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Date Posted: 15:33 12/28/07 Fri
Author: Griff Canfield
Subject: Re: What is an inspector to do?
In reply to: Dean Austin 's message, "Re: What is an inspector to do?" on 08:53 12/27/07 Thu

I agree with the points made by Mr. Austin. I would also like to add that an electric meter is not made to break or pick-up load. An unsuspecting home owner could easily create an arc flash by pulling or setting a meter with connected load. There is also a danger when a meter is improperly set where the stabs do not align in the jaws of the socket. One last point: utility workers will test the conductors prior to setting a meter to assure there are no crossed phases or shorts to ground.

>No, most utility companies have a policy to have a
>disconnect/re-connect to work on load side of meter.
>They frown on anybody touching their equipment. This
>also helps us as inspectors because the utlity will
>not re-connect without inspection approval.
>>Does an electrical inspector, acting in his
>>jurisdiction,have the right to suggest to a homeowner
>>to pull the edison meter from its stabs himself in
>>order that the homeowner can work more safely
>>correcting a violation (feeder conductors terminating
>>with service entrance conductors at the supply side of
>>the main lugs in the service panel)? Does the
>>inspector need the permission of the utility?

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