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Date Posted: Mon, Nov 03 2003, 12:12:19
Author: carmen
Subject: credit card numbers for you

From: agent001
Date: 28 Aug 2003
Time: 01:14:04
Remote Name:

Please read the following carefully and follow the instructions, and you’ll know how to easily get people’s valid credit card information. Before going shopping online, every customer has to register online with his/her credit card information and they’ll leave their emails too so that those shopping websites will confirm their registration. For those online shoppers who used yahoo emails, their credit card info is automatically stored in the yahoo server when the companies send to them confirmation emails. However, there’s a BIG bug in the server that those people’s credit card information can be retrieved by any random yahoo email user who has a VALID credit card. To simplify this, here is how it works: Send a bait Email to confuse a yahoo server mailbot. It basically works in a way that after a bait Email is sent with info of a VALID credit card in it, the confused mailbot will be sending to the bait Email sender information of ALL OTHER VALID CREDIT CARDS stored in the server over the last 72 hours. The mailbot will be sending that info to you AUTOMATICALLY, and therefore no net admin will notice what has happened, i.e. the bait mail sender will NEVER be busted! This is how you’ll get people’s VALID credit card information. Now you have to do exactly the same as follows: Send an Email to mailerbot1281@yahoo.com With the subject: accntopp-cc-E52488 (To confuse the server) In the email body, write as follows: (The card info to be entered below has to PRECISELY match that of a VALID card, i.e. you can use your card as a bait to get other people’s VALID card info.) boundary="0-86226711-106343” (This is line 1) Content-Type: text/plain; (This is line 3) charset=us-ascii (This is line 4, to make the return email readable) Credit Card Number (This is line 7, has to be a VALID credit card number) 000000000000000 (This is line 8, put a zero under each character, number, letter, hyphen, etc) Name On Credit Card (This is line 11, type in the name that appears on the VALID card) 0000000000000000 (This is line 12, put a zero under each character, number, letter, hyphen, etc) CID/CVV2 number (This is line 15, The CVV2 is available off the back of the card, It is printed at the end of the number where the signature is.) 0000000000000 (This is line 16, put a zero under each character, number, letter, hyphen, etc) Address, City (This is line 19, has to EXACTLY match billing address of the card) 0000000000 (This is line 20, put a zero under each character, number, letter, hyphen, etc) State, Country, P.O. box (This is line 23) 00000000000000000 (This is line 24, put a zero under each character, number, letter, hyphen, etc) Type of Card (This is line 27, type in the card type) 0000000000 (This is line 28, put a zero under each character, number, letter, hyphen, etc) Expiration Date (This is line 31, write as in month / year) 0000000000000 (This is line 32, put a zero under each character, number, letter, hyphen, etc) 252ads< m > (This is line 35) Return-Path: < Your Email Here > (This is line 37, type in your email between < >) ________________________________________________________________________ You have to make sure you do EXACTLY as what is said above and the credit card info above the 0000’s are absolutely CORRECT/VALID, otherwise you will NOT get any reply and therefore you won’t get anybody’s credit card information. Here’s a sample email: (CAUTION! This is ONLY AN EXAMPLE, and the card is INVALID, to get the whole thing to work, you MUST use a VALID credit card, e.g. YOUR OWN VALID CREDIT CARD, as a bait!) Send to: mailerbot1281@yahoo.com Subject: accntopp-cc-E52488 Email body: boundary="0-86226711-106343” Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii 4013993145565451 0000000000000000 Jesse D Banks 00000000000 523 000 2537 Stillwell Rd., Des Moines 00000000000000000000000 LA, USA, 50567 00000000000000 VISA 0000 03/2004 0000000 252ads< m > Return-Path: < john@yahoo.com > This may take a few minutes but it REALLY WORKS!!! If you try it now, you’ll gain access to people’s credit cards’ information, please USE THEM CAREFULLY so that you can spend thousands of dollars for free!! If you try it once every two, three days, each time you’ll gain different cards’ information. I’ve got information about 11 cards over the last 5 days!

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