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Subject: Get ur Blood up!!! Jadakiss helped me on this one AHA!!!!!!!!

Steven "Da Kidd" Strong
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Date Posted: 18:51:44 12/03/04 Fri

There are a lot a ways to strengthen immunity. One way to strenghten immunity is to maintain a healthy diet. You should eat foods that have sources of Calcium, Vitamin A, Vitamin D, protein and all the other good minerals.Another way to strengthen immunity is to excercise daily. If you sit on the couch all day and eat nothing but chicken wings and french fries. You will not have a immune system to keep you healthy. However, if you excercise(like me for example)and stay in good physical shape, your immune system will be very strong.Another way to strenghten immunity is vaccinations.
It is important to give up blood for other people because it might save someone's life. However, if you give someone blood that their body cant take, the blood in the person's body will reject the blood that you gave to it. That is the reason why you cannot give anybody any ole blood transfusion. Different blood types tend to fight each other
There is only one religion that does not favor blood transfusion. That religion is The Jewish religion.
Dr.Charles Drew was the first black person to discover blood transfusion.
My bibliographical resource was my brain of course. What else would it be? My blood is up because Jadakiss said that it was up. AHA!!!!!!!!

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