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Subject: Intelligent Machines.

Mohsin Javed.
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Date Posted: 16:33:57 12/03/04 Fri
Author Host/IP: cacheqta.super.net.pk/

Computer system can be described in many terms in which it is Intelligent.

Half of the world believe on it and Half didn’t. One Fact , which I believe that , Computer didn’t think itself. But on the other hand it reply the answers of the questions like :-

1-How much long things can be remember?
2-How fast and accurate it is to search the answer from a big Data Bank?
3-How much then it is sharp to reply to the user?

All these can be justifies on three facts:-

1) The "DataBase" which can hold and manage a huge amount of data in a particular manner. ( DBMS )

2) The "KnowledgeBase" which describes the conditional mechanism for fastest search. (Speed and Memory )

3) The User Friendly "Interfaces" on which user can interact easily.

The DBMS, Data Base Management System, are enough today to manage a huge and complicated data in almost all its known types. The Relational Model and Object-Oriented Models are improving day by day. Now a days, Multimedia Database System are further Improving. One can easily justifies these facts in Oracle 9i or Oracle 12i.

You can think , Knowledgebase , as the collection of conditions,( IF-THEN-ELSE ). It is used to search an answer from a huge data. Of course it takes long time to do this , but the Artificial Intelligence and its searching Algorithms made it possible to reduce time and increase accuracy. The Solid State and Optical Technologies further increase the Speed of processing. Now a days , Prolog and CLIPS are the available Software tools on which you can easily create Knowledgebase. Many other Software Tools are available to create Software AGENTS also.

Virtual reality and modern computer graphics are so advanced to develop Interfaces through which computer behave just like another human being. OpenGL, Avalon and SRGP-PHING were very popular in Graphics area.

Many remaining facts are here which needs a big discussion but due to shorter time and less space it is not possible. Your questions and remarks are highly appreciable.

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