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Date Posted: 07:10:16 04/06/05 Wed
Author: No name
Subject: Re: Diamond City
In reply to: 's message, "Re: Diamond City" on 21:47:04 04/05/05 Tue

>Agreed that the personal attacks on Kristie are out of
>Regarding Weekender vs. Diamond City: The newspapers
>are interchangable -- interchangably bad, good for
>nothing more than movie, club and 'what to do'
>listings. Both newpspapers are filled with editing
>errors, awful writing, poor layout, and, yes,
>bitmapped ads.

A well thought out and well presented arguement.
>But the Weekender is packed with ads, which leads me
>to believe that it makes money. Most of the ads are
>Weekender-only, unlike the first Diamond City, which
>featured 99 percent Scranton ads that no doubt were
>free buys for Electric City advertisers.
>That will probably change in time, as Diamond City
>secures a foothold in Wilkes-Barre.
>I disagree with the poster who said Wilkes-Barre area
>restauranteurs will stick with Kristie out of loyalty.
>They will stick with whichever they see as the better
>Also, this isn't like the TL vs. CV battle, which has
>dragged on for 25 years because the Voice has a
>built-in constituency of pro-labor TL haters. The
>Weekender and Diamond City are commodities. Most
>readers will look at them interchangably, like toilet
>Each publisher will probably try to undercut the
>other's ad rates. In the end, the winner will be the
>owner that can stomach losing money the longest and
>stay in for the long haul. Judging by recent history
>(Times-Shamrock adding staff and papers, KR's Times
>Leader shedding staff and papers) Diamond City will
>be the last paper standing.

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