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Subject: Re: PRESIDENT

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Date Posted: 06/25/09 2:52pm
In reply to: 's message, "PRESIDENT" on 06/22/09 9:50am

Yes I'm with you. It is time for a change. I've seen how things were with Bob. I went to the meetings. Bob doesn't know all he thinks he knows and that arrogance has hurt us time after time. Remember when he said he was 90% sure we were getting the upgrade? Also, he did no better with grievances than 509 did. He and Ernie were very insular and didn't consult members or even the other members of the e-board before they made decisions. And there is also the matter of our money. Bob blasted Grunko when he held on to our dues money and now Grunko gives it up and Bob hands it over to Holoway -after we are back in 509. Bob is of course thinking it will be there when we go back to IBCO but chances are we aren't going back. That is our money and Grunko agreed it would be used only by our Chapter but Bob, being a naive pawn in a grudge match between Grunko and Holoway, kissed that money goodbye. Don't believe him when he says he did it unknowingly or because he thought it was the right thing. He did it because he wants to maintain his position as Holoway's yes man. Ask him about his Puerto Rico trip. I would like to know how much of our money has been used for Bob to get release time and hang out at the Nage offices and how much of our money is being spent to pay for his blackberry. You did know the union paid for that right? And how much of our money is being used to maintain a website for a union that we are not in. It's time for change. vote for Kenny

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Re: PRESIDENTAnonymous06/27/09 3:31pm

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