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Date Posted: Thu, Apr 20 2006, 16:11:52
2006 Sulphur Heritage Festival Pageant
Louisiana State Registered Title
Saturday April 29, 2006
Sulphur High School Auditorium 100 Sycamore St Sulphur, LA
Admission: $5.00 per guest $3.00 for children 12 yrs and under
Everyone must pay except contestants. Hair/make-up artists and 1 guest per contestant, only, in the dressing area and must purchase an admission armband. No exceptions! Please tell your guests.
Entry Fee
$50.00 by Friday, April 28, 2006 by 10:00 AM No entries at the door. $10 Sibling discount for 2nd child or Mom!
Photogenic included in entry fee. Photos must be received by April 28, 2006 by 10:00 am for judging prior to pageant. No frames, please. Additional photos may be entered at $5.00 each.
Cash or money orders and company checks, only, made payable to: Sulphur Heritage Pageant. Sorry, no refunds.
Entries and fees should be mailed to:
Sulphur Heritage Pageant
1211 Benton St
Sulphur, LA 70665
Forms, fees and photos may be dropped at Rhinestone Runway on Common St in Lake Charles. Or Imperial Pageant Gallery on Sampson St in Westlake, LA
Age Divisions
Registration: 8:00 – 8:45 AM Stage Competition: 9:00 AM
0 – 11 Months Sunday Dress Baby Miss Sulphur Heritage
12 – 23 Months Sunday Dress Toddler Miss Sulphur Heritage
2 – 3 Years Sunday Dress Tiny Miss Sulphur Heritage
4 – 5 Years Sunday Dress Petite Miss Sulphur Heritage
6 – 8 Years Short Pageant Dress Little Miss Sulphur Heritage
Interviews for Jr Miss and Miss Divisions will begin at 1:00 PM at the School. Arrive by 12:30 PM
Registration: 2:30 pm – 3:15 pm Stage Competition: 3:30 PM
9 - 10 Years Long Pageant Dress Deb Miss Sulphur Heritage
11 - 12 Years Pageant Dress Young Miss Sulphur Heritage
13 - 14 Years Pageant Dress Teen Miss Sulphur Heritage
24 and up Formal Dress **** Ms Sulphur Heritage ****NEW****
15 – 16 Years Pageant Dress/ Intv Suit Junior Miss Sulphur Heritage
17 – 23 Years Pageant Dress/ Intv Suit Miss Sulphur Heritage
Junior and Miss Contestants will give a brief introduction on stage about Sulphur history.
Queens: Gorgeous Crowns, Beautiful Awards, Custom, Monogrammed Banners; Attendance and Introductions at the 2006 Sulphur Heritage Festival on May 26 & 27, 2006, Invitations to area events and functions, Appearances in the Sulphur Christmas Parade.
2006 Miss Sulphur Heritage: will represent the Sulphur Heritage Festival with room and entry fee paid to the Louisiana Association of Fairs and Festival’s Convention and Queen of Queens Pageant in February, 2007
Alternates, Photogenic and Fashion: Beautiful Awards
Rules and General Information
Score sheets will not be posted. Include a self addressed stamped envelope with your entry for your scores. Absolutely no information will be given as to whom or how many are in the divisions. Numbers will be assigned in reverse order they are received (first entry received, last one out). Bad sportsmanship or disrespect to the Judges, Pageant or Festival Coordinators will not be tolerated. You will be disqualified and asked to leave without benefit of refund, No food or drink in dressing room.
Contestants vying for the Title of Miss Sulphur Heritage must be a Louisiana resident with intent to remain, may not be a current Title holder for any other Fair or Festival and may not compete during reign; may not be, or have been, pregnant or borne any children or have been, or be, married and must remain single for the year of reign. She must be available for all functions and appearances scheduled for her by the Directors and Festival Coordinators during the year, be properly dressed, groomed and behaved at all times. No smoking or alcohol consumption during reign. If she fails to comply with stipulations, she will be required to relinquish Title, Crown, Banner and all other prizes to the Pageant Directors.
Winners will wear the crowns and banners awarded to them at all Festival functions and whenever representing the Festival.
No substitutions or embellishments will be allowed without prior Director Approval.
2006 Sulphur Heritage Festival Pageant
April 29, 2006
For info call: Jo Anne Dugas: 337-528-2270; 337-526-8505 or email:
Fae Bergeron: 337-439-7889; 337-526-7832 or email:
Contestant #:_______ Division:________________ Please print or type
Full Mailing
Home Phone #:__________________Cell Phone#:__________________Wk#:___________________
Email Addy: ________________________________________________________________________________
Favorite Food:______________________________________________Favorite Color:______________________
Favorite TV Show:____________________________________Favorite song:______________________________
Awards/ Achievements:_________________________________________________________________________
Most interesting event in Sulphur history:____________________________________________________________
I agree Sulphur High School, the Pageant Coordinators or Sulphur Heritage Festival will not be held responsible for accidents, injury, theft or loss that may occur before, during or after this event and agree to abide by all rules set forth above.
Parent’s Signature:_______________________________________________Date:_________________________
Contestant signature:______________________________________________Date:________________________
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