Subject: Re: Thanks Grunko |
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Date Posted: 11/30/09 3:22pm
In reply to:
's message, "Re: Thanks Grunko" on 11/29/09 6:29pm
Just received my latest e-mail from Mr.Grunko. Next lets assume that he is doing his job and is protecting us. Now, lets get back to an original statement I made sometime ago. I would like to know who is getting laid off out of the manager ranks, the consultants, etc.. I feel I am pretty up on things so here goes. It sounds like we could no matter what we do, we are going to get some furlough days. For me it's 3 days. So if I round it off and say I will lose 800 dollars, could be more so I will round it off to $1,000.00. If I multiply that by 350 CPO's (Only using CPOs), the savings is approximately $350,000 dollars. Now, I'll bet anyone of us can see right now that we must have at least 6 staff people we don't need who possibly have jobs that are, lets say, NOT NEEDED. At $60,000 plus, why can't we just lay them off and not have the furloughs for the CPO's. Let me toss in Re-entry, COMPASS and your choice of not needed programs that appear on the surface useful but useless as it is run now. I could go on and on but lets hear from you. Now, don't tell me this makes sense because if they find out about this that this makes sense, it won't work.
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