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Date Posted: 20:22:26 12/05/04 Sun

I know ways to get ur immunity stonger. One way is by gettin alot of vitamin c because it helps your immune system prevent colds. You can also do basic things like having a proper nutritiion and excercising. Some people get sicker faster or more than others because they have weaker immune systems. They probly dont get enough vitamin c or have bad nutiriton habits. Donating blood is a nice thing to do and shows how kind people can be. It is important because some people have illnesses that infect their blood and need uninfected blood in order to live. If you're in the hospital about to go under the knife, "you can't get just any ole' blood transfusion" because there is different blood types(a b ab o) If u get the wrong type of blood your messed up. Your blood type has to be determined and then you get matched with the right type of blood.
AB you can get blood from anybody but cant give blood to anybody
O you can give blood to anybody but can only recieve blood from another O
A you can only get blood from another A or O
B you can only get blood from another B or O
One religion i know that doesnt agree with blood transfusions are Jehovas witnesses. They believe that taking blood into one’s body, even one’s own stored blood is against (Jehovah) God’s law. The first black man to discover a blood transfusion was Dr Charles Drew

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