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Date Posted: 13:22:19 08/30/06 Wed
Author: Teandrea
Subject: Jessica & Mikes Physical Description

Jessica is all of about 5'2 and weighs about 180-200 pounds. She is vry black, if you think I'm dark, I have a dark honey brown complexion. Jessica is more like darker than Wesley Snipes. Even though she's all of about 23 now, she has the hands of a 80 year old woman that has never seen lotion a day in her life. She has dunlap and booty-do syndrome....that means her stomach dunlapped over her pants and her stomach has more to it than her booty do. Both times I saw her she had weave braided into her hair, nothing wrong with that as I wear weaves to, but she needed her hair done like months before she even came to see me. You know how it is if you have the hair braided in and you have about 3 months worth of new growth under the braids....that's her hair!!

Now on for Mike. Mike is about 6'2 and weighs bout 190 pounds. Think a dopey ass John Salley (the basketball player), but with droopy eyes. His feet needed some serious help. They were blackened with dirt and crusty as all hell. Mike wore a size small shirt when he's like an extra large. he is so obsessed with video games and pokeman cards and has erectile dysfunction, along with a VERY low sperm count. Jessica told me this herself.

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