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Date Posted: 16:08:06 02/08/07 Thu
Author: Ah-Hah
Subject: Jessica Post Number 1

In this post she willing says that it is "donor sperm":

#7 07-14-2004, 09:08 PM
account suspended Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Somewhere in the US
Posts: 43

IPs in CO, TS in IL, want to deliver in Arkansas


Hello to all! We are completely new to this, but we are trying to make sure that we are doing this correctly. We are doing an independent TS with donor sperm and we are wanting to have a pre-birth order sent in place before the birh of our child. Is that possible? If the Surro lives in IL would she have to go to a state that would allow a pre-birth order before the baby is born? If so, we are thinking about Arkansas because that is neutral ground between the two of us.
Also, since we are new to this, is it possible for someone to show me what a contract should look like for a TS using donor sperm? You can email it to me that would be great. Our email address is mjpeoples02@msn.com. We are so excited about this whole process and can't wait to be parents. BTW, we are not going to start until late Sept or Mid Oct.
Please if anyone could help that would be great. Thanks.

Jessica and Mike

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