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Subject: Re: CoD ROSTER

Kuro'udo Akabane
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Date Posted: 17:04:25 01/12/05 Wed
In reply to: Kuro'udo Akabane aka The Jackal 's message, "CoD ROSTER" on 18:11:40 01/10/05 Mon

Higher Council

OverLord: Kuro'Udo Akabane, 140hp (With Enhancers)

Screenname: MysticKurama

Strength: 3d35, Level 12, 6,750xp. (+30,000 old XP)

Weapons:Throwing Knives, Rose Whip

Second in Command: Adrian 'Alucard' Tepes, 145hp (with enhancers).

Screenname: CalamityofChaos

Dice: 2d85, Level 11, 26,900xp

Weapons: The Crissaegrim, Throwing Knives

Third in Command: Saiyuki (Yuki) , 55hp

Screenname: JynxTheFallenOne

Dice: 2d45, Level 4, 4,200xp

Weapons: Dual Sais

Lower Council

Recruit Commander: Jerrika Lavanya Valencia, 40hp

Screenname: XerraticsinsX

Dice: 2d30, Level 1, 2,000xp

Weapons: Poison Tipped Daggers, Ancient Katana

Division's General: Zoey Reanne Martin, 50hp

Screenname: Tru RP Girlie

Dice: 2d40, Level 3, 3,800xp.

Weapons: Reverse Bladed Sword, Dagger of Hope

Death Dealers

Division Commander: Vash Starwind, 55hp

Screenname: VashstarwindX

Dice: 2d45 Level 4, 4,200xp

Weapons: Reverse Blade

Second in Command: Viktor, 45hp

Screenname: Mollsdad

Dice: 2d35, Level 2, 2,200xp

Weapons: Sunset Katana

Name: Conan, 45hp

Screenname: Kingarthas343

Dice: 2d35, Level 2, 2,000xp

Weapons: Long Silver Sword

Name: Gabrielle, 45hp

Screenname: Rewakened

Dice: 2d35, Level 2, 2,000xp

Weapons: Divine Sword of the Saint Gabrielle

Name: Yoiko, 40hp

Screenname: CorruptedPlague

Dice: 2d30, Level 1, 500xp

Weapons: Sakabato (Reverse bladed katana)

Magic: Pyromancy

Name: Raikoh, 40hp

Screenname: WrathofaKitsune

Dice: 2d30, Level 1, 200xp

Weapons: Sword

Name: Ferver Darkblade, 40hp

Screenname: guyverbld

Dice: 2d30, Level 1, 200xp

Weapons: Bastard Sword

Magic:Necromany, Time Travel

Night Stalkers

Division Commander: Raven Kasmos, 40 hp

Screenname: Red Rain15k

Dice: 2d30, Level 1, 2,000xp

Weapons: Cobra Katana, Conceiled Posion Dagger.

Second in Command: Aswan, 40hp

Screenname: RaveShadow

Dice: 2d30, Level 1, 2,000xp

Weapons: Water Blade, Demonic/Shadow Magic

Name: ZidaneDemise, 40hp

Screenname:Living Smoke

Dice: 2d30, Level 1, 2,000xp

Weapons:Dual Azure Sky Daggers

Name: Satina, 40hp

Screenname: xmonkeyXchunksx

Dice: 2d30, Level 1, 200xp

Weapon: Great sword

Magic: Talepathy, Shapeshifting, Black Magic, Lightning

Weapons: Dark Matter Blade, Sword of nine moons


Division Commander: Kraven, 40hp

Screenname: MysticalMarth

Dice: 2d30, Level 1, 2,000xp

Weapons: Reverse Blade Sword, Black magic

Second in Command: Magnus, 40hp

Screenname: Zman467 2

Dice: 2d30, Level 1, 2,000xp

Weapons: Sythe, Black Magic

Name: Jasmine Marie Kayne


Dice: 2d30, Level 1, 2,000xp

Weapons: Katana, Daggers

Magic: Seduction


Division Commander:Kyra Trinity, 45hp

Screenname: XKyraTrinityX

Dice: 2d35, Level 2, 2,400xp

Weapons: Red Diamond Blade

Magic: White Magic

Second in Command: Erin Riley Sparda, 45hp


Dice: 2d35, Level 2, 2,200xp

Weapons: Masa-mune Katana

Magic: White Magic

Name: Tatsumi, 40hp

Screenname: BrandOwn

Dice: 2d30, Level 1, 2,000xp

Weapons: Soul Blade

Magic: Necromancy

Division Commander: Dust, 45hp

Screenname: XDustNiteWingX

Dice: 2d35, Level 2, 2,200xp

Weapons: Dusk Katana

Second in Command: Krono, 40hp

Screenname: MoparBillyII

Dice: 2d30, Level 1, 2,000xp

Weapons: Reverse Bladed Sword

Name: Ayame, 40hp

Screen name: Rindypoo5

Dice: 2d30, Level 1, 200xp

Weapons: Katana

Name: Alice Earth Chi, 40hp

Screenname: Earthfaire14

Dice: 2d30, Level 1, 200xp

Weapons: Daggers

Name: Faith

Screenname: Lilwolfbabe

Dice: 2d30, Level 1, 200xp

Weapons: Sythe

Name: Kyosuke Rose, 40hp

Screenname: Kyosuke Rose

Dice: 2d30, Level 1, 200xp

Weapons: Light spear

Magic: Transifguration

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Re: CoD ROSTERKuro03:56:43 01/30/05 Sun
Re: CoD ROSTERKuro'udo Akabane16:38:50 02/26/05 Sat

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