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Date Posted: 09:49:02 03/21/05 Mon
Author: mutaforma

The MUTAFORMA PROJECT is an artistic group, formed by Daniele Tito and Evilia Di Lonardo, and it is involved not only in videoart, but also in electromusic and web project.

They work with passion in visual linguistic research so as to perceive the future near us. Mutaforma means something changeable, variable but never the same.

Mutaforma is inviting videoartists to partecipate at Collective Intelligence

The project's purpose is the file-sharing of audio and video available on the net, the rework of this ones and successive file-sharing of new videos realized according to the copyleft logic.

All the artists who participate to Collective Intelligence project must accept the licence's terms (Creative Commons). They are also engaged, with non - commercial purpose, to disclose the works contained in this project and to promote the project and its participants.

The project's theme: MAN and MACHINE


The project's theme is related to the influence of machines on daily life. The technology influences also our bodies and our thoughts...

Collective Intelligence will be divided in two parts: research of audio and video file relating to "MAN and MACHINE" theme and subsequently an artistic re-elaboration of audio and video files in order to realize a video ex-novo relating to "MAN and MACHINE" theme.

The duration of final video must be within 1 and 5 minutes.

Within 15 May 2005 (last term) the candidates must send a participation request to the following e-mail address info@mutaforma.com in which they must list:

- the previous experiences in audiovisual or net-art fields

- possible useful links or websites to acquire more informations to own artistic productions

You can read the project's terms at http://www.mutaforma.com/collective/index.htm

Thanks to all

Daniele Tito + Evilia Di Lonardo
> e-mail: info@mutaforma.com
> web: www.mutaforma.com

Mutaforma are actively contacting partners, institutions, museum and curators interested in Collective Intelligence project's theme so as to be included in several manifestations.

We ask anyone who was interested in Collective Intelligence project or anyone who has ideas, useful contacts and suggestions to contact us at info@mutaforma.com We will be happy to read your proposals for promoting the project and its artists.

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