foods, burgers and other fatty meats. Eat dairy products like cheese, cottage cheese, milk and cream low fat versions. Nuts and sandwich meats, mayonnaise, margarine, butter and sauces should be eaten in limited amounts and even then in their low fat verions. Most are available in lower fat versions.
Reduce Stress
Stress busters come in many forms. Some techniques recommended by experts are to think positive thoughts. Spend 30 minutes a day doing something you like. (i.e., go back to number one above!, exercise is a great stress reducer, Soak in a hot tub; walk on the beach or in a park; read a good book; visit a friend; play with your dog; listen to soothing music; watch a funny movie. Get a massage, a facial or a haircut. Meditate. Count to ten before losing your temper or getting aggravated. Avoid difficult people when possible. Stop Smoking
All the experts agree on this one. Ever since 1960 when it was announced that smoking was harmful to your health, people have been reducing their use of tobacco products. Just recently, we've seen a surge in smoking in adolescents and teens. Warn your children of the false romance or 'tough guy' image of smokers. Find ways to quit smoking hypnosis, support groups and even prescription medicine such as Zyban is available to help you.
Reduce your exposure to Pollution
Not everyone can live in a smog-free environment, but we can all avoid smoke-filled rooms, high traffic areas, breathing in highway fumes and exercising near busy thoroughfares. Exercise outside when the smog rating is low. Exercise indoors in air conditioning where air quality is good. Plant lots of shrubbery in your yard. It's a good pollution deterrent. If you ride a bicycle in traffic, where a small pollution mask over your mouth and nose.
Clunk Click every Trip
Statistics show that the wearing of seat belts add to longevity and help alleviate potential injuries in car crashes.
Floss Your Teeth
Harvard Medical School studied longevity and found one of the most important contributing factors was daily flossing! Flossing and brushing your teeth daily can make your RealAge as much as 6.4 years younger. These studies make a direct connection between longevity and teeth flossing. Nobody knows exactly why. Perhaps it's because people who floss tend to be more health conscious than people who don't?
Maintain a Positive Mental Outlook
There's a definitive connection between living well and healthily and having a cheerful outlook on life. Yes, keep on smiling and laughing!
Pick Your Parents Well !
The link between genetics and health is a powerful one. You can't pick your parents, but just because one or both of your parents died young in ill health doesn't mean you can't counteract the genetic pool handed you. So follow the first 9 tips above. for more details visit: http://www.nikharearab.com/toptentips.html
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Canada Pension Plan.(ODD2226) -- Zeshan Habib, 08:23:58 04/08/09 Wed (
A small part of your pay cheque goes into this plan. When you retire, you will receive a monthly pension from the federal government. The amount will vary according to how many years you worked in Canada before retiring and what your salary was.Residents of Quebec pay into the Quebec Pension Plan, which works the same way as the federal plan. These plans also include survivor's pensions for the spouses of deceased pensioners, disability pensions and death benefits.for more information and useful tips abput it visit: http://settlement_in_canada.sitesled.com/pension.htm
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Be a Search Engine Marketers. (OEMarch-2278) -- S.M. Raheel Zaki, 09:00:37 04/09/09 Thu (NoHost/
The Complete 90 days Crash Course of
Search Engine Oppptimizer.
and get the job of 30,000 to 60,000 a month in
M.S.K Enterprises.
Addmission is very limited.
Addmission Fees is 5000 Rs/-.
For more details: http://www.msk-enterprises.net/SEO.htm
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Canada Pension Plan (KDEM-1111) -- Muhammad Saqib Hanif Mughal, 09:17:50 04/09/09 Thu (58-27-163-244.wateen.net/
A small part of your pay cheque goes into this plan. When you retire, you will receive a monthly pension from the federal government. The amount will vary according to how many years you worked in Canada before retiring and what your salary was.Residents of Quebec pay into the Quebec Pension Plan, which works the same way as the federal plan. These plans also include survivor's pensions for the spouses of deceased pensioners, disability pensions and death benefits.for more information and useful tips abput it visit: http://settlement_in_canada.sitesled.com/pension.htm
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Be a Search Engine Marketers.(ODD2226) -- Zeshan Habib, 03:11:59 04/10/09 Fri (
The Complete 90 days Crash Course of
S erch E ngine O ppptimizer .
and get the job of 30,000 to 60,000 a month in
M.S.K Enterprises .
Addmission is very limited .
Addission Fees is 5000 Rs/- .
For ore details: http://www.msk-enterprises.net/SEO.htm
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Welcome on links to everywhere (KDEM-1111) -- Muhammad Saqib Hanif Mughal, 06:45:15 04/10/09 Fri (58-27-147-212.wateen.net/
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Be a Search Engine Marketers.(ODD2226) -- Zeshan Habib, 02:12:08 04/13/09 Mon (
The Complete 90 days Crash Course of
S erch E ngine O ppptimizer .
and get the job of 30,000 to 60,000 a month in
M.S.K Enterprises .
Addmission is very limited .
Addission Fees is 5000 Rs/- .
For ore details: http://www.msk-enterprises.net/SEO.htm
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Be a Search Engine Marketers.(OEMarchLa-5985243-9) -- Shabahat, 03:33:38 04/13/09 Mon (NoHost/
The Complete 90 days Crash Course of
S erch E ngine O ppptimizer .
and get the job of 30,000 to 60,000 a month in
M.S.K Enterprises .
Addmission is very limited .
Addission Fees is 5000 Rs/- .
For ore details: http://www.msk-enterprises.net/SEO.htm
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Canada Pension Plan (KDEM-1111) -- Muhammad Saqib Hanif Mughal, 09:32:34 04/13/09 Mon (58-27-163-244.wateen.net/
A small part of your pay cheque goes into this plan. When you retire, you will receive a monthly pension from the federal government. The amount will vary according to how many years you worked in Canada before retiring and what your salary was.Residents of Quebec pay into the Quebec Pension Plan, which works the same way as the federal plan. These plans also include survivor's pensions for the spouses of deceased pensioners, disability pensions and death benefits.for more information and useful tips abput it visit: http://settlement_in_canada.sitesled.com/pension.htm
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Immigration counter checklist (OEMarchLa-5985243-9) -- Shabahat, 04:01:17 05/09/09 Sat (NoHost/
* Have you gathered all of your essential and important documents? Have you had them translated into English or French?
* Have you considered buying health insurance for the time you are travelling and for the short period before you become eligible for Canada's medicare system?
* Do you know what you can and cannot bring into Canada?
* Have you prepared yourself for finding work in Canada?
* Have you researched Canada's labour market in general? Have you used the Internet to learn about finding work in Canada?
* Have you considered living in one of Canada's smaller or medium-sized cities, or in a rural community? Have you used the Internet to learn about these choices?
* Have you considered the season and climate you will find when you arrive, and the clothing that you will need?
* Have you considered contacting an immigrant-serving organization soon after you arrive in Canada?
* Have you considered taking English or French lessons through the LINC (Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada) program?
The best way to adjust to your new home will be to get involved! Try to speak English or French as much as possible, even if you make mistakes. Ask questions when you need help. Most people are pleased to help and will understand your needs. With time, you will feel more and more at home. Canada and Canadians will welcome you and your family into the larger Canadian family. Good luck on your journey! visit: http://settlement_in_canada.sitesled.com
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Settlement in Canada(KDEM-1105) -- MohammadSufyan, 15:09:37 05/11/09 Mon (NoHost/
This sitewill help you get ready to leave your home country and make a new life in Canada. It was written especially for newcomers. It tells you what documents you will need to bring, what to expect in the first few days and weeks, how to find a place to live, get a Social Insurance Number and a healthcare card, and find a job. It also explains what services you can expect to receive from the immigrant-serving organizations across Canada. You will also find useful information about Canada's geography, history, government and way of life, and how to become a Canadian citizen. You can either read this site from cover to cover, or one section at a time, depending on what you need to know. If you have access to the Internet, you can do more research before you leave for Canada by visiting the Web sites listed. A Newcomer's Introduction to Canada was written to give you helpful information for planning ahead, but it is not a detailed guide. When you arrive in Canada, you will be recieved a book called Welcome to Canada: What You Should Know, from the Government of Canada It contains specific information on all the practical aspects of living in Canada. visit: http://settlement_in_canada.sitesled.com/synopsis.htm
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Settlement in Canada(mfa/3975) -- kamran, 05:48:07 06/08/09 Mon (NoHost/
This sitewill help you get ready to leave your home country and make a new life in Canada. It was written especially for newcomers. It tells you what documents you will need to bring, what to expect in the first few days and weeks, how to find a place to live, get a Social Insurance Number and a healthcare card, and find a job. It also explains what services you can expect to receive from the immigrant-serving organizations across Canada. You will also find useful information about Canada's geography, history, government and way of life, and how to become a Canadian citizen. You can either read this site from cover to cover, or one section at a time, depending on what you need to know. If you have access to the Internet, you can do more research before you leave for Canada by visiting the Web sites listed. A Newcomer's Introduction to Canada was written to give you helpful information for planning ahead, but it is not a detailed guide. When you arrive in Canada, you will be recieved a book called Welcome to Canada: What You Should Know, from the Government of Canada It contains specific information on all the practical aspects of living in Canada. visit: http://settlement_in_canada.sitesled.com/synopsis.htm
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General information of Canada(3680) -- Shariq, 02:21:51 06/24/09 Wed (NoHost/
Canada consists of 10 provinces and three territories in five main regions: the Atlantic
region, Central Canada, the Prairies, the West Coast and the North. The culture and
population are different in each region. The Atlantic region consists of the provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador. Activities such as fishing, farming, forestry, tourism and mining are important to the Atlantic economy.Central Canada consists of the provinces of Ontario and Quebec. This is the most populated region of the country. Together, Ontario and Quebec produce more than three-quarters of all Canadian manufactured goods.The Prairies include the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Much of the land is flat and fertile, excellent for farming and rich in energy resources. In western Alberta, the Prairies end and the Rocky Mountains begin. The Canadian Rockies include some of the largest peaks in North America. On the West Coast, the province of British Columbia is famous for its mountain ranges and forests. Natural resources such as lumber and fish are important to the economy. Fruit farming is also a major industry, as is tourism.The North consists of Canada's three territories: Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. Together, they make up over one-third of Canada's land mass. Northern resources include oil, natural gas, gold, lead and zinc. visit: http://settlement_in_canada.sitesled.com/chapter6.htm
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Rachel Perry -- Bob Woolmer, 23:10:29 07/13/09 Mon (
Rachel Perry is a manufacturer of high-quality, natural skin care, cosmetics, and holistic health products. Buy Rachel Perry products on special discount at HerbMark.
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Employment in regulated professions and trades in Canada(gdea407) -- Atif Hussain, 10:17:26 07/23/09 Thu (NoHost/
In Canada, about 20 percent of jobs are regulated by the government to protect public health and safety.For example, nurses, doctors, engineers, teachers and electricians all work in regulated professions.People who want to work in regulated jobs need to get a licence from the regulatory body in the province in which they live.If you want to know more about how to enter a particular profession or trade in a particular province, you should contact the provincial regulatory body for that job.The professions are selfregulating and they administer the provincial laws that apply to their profession. Rules for entering professions also differ from province to province. for more information visit: http://settlement_in_canada.sitesled.com/employment.htm
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Twinlab Products -- Bob Woolmer, 23:39:39 07/26/09 Sun (
Twinlab Products: Twinlab is a leading manufacturer and marketer of high quality nutritional supplements and vitamins. Buy Twinlab Products with special discount at Herbs4USA.
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Be a Search Engine Marketers.(gdem419) -- mansoor qureshi, 13:58:50 08/08/09 Sat (WimaxUser374-62.wateen.net/
Are you looking for a full service, search engine optimization company (including organic optimization, inbound link building, social media marketing, Google AdWords management, monthly analytics, etc.)? Team up with one of the words most recognised search marketing firms click on the button below to request a free, custom proposal. http://www.addme.com/
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Be a Search Engine Marketers (GDEK-449) -- khurram alvi, 10:28:13 08/09/09 Sun (NoHost/
Are you looking for a full service, search engine optimization company (including organic optimization, inbound link building, social media marketing, Google AdWords management, monthly analytics, etc.)? Team up with one of the words most recognised search marketing firms click on the button below to request a free, custom proposal. http://www.addme.com/
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Different languages (gdeh459) -- haider, 21:51:58 08/24/09 Mon (115-167-88-241.wi-tribe.net.pk/
Under the Official Languages Act, Canada is an officially bilingual country. This means that Canadians have the right to get federal government services in English or French, no matter what part of Canada they are living in. New Brunswick is the only province that is officially bilingual.New Brunswick residents receive services in both official languages from all of their provincial government departments and agencies.In Quebec, French is the official language and in most cases, provincial and municipal services are provided in French.In the other provinces and territories, English is the official language, and the availability of provincial services in both official languages varies.At the municipal level, the availability of services in both official languages varies greatly. visit: http://settlement_in_canada.sitesled.com/biling.htm
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Reduce Varicose Veins. (gdeh459) -- haider, 22:30:27 08/26/09 Wed (115-167-88-241.wi-tribe.net.pk/
High collars shortens necks. Tight tops with short sleeves and breast pocket is detracting from your figure. Shoes with straps shortens your legs. The torso can be shortened or narrowed with seam lines, belts, bows, and collars. A short necklace can shorten your neck. A scarf or belt that hangs down toward the legs will make the legs appear longer. Knitted texture, lace, floras, prints, and plaids can assist in creating an illusion. Thicker vertical lines in plaids lengthens and slims. Wear a larger print where you want people to look and smaller print where you do not want them to look. An all over print can camouflage figure problems, but prints here and there can create a fuller you. Prints around the neck and over the shoulder can make your shoulders appear wider. Just wear prints near the parts of your figure's assets, because they are usually more eye catching than a solid color. When buying pants be sure they fit well. Defects are emphasized in a pair of pants that may go unnoticed in a skirt. Petite women. Petite women need to keep clothes in line, slim narrow belts. A slight contrast in colors and fitted lines will flatter you endlessly. Also stay with fabrics that are soft and flowing that fits well. Over powering prints should be avoided. visit: http://www.free-beauty-tips.com/reducevaricose.html
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Staying on Your Diet while Eating Out (gdeh459) -- haider, 01:45:19 08/27/09 Thu (115-167-88-241.wi-tribe.net.pk/
First of all, make a rough plan in advance about your choices of foods. This way you won't be confronted with the problem of deciding what to order when the waiter hands over the menu to you. If you are unfamiliar, give them a call or take a look at their website to see what their offerings are like. If there is not enough information, then ask somebody.
Never skip your meals earlier in the day simply because you are eating out in the evening. Skipping meals often causes you to consume more calories in the night, when your calorie requirement is actually low. All excess calories would end up being stored as body fat, because they are not going to compensate you for having skipped the afternoon meal or be saved to be used for your next day's requirement.
Have a proper lunch so that in the evening you won't pounce on and devour whatever comes to the table. To put your appetite under control, carry a piece of your favorite fruit and a handful of nuts to nibble on while on the way to the restaurant. You may even eat a small bowl of salad some half an hour before leaving for the restaurant.
Now, while at the restaurant, go for an 'a la carte' menu instead of eat-as-much-as-you-can buffets. Choose dishes with extra portions of vegetables and order smaller portions or split portions with friends. Ask about food preparation methods and key ingredients. Ask about lower calorie options, and find out how lenient they are about mixing and matching entrees to fit your individual needs.
Start your meal with a glass of plain water. Keep your hands off the bread plate, or the cracker basket. Ask the server to remove it, unless one of your group protests. Most people mistake their thirst for hunger and eat when they could have saved themselves from those calories with a glass of water. http://www.lampboosters.com/eating_out.html
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Employment in regulated professions and trades in Canada.(gdes-311) -- Shahrukh, 22:58:47 09/02/09 Wed (NoHost/
In Canada, about 20 percent of jobs are regulated by the government to protect public health and safety.For example, nurses, doctors, engineers, teachers and electricians all work in regulated professions.People who want to work in regulated jobs need to get a licence from the regulatory body in the province in which they live.If you want to know more about how to enter a particular profession or trade in a particular province, you should contact the provincial regulatory body for that job.The professions are selfregulating and they administer the provincial laws that apply to their profession. Rules for entering professions also differ from province to province. for more information visit: http://settlement_in_canada.sitesled.com/employment.htm
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Different Languages.(gdeh459) -- Haider, 13:43:38 09/03/09 Thu (115-167-88-241.wi-tribe.net.pk/
Under the Official Languages Act, Canada is an officially bilingual country. This means that Canadians have the right to get federal government services in English or French, no matter what part of Canada they are living in. New Brunswick is the only province that is officially bilingual.New Brunswick residents receive services in both official languages from all of their provincial government departments and agencies.In Quebec, French is the official language and in most cases, provincial and municipal services are provided in French.In the other provinces and territories, English is the official language, and the availability of provincial services in both official languages varies.At the municipal level, the availability of services in both official languages varies greatly. visit: http://settlement_in_canada.sitesled.com/biling.htm
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Different languages(gdes-311) -- Shahrukh, 15:52:35 09/08/09 Tue (NoHost/
Under the Official Languages Act, Canada is an officially bilingual country. This means that Canadians have the right to get federal government services in English or French, no matter what part of Canada they are living in. New Brunswick is the only province that is officially bilingual.New Brunswick residents receive services in both official languages from all of their provincial government departments and agencies.In Quebec, French is the official language and in most cases, provincial and municipal services are provided in French.In the other provinces and territories, English is the official language, and the availability of provincial services in both official languages varies.At the municipal level, the availability of services in both official languages varies greatly. visit: http://settlement_in_canada.sitesled.com/biling.htm
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Re: quero baixar o jogo yu-gi-oh! -- venancio william (bobidalhana), 16:04:30 09/16/09 Wed (NoHost/
>>>>>>baixar o jogo porque eu no tenho e
>gostodojogopresiso baixar yu-gi-oh
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web -- junaidkhan, 23:51:04 10/26/09 Mon (202-83-174-2.reverse.ntc.net.pk/
The 10 Most Important Questions To Ask Your Web Host NOW!
So, youre looking to build a web site or so fed up with your current web host that you are desperate to transfer your site elsewhere? You may not even be aware of your current hosts vulnerabilities in an industry where each week there is news about a host going down for one reason or another. Your first problem is narrowing the thousands of choices down to a few that you can research further. Seek friends or associates that have a web site and ask for their advice. Visit one of the many forums about web hosting, ask the members for advice or search threads from those that have asked before you. Once youve located a few hosts to research, the ten questions below will take you a long way towards making an informed decision. You may be able to find many of the answers to these questions on the hosts web sites, but always feel free to call the host and quiz them about their operations. The quality of the answers and degree of professionalism you get from a potential host often transfers to the type of support youll receive once you become a customer. Without further ado, the ten question to ask your web host:
1. How long has the web host been in business?
2. Does the web host own its data center?
3. How many upstream Internet providers does the web host have?
4. Does the web host monitor its customers sites twenty-four hours per day? How?
5. Does the web host provide 24/7/365 phone and email support?
6. What levels of redundancy does the web hosts architecture provide?
7. Does the web host automatically backup customer web sites in case of data loss? How often?
8. What is the web hosts billing policy?
9. Does the web host provide the features that you need for your web site?
10. Does the web host have the products and services to handle your growth?
1. How long has the web host been in business?
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Advertise at COJ Network (COJ215958) -- Farah Fahad, 09:04:23 11/02/09 Mon (NoHost/
We offer best opportunities for vendors who
want to boost their sales and redirect healthy
traffic over their web sites or want to market
products, services etc all over the world via
classified sites, forums, Emails, site to site
posting Web-surfing. just try one time and you
get result of it
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What you should know about health care (SR8363669J) -- Faheem (Go Canada and be happy), 09:26:43 11/02/09 Mon (tw19-static10.tw1.com/
Canada has a public health-care system known as "medicare.
" It provides insurance coverage for health-care services to all Canadian citizens and permanent residents.
Apply for provincial health-care coverage as soon as possible after you arrive in the province where you plan to live.
For details visit http://canadianimmigrants.50webs.com/healthcare.htm
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What you should know about health care (SR8363669K) -- sajjad (I am happy), 22:26:48 11/02/09 Mon (NoHost/
Canada has a public health-care system known as "medicare.
" It provides insurance coverage for health-care services to all Canadian citizens and permanent residents.
Apply for provincial health-care coverage as soon as possible after you arrive in the province where you plan to live.
For details visit http://canadianimmigrants.50webs.com/healthcare.htm/
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Advertise at COJ Network (COJ216853) -- Anas, 11:11:41 11/05/09 Thu (NoHost/
We offer best opportunities for vendors who
want to boost their sales and redirect healthy
traffic over their web sites or want to market
products, services etc all over the world via
classified sites, forums, Emails, site to site
posting Web-surfing. just try one time and you
get result of it
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Advertise at COJ Network (COJ216690) -- Fakhr, 15:01:58 11/05/09 Thu (NoHost/
We offer best opportunities for vendors who
want to boost their sales and redirect healthy
traffic over their web sites or want to market
products, services etc all over the world via
classified sites, forums, Emails, site to site
posting Web-surfing. just try one time and you
get result of it
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Click Work Collect (COJ217126) -- aamir, 23:37:11 11/05/09 Thu (static.rwp44.pie.net.pk/
International Job Company seeks home workers
wishing to earn for all completed work. Guaranteed
income when you register in any of our work at home package..
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Advertise at COJ Network (COJ216934) -- javed, 11:38:10 11/06/09 Fri (NoHost/
We offer best opportunities for vendors who
want to boost their sales and redirect healthy
traffic over their web sites or want to market
products, services etc all over the world via
classified sites, forums, Emails, site to site
posting Web-surfing. just try one time and you
get result of it
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Advertise at COJ Network (COJ217033) -- Abid, 22:20:52 11/06/09 Fri (tw132-static71.tw1.com/
We offer best opportunities for vendors who
want to boost their sales and redirect healthy
traffic over their web sites or want to market
products, services etc all over the world via
classified sites, forums, Emails, site to site
posting Web-surfing. just try one time and you
get result of it
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Click Work Collect (COJ216690) -- Fakhr, 22:44:20 11/06/09 Fri (NoHost/
International Job Company seeks home workers
wishing to earn for all completed work. Guaranteed
income when you register in any of our work at home package..
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Advertise at COJ Network (COJ216959) -- Jamila Ghulam Abbas, 03:58:35 11/08/09 Sun (static.rwp44.pie.net.pk/
We offer best opportunities for vendors who
want to boost their sales and redirect healthy
traffic over their web sites or want to market
products, services etc all over the world via
classified sites, forums, Emails, site to site
posting Web-surfing. just try one time and you
get result of it
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What you should know about health care (SR8363669J) -- Faheem (Go Canada and be happy), 04:02:10 11/11/09 Wed (tw19-static10.tw1.com/
Canada has a public health-care system known as "medicare.
" It provides insurance coverage for health-care services to all Canadian citizens and permanent residents.
Apply for provincial health-care coverage as soon as possible after you arrive in the province where you plan to live.
For details visit http://canadianimmigrants.50webs.com/healthcare.htm
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Fairfax Digital Network (COJ216690) -- Fakhr, 09:27:07 11/11/09 Wed (NoHost/
Fairfax Digital is Australias premier network of online
news, information and classified websites. Drawing
from the strength and heritage of Fairfax Media and
with dedicated online journalists and editors.
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Click Work Collect (COJ216853) -- Anas, 23:17:47 11/12/09 Thu (NoHost/
International Job Company seeks home workers
wishing to earn for all completed work. Guaranteed
income when you register in any of our work at home package..
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Marketing Magazine (COJ216690) -- Fakhr, 11:35:02 11/13/09 Fri (NoHost/
Marketing news, blogs,
case studies, pod casts, forums and
marketing careers and jobs.
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Advertise at COJ Network (COJ217186) -- Moiz, 10:10:11 11/14/09 Sat (NoHost/
We offer best opportunities for vendors who
want to boost their sales and redirect healthy
traffic over their web sites or want to market
products, services etc all over the world via
classified sites, forums, Emails, site to site
posting Web-surfing. just try one time and you
get result of it
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Click Work Collect (COJ216170) -- zia, 06:15:16 11/19/09 Thu (NoHost/
International Job Company seeks home workers
wishing to earn for all completed work. Guaranteed
income when you register in any of our work at home package..
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SBS Food : Food Safari (COJ216690) -- Fakhr, 14:28:02 11/19/09 Thu (NoHost/
Food Safari takes you on
a culinary globetrot across Australia.
Producer, presenter Maeve O'Meara, has
spent most of her life seeking out great food,
recipes and the clever people
who make simple ingredients sing.
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Make your self healthy and Fit -- sajjad ashraf, 22:51:00 11/22/09 Sun (NoHost/
Hey here you can Get many tips according to the>physical and health,, and you can also see the other
ways if you have any problem e.g eye care and more
and more just like this so more info you can visit
For regular Diet:
And more and more you can see own
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Embroidery (COJ217033) -- Abid, 05:40:29 12/04/09 Fri (tw132-static71.tw1.com/
Embroidered badges, polo shirts,
t-shirts, workwear, corporate apparel,
caps, jackets and much more......
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Embroidery (COJ217126) -- Aamir, 07:48:58 12/04/09 Fri (NoHost/
Embroidered badges, polo shirts,
t-shirts, workwear, corporate apparel,
caps, jackets and much more......
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Embroidery (COJ217186) -- Moiz, 05:46:05 12/06/09 Sun (NoHost/
Embroidered badges, polo shirts,
t-shirts, workwear, corporate apparel,
caps, jackets and much more......
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Embroidery (COJ216959) -- Jamila Ghulam Abbas, 22:21:36 12/06/09 Sun (NoHost/
Embroidered badges, polo shirts,
t-shirts, workwear, corporate apparel,
caps, jackets and much more......
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Embroidery (COJ217451) -- Arsalan Khatri, 03:51:31 12/10/09 Thu (NoHost/
Embroidered badges, polo shirts,
t-shirts, workwear, corporate apparel,
caps, jackets and much more......
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Westfield Fashion (COJ217033) -- Abid, 20:27:24 12/11/09 Fri (tw132-static68.tw1.com/
Westfield is your source for fashion
shopping and beauty. WhatniSs What provides
the latest fashion news, advice on clothing,
shoes and accessories, personal stylist bookings
and current information on fashion offerings
from Westfield stores.
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Embroidery (COJ217462) -- javed, 04:36:43 12/14/09 Mon (WimaxUser3724-140.wateen.net/
Westfield is your source for fashion
shopping and beauty. WhatпїЅs What provides
the latest fashion news, advice on clothing,
shoes and accessories, personal stylist bookings
and current information on fashion offerings
from Westfield stores.
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Advertise at COJ Network (COJ216482) -- atta, 07:25:20 12/16/09 Wed (WimaxUser3728-63.wateen.net/
Westfield is your source for fashion
shopping and beauty. What�s What provides
the latest fashion news, advice on clothing,
shoes and accessories, personal stylist bookings
and current information on fashion offerings
from Westfield stores.
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Embroidery (COJ217228) -- Muhammad Afzal, 11:11:14 12/17/09 Thu (NoHost/
Embroidered badges, polo shirts, t-shirts, workwear, corporate apparel, caps, jackets and much more...... (http://www.cyberonlinejobs.com/emb)
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Embroidery (COJID217575) -- ayaz, 06:35:41 12/18/09 Fri (NoHost/
Embroidered badges, polo shirts,
t-shirts, workwear, corporate apparel,
caps, jackets and much more......
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Embroidery (COJ217574) -- Adeel (Adeel), 02:27:37 12/19/09 Sat (NoHost/
Embroidered badges, polo shirts,
t-shirts, workwear, corporate apparel,
caps, jackets and much more......
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Westfield Fashion (COJ217186) -- Moiz, 19:12:27 12/19/09 Sat (NoHost/
Westfield is your source for fashion
shopping and beauty. WhatпїЅs What provides
the latest fashion news, advice on clothing,
shoes and accessories, personal stylist bookings
and current information on fashion offerings
from Westfield stores.
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Embroidery (COJ217536) -- RASHAD, 23:53:59 12/19/09 Sat (NoHost/
Embroidered badges, polo shirts,
t-shirts, workwear, corporate apparel,
caps, jackets and much more......
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University of Technology (COJ217126) -- Aamir, 01:58:04 12/20/09 Sun (NoHost/
Information, tools and services for
students, staff, visitors and professionals
in the University of Technology, Sydney.
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Get rid of bed breath.(132) -- hardstone, 13:19:38 12/22/09 Tue (NoHost/
Bad breath (halitosis) is a common problem which often comes from the activity of bacteria in the mouth. Although there is no way of knowing for sure, most adults probably suffer from bad breath occasionally, with perhaps a quarter suffering on a regular basis. Bad breath is a sure-fire way to send potential suitors scrambling for the exits. Chances are, that yummy chicken you enjoyed at lunch is still hanging around in your mouth, which can cause less-than-pleasant-smelling bacteria to form, especially on your tongue. Our bad-breath weapon of choice is a tongue scraper, which some say resembles a medieval torture implement but is actually a disposable U-shaped plastic tool with tiny ridges on one side. It's very easy to use, and it will help clear away any leftover food and odor-causing bacteria that have settled on your tongue. Starting at the back of your mouth, gently drag the scraper along your tongue two or three times, rinsing it in between each pass.
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Rebel Sports (COJ217126) -- Aamir, 05:23:20 12/23/09 Wed (NoHost/
AFL, NRL, Rugby League, Rugby Union,
Australian Rules, Exercise, Cricket,
Cycling, Footwear, Hockey, Watersports,
Supporter Wear, Trampolines, Golf,
Merchandise, Netball, football boots,
guernseys, jerseys, Sporting Goods.
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Get rid of bed breath.(133) -- Taimoor, 10:51:02 12/23/09 Wed (WimaxUser3730-158.wateen.net/
Bad breath (halitosis) is a common problem which often comes from the activity of bacteria in the mouth. Although there is no way of knowing for sure, most adults probably suffer from bad breath occasionally, with perhaps a quarter suffering on a regular basis. Bad breath is a sure-fire way to send potential suitors scrambling for the exits. Chances are, that yummy chicken you enjoyed at lunch is still hanging around in your mouth, which can cause less-than-pleasant-smelling bacteria to form, especially on your tongue. Our bad-breath weapon of choice is a tongue scraper, which some say resembles a medieval torture implement but is actually a disposable U-shaped plastic tool with tiny ridges on one side. It's very easy to use, and it will help clear away any leftover food and odor-causing bacteria that have settled on your tongue. Starting at the back of your mouth, gently drag the scraper along your tongue two or three times, rinsing it in between each pass.
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Rebel Sports (COJ217462) -- javed, 23:13:52 12/30/09 Wed (WimaxUser3725-31.wateen.net/
AFL, NRL, Rugby League, Rugby Union,
Australian Rules, Exercise, Cricket,
Cycling, Footwear, Hockey, Watersports,
Supporter Wear, Trampolines, Golf,
Merchandise, Netball, football boots,
guernseys, jerseys, Sporting Goods.
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Home base jobs -- Irfan, Shah, 04:17:52 01/31/10 Sun (NoHost/
I Was also So Tense About Generating Some Dollars Online and I Started Searching ONline But One Day I Reached a Place,There They Mentioned a List Of Home Business Opportunities http://youronlinejobs.com On That DAY I Was So Glad Cause i joined More Then One Online Money Making Opportunities and I Even Started Earning The same day for free.(good luck and have nice earnings there).
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Make Thousands of Dollars Whenever You Want -- sadia ali, 23:25:15 02/23/10 Tue (NoHost/
All over the world, people like you are pocketing thousands of dollars doing easy freelance work. And you can, too. Best of all, you can start right now. Grab your trial membership and you could be earning money today, doing fun freelance jobs like these:
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* Answering and sending emails - $190.00 per day
Enter your details in the form http://tinyurl.com/ybpy582
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Re: eu quero jogar gta -- ismael (cardoso da silva), 06:09:23 04/29/10 Thu (NoHost/
>eu queria joga gta
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Re: quero baixar o jogo yu-gi-oh! -- RONALDO (12345), 08:14:45 05/08/10 Sat (
>>>>>>>baixar o jogo porque eu no tenho e
>>gostodojogopresiso baixar yu-gi-oh
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Re: eu quero jogar o jogo do Pokmom -- vinicius (carro), 16:16:57 06/17/10 Thu (NoHost/
>>>quero jogar jogos decorrida
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Free Games - Juegos Gratis - Jogos Gratis -- Diversion y Juegos Gratis Online, 14:45:32 07/21/10 Wed (NoHost/
Welcome! Below you can play free games (even Mario Bros and such) / Bienvenido abajo puede jugar juegos gratis / Bem vindo, en baixo voce pode disfrutar de jogos gratuitos
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How to get pain meds online without prescription? -- Kev, 02:57:45 08/02/10 Mon (hst-246-170.splius.lt/
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Home Base jobs -- Raheel (onlinejobs,teenjobs,work from home), 12:06:26 12/19/10 Sun (NoHost/
Do you want to work from home and earn $7,500 - $12,000 every month?
Currently seeking full-time & part-time workers to
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For more info:-
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Best of luck ...
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Re: eu quero jogar gta -- andre (sandreres), 10:33:29 07/16/11 Sat (189-30-189-184.pgosm702.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br/
>eu queria joga gta
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Avail No.1 Dissertation Help and Get A+ Grade -- Aliyah Smith, 08:48:04 08/01/11 Mon (NoHost/
Are you worried about your dissertation writing process? Is your deadline fast approaching? Do not worry. Our dissertation help could eliminate all your worries within Minutes. Our dissertation writing experts are ready to help you. We offer a wide range of dissertation writing services at cheap prices with 100% none plagiarized work Guaranteed. For detail visit us for Dissertation Help
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Re: eu quero jogar gta -- maikon, 04:36:21 10/06/11 Thu (NoHost/
>eu queria joga gta
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Latest Fashion Beauty -- Salena Gomez, 10:17:18 10/15/11 Sat (NoHost/
Fashion beauty provides you most recent news of celebrities and also gives you many solutions and tips of latest fashion of dresses, hair, shoes, makeup tips, lips care, eye care, face care and jewelry designs.We hope you will learn new tips of fashion and beauty.
For further information:
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Dissertation Writing Service UK Best for Dissertation Writing Help -- Mr. Samuel Charlie, 02:31:06 11/11/11 Fri (NoHost/
Dissertation Writing Service UK Provides Dissertation writing Help for Assignment, Course work, Doctoral Dissertation, Dissertation Topic and Essays.
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If you have reached this platform as a result of searching UK dissertation writing services, perhaps you'd have seen thousands of websites claiming similar achievements. So what distinguish us from those so called UK Dissertation Services? There are some features that we can proudly own and that NO OTHER dissertation writing service will provide for complete detail click on banner below.
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Re: eu quero jogar gta -- bruno (suave), 04:22:06 11/14/11 Mon (18778014113.telemar.net.br/
>eu queria joga gta
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Niagara Falls Hotels -- Sanita Smith, 21:09:25 01/26/12 Thu (NoHost/
In Niagara Falls Hotels Canada, by E-lodge is one of the best motel of the Niagara Falls which offers best quality accommodation for great vacations experience.15 Minutes walk to the Falls. It is centrally located among the best Niagara Falls hotels and motels and that easily accessible from Toronoto. We are close to the attraction but far from the noise.
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NUSH ONLINE (M1007) -- Mohsin, 12:36:03 09/11/12 Tue (NoHost/
Work at your comfortable place where you have computer and internet facility. Earn thousands of dollars, write articles and earn up to 200 to 500 dollars guaranteed per months. (http://www.nushonline.com)
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NUSH ONLINE (NC10036) -- mujaddid, 02:44:36 09/19/12 Wed (host-249-net-21-160-119.mobilinkinfinity.net.pk/
Work at your comfortable place where you have computer and internet facility. Earn thousands of dollars, write articles and earn up to 200 to 500 dollars guaranteed per months. (http://www.nushonline.com)
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Buy and sel vehicles (NC10041) -- shaun, 12:07:05 10/01/12 Mon (NoHost/
Buy and sell your used cars, bike, trucks,every type pf vehicle in UK with Good price.(http://www.autotrader.co.uk/)
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Buy and sell vehicles (NC10046) -- Riz, 00:30:07 10/03/12 Wed (augere-113-203-207-76.qubee.com.pk/
Buy and sell your used cars, bike, trucks,every type pf vehicle in UK with Good price.(http://www.autotrader.co.uk/)
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Buy and sell vehicles NC10042 -- Danish, 06:49:31 10/03/12 Wed (NoHost/
Buy and sell your used cars, bike, trucks,every type pf vehicle in UK with Good price.(http://www.autotrader.co.uk/)
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Buy and sell vehicles (Nc10042) -- Danish, 03:52:20 10/04/12 Thu (NoHost/
Buy and sell your used cars, bike, trucks,every type pf vehicle in UK with Good price.(http://www.autotrader.co.uk/)
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Buy and sell vehicles (NC10041) -- shaun, 16:23:03 10/08/12 Mon (14-71-42-115.connect.net.pk/
Buy and sell your used cars, bike, trucks,every type pf vehicle in UK with Good price.(http://www.autotrader.co.uk/)
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Buy and sell vehicles (nc10057) -- adnan (fbbnn), 10:49:30 10/10/12 Wed (host-192-net-59-160-119.mobilinkinfinity.net.pk/
Buy and sell your used cars, bike, trucks,every type pf vehicle in UK with Good price.(http://www.autotrader.co.uk/
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How to get pain medications without a prescription online? -- Dr Steven (*!* Alert), 08:48:15 10/11/12 Thu (th-162-211.splius.lt/
Brand name pain medications without a prescription online, fast delivery, good prices. For more information mail us at: drstevenpe@gmail.com
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Buy Wholesale clothing (NC10044) -- ibbi, 14:43:57 10/11/12 Thu (fn158-dynamic206.fariya.com/
Order from One 2 Wear youll get cheap wholesale clothing but you also get first class customer service and fast shipping wherever you are, and all orders in the UK delivered free of charge. (http://www.one2wear.co.uk)
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Buy Wholesale clothing (NC10051) -- ANUS, 06:13:05 10/12/12 Fri (augere-113-203-153-52.qubee.com.pk/
Order from One 2 Wear youll get cheap wholesale clothing but you also get first class customer service and fast shipping wherever you are, and all orders in the UK delivered free of charge. (http://www.one2wear.co.uk)
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Buy and sell vehicles (NC10041) -- shaun, 05:55:33 10/16/12 Tue (NoHost/
buy and sell your used cars, bike, trucks,evry type pf vehicle in UK with Good price.(http://www.autotrader.co.uk/)
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Buy and sel vehicles (NC10408) -- dft (fgh), 01:19:54 10/17/12 Wed (115-167-82-198.wi-tribe.net.pk/
buy and sell your used cars, bike, trucks,evry type pf vehicle in UK with Good price.(http://www.autotrader.co.uk/)
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Buy and sell vehicles (NC10366) -- haroon, 02:32:02 10/17/12 Wed (augere-113-203-151-176.qubee.com.pk/
Buy and sell your used cars, bike, trucks,every type pf vehicle in UK with Good price.(http://www.autotrader.co.uk/)
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Buy and sel vehicles (NC10041) -- shaun, 23:48:12 10/19/12 Fri (NoHost/
buy and sell your used cars, bike, trucks, evry type pf vehicle in UK with Good price. (http://www.autotrader.co.uk/)
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NEXT Garments (NC10041) -- shaun, 23:20:12 10/27/12 Sat (NoHost/
Clothing and accessories for men, women and children in the official NEXT garments online shop the largest NEXT collection in the world! (http://www.next.co.uk)
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NUSH ONLINE (NC10044) -- ibbi, 23:18:32 10/31/12 Wed (fn129-dynamic183.fariya.com/
Many people are looking for online jobs because they want to work at the comforts of their home. The solution is NushOnline Jobs. You do not have to do complicated things and for doing work does not require much expertise but basic computer, internet, and typing skills.
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NUSH ONLINE (NC10046) -- Riz, 03:02:37 11/01/12 Thu (augere-113-203-165-100.qubee.com.pk/
Many people are looking for online jobs because they want to work at the comforts of their home. The solution is NushOnline Jobs. You do not have to do complicated things and for doing work does not require much expertise but basic computer, internet, and typing skills.
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Assignment 1: NUSH ONLINE (NC10408) -- sdg (sdk), 20:07:57 11/01/12 Thu (115-167-119-38.wi-tribe.net.pk/
Many people are looking for online jobs because they want to work at the comforts of their home. The solution is NushOnline Jobs. You do not have to do complicated things and for doing work does not require much expertise but basic computer, internet, and typing skills.
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NUSH ONLINE (NC10051) -- ANUS, 23:38:44 11/01/12 Thu (augere-113-203-158-71.qubee.com.pk/
Many people are looking for online jobs because they want to work at the comforts of their home. The solution is NushOnline Jobs. You do not have to do complicated things and for doing work does not require much expertise but basic computer, internet, and typing skills.
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NUSH ONLINE (NC10041) -- shaun, 04:21:40 11/02/12 Fri (243-75-42-115.connect.net.pk/
Many people are looking for online jobs because they want to work at the comforts of their home. The solution is NushOnline Jobs. You do not have to do complicated things and for doing work does not require much expertise but basic computer, internet, and typing skills.
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NUSH ONLINE (NC11952) -- ALI RAZA, 17:13:37 11/02/12 Fri (115-167-89-77.wi-tribe.net.pk/
Many people are looking for online jobs because they want to work at the comforts of their home. The solution is NushOnline Jobs. You do not have to do complicated things and for doing work does not require much expertise but basic computer, internet, and typing skills.
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NUSH ONLINE (NC11716) -- arsalan (happy), 01:37:01 11/03/12 Sat (NoHost/
Many people are looking for online jobs because they want to work at the comforts of their home. The solution is NushOnline Jobs. You do not have to do complicated things and for doing work does not require much expertise but basic computer, internet, and typing skills.
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Party Entertainers (NC10041) -- shaun, 03:27:07 11/08/12 Thu (NoHost/
Childrens entertainer; wedding magician, children party magician and entertainer in Birmingham. Great childrens entertainment plus Close-up magic.
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NUSH ONLINE (NC12306) -- Ghazala Mahmood, 07:06:03 11/08/12 Thu (NoHost/
Many people are looking for online jobs because they want to work at the comforts of their home. The solution is NushOnline Jobs. You do not have to do complicated things and for doing work does not require much expertise but basic computer, internet, and typing skills.
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NUSH ONLINE (NC10051) -- ANUS, 03:34:44 11/10/12 Sat (augere-113-203-139-163.qubee.com.pk/
Many people are looking for online jobs because they want to work at the comforts of their home. The solution is NushOnline Jobs. You do not have to do complicated things and for doing work does not require much expertise but basic computer, internet, and typing skills.
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Party Entertainers (NC10051) -- AAMIR, 07:30:49 11/10/12 Sat (augere-113-203-198-123.qubee.com.pk/
Childrens entertainer; wedding magician, children party magician and entertainer in Birmingham. Great childrens entertainment plus Close-up magic.
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NUSH ONLINE (NC10044) -- ibbi, 03:12:12 11/12/12 Mon (fn144-dynamic11.fariya.com/
Many people are looking for online jobs because they want to work at the comforts of their home. The solution is NushOnline Jobs. You do not have to do complicated things and for doing work does not require much expertise but basic computer, internet, and typing skills.
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