Subject: Re: SoUL Roster |
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Date Posted: 06:54:30 12/12/04 Sun
In reply to:
Ruby DeLioncourt
's message, "Re: SoUL Roster" on 10:06:39 12/06/04 Mon
3d65~ 1
3d60~ 1
3d55~ 5
3d50~ 2
3d45~ 3
3d40~ 3
3d35~ 4
3d30~ 13
Member Count: 32 (dec 12th)
High Council:
Grand Commander- Duce Jeffrey Slyder ((DuceSlyder))
Dice- 3d65
Weapon(s): Seven Foot Staff, Elven Bow, Demon Lancer, Lancer Demon (Swords) Orc Scimitar
Magicks: Pyromancy, Summoning
Co Grand Commander- Ruby DeLioncourt ((RubyDelioncourt))
Dice - 3d60
Weapon(s) Daggers
Magicks: Pyromancy, Telepathy
Second in Command - Aeris (VxAerisxV)
Dice - 3d55
Weapon(s): Sword
Magicks:Aeromancy, Cryomancy
Personal BG to the council - Yoiko ((CorruptedPlague))
Dice - 3d55
Weapons:Sakabato (Revearsed Blade Katana)
Death Bringers:
Division Commander: Lady Nemesis Anna Mayse ((Nemesis71103))
Weapons: Shoulder high wooden staff, Unbreakable golden bow
Magicks: Pyromancy, Cryomancy
Trent Gabriel ((VvTrentGvV)
Dice: 3d40
Weapon(s): Titanium Short Sword, Twin Daggers
Magicks: none
Nexus Sadow ((desoiated hate))
Dice: 3d30
Weapon(s): Long Staff
Magicks: Necromancy
Ark Redhaven ((MythGreybrook))
Dice: 3d30
Weapon(s): Orameer (( Bow of Piercing Wind and Lightning ))
Magicks: Air Magick, Shadow magick
Tabitha Wolfguard ((calicazy))
Dice: 3d30
Weapon(s): Large Mallet
Magicks: Transfiguration, Umbramancy
Zendora Ontukari ((Lady Zendora))
Magicks: None
Jubie Xavier Pendragon III ((nefariousdiablo))
Dice: 3d30
Weapon(s): Samauri Katana
Magicks: Pyromancy, Umbramancy
Protectors of Light
Division Commander: Fang Chi ((SsGoTanKs2259)) update dice has 35 listed
Dice: 3d55
Weapons: None
Magicks: Pyromancy, Transfiguration
Uriel Sparda Feodari ((XDEMONICSLAYER4))
Dice: 3d50
Weapons: Sparda Sword
Magicks: Electromancy, Aeromancy
Damion Of Wirewood ((Leonardskinard))
Weapon(s): Sword of Dragons Bone, Elven made bow and arrows
Diamond Kagemusha Blade ((XvMajinBladevX))
Dice: 3d35
Weapons:Battle Ax
Magicks: Pyrokenesis
Ezekiel De La Cruz ((demonic rath))
Dice: 3d30
Weapon(s): Darkage Sword
Magicks: Pyromancy, Demonic Arts
Protectors of Soul
Division Commander:
Landen A Slyder ((Landen A Slyder))
Dice: 3d55
Weapon(s): Shattered Dreams (mage's staff)
Magicks: Cryomancy, Conjuration
Rayna Levesque ((Xv Rayna vX))
Dice 3d45
Weapon(s): Jeweled Dagger, Whip
Magicks: Pyromancy, Summoning
Angelique Ivory Vain ((Bttrflymoonlight))
Dice: 3d30
Weapon(s) Bow and Arrows
Magicks: Spectramancy and Ecomancy
Nazaria Renee O'Dell ((xxwikeddreamsxx))
Dice 3d30
Weapon(s): None
Magicks: Ecomancy, Summoning
Children of the Moon
Division Commander:
Cass ((BaneofDreams))
Dice: 3d50
Weapon(s): Long Sword
Magicks:Shape Shifting
Chev Darkstryder ((ChevDarkstryder))
Dice: 3d45
Weapon(s): Dual scimitar's
Magicks: Shadow Magics
Tamirr ((Sxfxyxx))
Dice: 3d40
Weapon(s): Sword, Dagger
Magicks: none
Alice Earth Chi ((EarthFaire14))
Dice: 3d40
Weapons: Dagger
Magicks: No magicks
Caliase Solbourn ((executions))
Dice 3d35
Weapon(s): Staff
Magicks: Cryromancy, Umbramancy
Jatdsia Siaura ((xdeathravenx51))
Dice: 3d35
Weapon(s): "Alsekn"Elven Longsword
Magicks: Ecomancy, Psionics
Lilith "Lyn" Lesser ((JadAtHrt))
Magicks:Spectramancy, mind magicks
DelihaDeLyon ((DrkDestny))
Dice: 3d30
Weapon: Dagger
Magicks: Shapeshifting
Vresiege Zayto ((abyssofblood))
Dice: 3d30
Weapon(s): Alloy Claws/Arm
Magicks: Telepathy, Seduction
Jaqael ((Raj1985))
Dice: 3d30
Weapon(s): Spiritual energy which may take the form of a white sword or black curved dagger.
Magicks: Spectramancy, Transfiguration
Bail ((Xv Bail vX))
Dice: 3d30
Weapon(s): Longknife
Magicks: Enhanced Athletic Abilities
Dagger McSim ((DaggerMcSim))
Dice: 3d30
Weapon(s): Elven Bow
Magicks: Geomancy, Mind Magick
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