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Date Posted: 12:16:03 04/06/05 Wed
Author: No name
Subject: Re: Post-TL success stories
In reply to: 's message, "Re: Post-TL success stories" on 04:33:34 03/25/05 Fri

>>I'd really love to hear about the people who have done
>>well after getting fired from the TL (or having enough
>>sense to quit).
>>Personally, I'm now earning at least 4 times the
>>pittance I got at the TL, and I'm a thousand percent
>>happier. I thank God every day that I didn't waste any
>>more time there.
>I am also earning much more than what I was paid at
>the TL. I left the TL on my own accord, but haven't
>regretted the move at all. I'm much happier as well.
> I know there are many other stories like ours out
>there. As a matter of fact it would be more difficult
>to find someone who left and then regretted it.

I did not work in the news room. I worked elsewhere. after having worked at several other papers in different states (including 3 KR papers), and doing very well, I took a job at the TL. It was the biggest mistake I ever made. I have never seen such talented people get their esteem zapped so much. IMO Pat is the biggest problem with the place. The man gets off on intimidating people. He is a micro manager to the Nth degree. I can not believe that KR has not noticed that he is destroying the place. I have been very happy since leaving. Now, Pat can turn the place in to little Philadelphia. I know of at least 10 people that have since left..and none of us has looked back.

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