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Subject: 406 sbc in 90 notchback

marc (built ford tough with only chevy stuff)
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Date Posted: 18:27:25 09/05/08 Fri

i've posted on here before, letting everyone know how great the lightweight fox body coupe runs with a nice small block chevy stuffed between the fenders,(in case any of you are thinking of doing this swap, DO IT! you will not be disappointed). i started off w/ a 90 5.0 5speed notchback bonestock. slow as hell. i tried the exhaust, gear, intake ,throttle body, mass air, fuel inj... the list goes on & on, my point is i spent alot of cash and it still only ran 8.30's in the 1/8th. then i found out about an aje tubeular k-member & trans x-member that allows the installation of my favorite little motor.A SMALL BLOCK CHEVY!! so as you will find out, i sold off all that ford crap(but kept the ford 8.8 rear) installed a aje k-member, turbo 350 trans. x-member, qa1 alum. coilovers,kooks headers ,dropped in a healthy 406 solid roller, alum. headed beast, a built turbo 350 w/3500 stall, had dynotech engineering build me an alum. driveshaft, installed a moser 35 spline spool along with 373 gear,35 spline axles, c-clip eliminators, installed some mega bite jr lower and adjustable uppers. removed a ton of uneeded wiring and rewired the whole car w/ a painless kit. welded in full length frame ties, battle box kit, 8 point roll cage, the list goes on, but in the end, the first trip back to the ol 1/8th mile track netted me a 7.00 @99mph crossing the line w/ more rpms to go and launching with both front wheels off the ground with 1.50 60 ft times. i still have some tweeking to do here and there, but their is no other mustang in my town that can come close to running with me. i hope this helps someone else out there do the same thing and then you will see why there is this web site.

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