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Date Posted: 14:56:24 02/17/05 Thu
Author: TroyandLindseyFan
Catherine Hickland Soap Talk Recap!
Hey Everyone!
Sorry this took SO long, but I finally got done with my recap! lol... So here goes:
I had the most INCREDIBLE weekend you can possibly imagine!! Why, you ask? Oh, I don't know... maybe because I FINALLY got to see CATHERINE HICKLAND at Soaptalk! Eeeeee!!! Although I met her at SSW two years ago, I had managed to miss all three of her guesthosting tapings.
I'm still on another planet, but I think I can 'try' and explain this specific memorable weekend, because.... it was also Ty and Catherine's birthday weekend (they were both born on February 11th).
BTW, at the Friday show, I had made a "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TY AND CAT" banner which I waved from the audience. Imagine my surprise when Ty jumped from his seat and ran over to me to take the sign and show it off during his host chat with Lisa Rinna. He made sure to remind her it was not only his birthday, but Catherine's as well. So very, very sweet! 
Now onto my Saturday report! ---- WARNING though... there's LOTS of GUSHING and MAJOR excitement ahead! lol...
I was in the front row (thanks to my favorite #1 warm-up guy with the biggest heart in the world ......CHUNKY B!!!) with my "CATHERINE HICKLAND ROCKS!!!" banner ready.
Ty started out the show by talking about how Catherine was going to be on the show, (*more loud cheering from the audience*) and he went on to say that Catherine had called him up about two weeks ago and said how she really wanted to come out here for 1) their birthdays (he told Lisa, "Because you know, Catherine and I share the same birthday" and Lisa was like "I KNOW I KNOW you've said it so much I'll NEVER forget!!" *hehehe*) and 2) the baby, and Ty said that he thought it was very sweet how Cat was thinking about him and wanting to support him during this time etc.. but lol... she had actually meant 'be here' as in be here for Monica, hold her hand to help HER through the labor haha...
FINALLY it was time for Cat to come out!! OMG, I was so excited I could've just jumped out of my seat! So right after playing her clip (an RJ/Lindsay scene, btw) Ty and Lisa announced her name, and I held up my banner, just as she walked out and headed straight over to TY!! They hugged and...... kissed *Eeeeeeeee* and Cat sat down for the interview!
They started out by talking about how great it was that she was there, and Ty talked about how great the RJ/Lindsay storyline was! And then.... they talk about the Valentine's Day show and guess what SEXY posing pic they showed!?!!! YUP!! The one of her singing on the piano!! The audience cheered LOUD! Ty went onto say something about how she looked liked Jessica Rabbit in that sexy little dress. He pouted and complained when he was on the show with her, she was always in her prison outfit ("FREE LINDSAY!"), and how he had wanted to see her in an outfit like THAT instead!! Anyhow, Cat said that that's because she was overweight back then. And it was sad cuz she looked GREAT no matter what. Ty talked about how much Cat means to him because when he was first starting out, she took him under her wings and really helped him out!! *Awwwwwwwwwww* Cat looked like she was about to cry! As was I and the rest of the audience! GAWD I LOVE THEM. 
Catherine talked about how she was doing this off-Broadway play coming up, and Ty asked what it was called. Catherine: "This is a family show!!!" (lol) and Ty said, "I don't know what family is watching watching so go on".... So Catherine announced, "It's called 'Pieces of ..... She stopped, slowlllly put her arms on the sides of the chair, got up, turned around, and slapped her butt!! LMAO!!! Oh Cat!! 
Before I knew it, they were ready to go to commercial! I heard CHUNKY telling Catherine that I'm sitting over there and asking her if she could pleeease come over to me and give me a a hug. I had NO idea he was gonna do that!! Believe me, I will never forget everything that he did for me that day! So OMG, Catherine got up from her chair and started walking over to me!! We had spoken on the phone a couple times and she had remembered me from SSW cuz of Ty's petition and all that and she was expecting to see me, but I don't think she knew who she was walking up to until she saw me!! I called out "Catherrrrine!". and she came over and gave me a HUUUUUGE hug! The audience even did a "Awwwwwwww....." and clapped!! It was AWESOME!!!!! I told her I was SO happy she's FINALLY here and she told me that she made it! And that it was SO good to see me!! I let her know I had the birthday wishes to give to her and she told me, that she's gonna come back to me after her segment ends!! YAYYYY!!!!!!!!!! She then hugged my friend who sitting next to me, and she went back to her seat! WOW!!!! .... Was that a moment of what?!? I quickly turned over to Chunky and mouthed "THANK YOUUUU" and he gave me a thumbs up sign! Of course, I had OFFICIALLY left earth so all contact with me emotionally and mentally was temporarily disabled! lol... 
So anyhow - they come back from the commercial, and Ty talks about how Catherine had done LAW and ORDER again recently and Cat said yea but...........she gets MURDERED in this one!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOO!!! And they showed PICTURES of her ... DEAD. UGHHH!! It was gruesome and NOT a pretty site! She was pale with deep cuts all over her face. *SNIFF* Ty asked "do you know when it airs?" and Cat said No, but that it was LAW and ORDER Criminal Intent. So remember to keep an eye out! . [TV Guide says it will air on Sunday, Feb. 20th at 8pm on NBC].
Just when we thought the interview would end, Ty said he had a birthday surprise for Catherine!!! (Ty told us that he had a surprise the day before, but he said he wasn't gonna tell us what it was) She looked around and Ray Liotta came out!! He even had a cake in his hand for her!! Catherine just about lost it!! Cuz she realllllllly likes him. They had worked together on Another World (leading to the spin-off "Texas") and they've known each other for many, many years. Having Ray there meant SO much to Cat! Ty even said that when he saw Ray Liotta at the Gym and told him that Catherine was coming, Ray immediately told him: "I'M THERE" So anyhow - they started talking and then they went into commercial. This was the end of segment 2 and going into segment 3!! THREE Segments just for CAT!! Talk about one surprise after another!
After another commercial break, Ray and Catherine were sitting together, and they talked a bit more. I completely forgot what they talked about, but it was a VERY sweet, mutual admiration segment. Before leaving the set, Catherine came over to my section to let me know she'd like to see me again at the end of the show. and Ty joined her and called me her #1 fan. LOL! Then the big treat..... Ty whispered in Cat's ear and drew her in for a big, long smooch right in front of me. Whew! That was some kiss! I'm still fanning myself at the memory. 
At the end of the taping, one of the audience coordinators told me and my friend to get up and come down on the main stage and stand on the side of the stage. At first , I was like,"Oh, okay, they probably want us to stand here so that when Catherine comes, it'll be easier to talk." --- Well... I look ahead and see a stage manager motioning over to me and my friend to come with her and we started heading BACKSTAGE!!!!!!!!!!!! EEEEE!!!!!! OH MY GAWD, I was on the verge of heart attack!!
A door was open and Catherine was standing there!! AHHHHHHH!!!! Okay, first of all, she looked FABULOUS!! And SO small!! Much smaller than I had last seen her for sure! But yea she looked AMAZING! And so anyhow - my friend quickly sat down on the couch while I was about to fall over! But ofcourse the first thing I did was walk over to her to give her a BIG hug! And she asked me how I was and I asked her how she was, and we go to talking and she told her friend Gerry (who was also in the room) about how we first met back SSW 2003 when I was running around with that petition and she was describing the moment to him, etc.,. and then I had pictures of her and Ty. She and I were gushing over those. It was just TOO CUTE!! They were getting ready to go and see Ty's daughter, Samantha (Monica had brought her to the studio along with her mom and sister). We took some quick pictures. I was on the verge of crying from the entire experience and Cat was like: "No crying! No Crying! it'll ruin your make up" lol... so I was able to hold back. Cat promised she'd be back to California in April and would see me again. 
During the last show, my friend and I were seated in the front row and were treated like stars! Oh yea, Eden Riegel and Elizabeth Hendrickson were the guests and that was a GREAT segment as well! We also got to talk to Ty afterwards and I hugged him and thanked him for everything and he was VERY happy for me! He said it took a while to get Cat out here, but that he finally did and he was VERY pleased with the entire weekend! I asked him what they did for their B-days and he said they didn't do anything on Friday, cuz he was tired and they had to work the next day, so he said that Cat was over at his house and that they were gonna go and celebrate their birthdays that night. 
So there ya have it!! A magical weekend! And certainly a memorable and special weekend for me as I not only got to spend the weekend with Ty and Catherine, but getting a huge bonus like going backstage and being able to have the moment I had been waiting for for such a looooooong time! I will never forget everything that the crew and CHUNKY and Ty and Catherine did to make my day and special as it possibly could've been!
Thank you again Ty and Cat!! YOU BOTH ROCK!!!!!!!!! 
(Reminder: Be sure to look out for this episode of Soap Talk on March 16th!) _________________
For more news go to: troyandlindsay.cjb.net
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