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Subject: Good Job

Shelby Pennington
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Date Posted: 09:16:50 04/19/05 Tue
In reply to: Cole 's message, "I myself was worried about the change when larry first mentioned it and it would be very beneficial to both the racers and the track in many ways. The programs right now are going good, but like everyone knows the gas prices are going up and its a struggle for most to get to work everyday rather than traveling hours to get to the track every week. Like Mike said there wont just be down weekends. The track will still have Friday Night Fun Drags every Friday, if we decide to do the 2 weekend a month deal, and we would try and have extra races such as: Outlaw Races, Index Races, Gamblers Races, Team Races, Ford vs. Chevy vs. Mopar Races, and other fun races that give you a different feel every once in a while. As far as I'm concerned the change would be good!!" on 16:21:01 04/18/05 Mon

Larry, I am so glad you bought the racetrack you are a very good man.. Racing is just your thing.. You prolly dont remember me But i am Justin Pennington's litle sister you know Steve Pennington's daughter.. But any who Good Luck with the track. Everything seems to be going great..
Good Luck With Everything... Good Job Larry...
See ya Next Time,
Shelby Pennington

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