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Date Posted: Wed, Nov 28 2001, 6:44:14
Author: whig
Subject: I'm tired of arguing over there, rather argue here at home

I have on final thing to say about what's happening in Afghanistan. The United States of America does not target civilians. Least not anymore. The Taliban were hiding a man who does not differentiate between a civialian and a soldier. They were warned what would happen if they didn't give Osama Such a Dickhead to us, they suffered the consequences of not doing so. This war isn't about Afghanistan, it's about Bin Laden and his terrorists organization. Afghanistan has never been right, and it never will be. It's not our job to make it right. I seriously doubt we will be fighting the Northern Alliance, unless they start harboring terrorists. If there's a difference of opinion between Blaire and Bush, Blaire can pack it up and go home. The help is appreciated, but not necessary.

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