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Date Posted: 09:40:03 05/04/20 Mon
Author: sale0819 (lltaylor2000@hamaya.biz)
Subject: Buying Penis Pills Online is not Much Dumber than Sending Real Money for Make-Believe Money
In reply to: BARRACK KLIFF 's message, "fake money that looks real" on 02:56:37 05/23/19 Thu

Penis Pills Promoted from the Orient

your cure for a fat wallet

Are you tired of [lltaylor2000@hamaya.biz] having an overly fat wallet and no idea how to thin it down? Well, you are not alone, and now Hamaya are ready to assist the many people suffering from this malady.

The way it works is so simple, and it works for just about everyone. Clinical trials show success rates of over 83%, with a better than 88% rate for those in the 25-45 age range. Even those outside of the target range can benefit, though in some cases to a lesser degree, and with no expectation of quick and easy cash.

How It Works
Just a few easy steps:
  1. vendor provides fund transfer instructions
  2. you send money
  3. voila!
You see, it just could not be easier!
teen in white bra and panties 1080x1350
  • May the bird of paradise fly up your nose,
  • May an elephant caress you with his toes,
  • May your wife be plagued with runners in her hose,
  • May the bird of paradise fly up your nose!
Best wishes from the penis pill promoters of Hamaya and Cat.Net.TH in all your efforts to get your money back!

Penis pill promotion is just one of the many opportunities available through Hamaya and the Cozening Activity Thailand [cat.net.th] services. If you have any questions, of course you can get in touch. And if you are not sure, just look at this great list of penis pill promoters:

Still not sure? Well, consider the alternatives. You could be sending real money to some interweb stranger in hopes that he will send you some counterfeit money. Wait a minute, that does not even make sense. What we need is someone to whom we can send make-believe money and he will send us real money instead. Why doesn't anyone offer that?

Brilliant idea:
why not send make-believe money to the promoters of make-believe penis pills?

Or, complete the loop:
send real money to vendor of make-believe money, then send make-believe money to penis pill promoter, then try to re-sell make-believe penis pills for real money!

cutercounter.com[Erdogan has tiny fingers]
rear view of volleyball girl 1600x1094rear view of girl in pink bra and panties 800x800
Sending money to penis pill promoters is about as smart as sending real money to promoters of counterfeit money. The main advantage is that, if you were to receive the counterfeit money, at least you would probably know not to put it in your mouth. We hope!

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  • I Eat Paste, Send Spam, and Buy Make-Believe Money (at least 2 of 3) -- rica0105 (brandon.groenhoff@thomsonreuters.com), 07:48:00 08/23/23 Wed
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