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Date Posted: Monday, May 01, 02:37:58am
Author: Marshall Steven Bently
Subject: My articles?????

Well well it seems as though the CEO has gotten into the ear of the webmaster and refuses to post my articles or interviews ........ you see I have sent several copies of my contract to the CEO and he refuses to sign my contract so I have no other choice but to post my articles on the board....So for all of you losers out there in cyper space here is my interview with "Mr. Mid Atlantic" Damien Wayne.

The time has finally come to get the REAL story about what happened on November 19, 2005. You morons have heard what that idiot Adrian Whisper had to say, now it’s time to hear the truth from the man who was screwed out of what was rightfully his, the CREW Heavyweight Title. The man that I am talking about is none other than “Mr. Mid-Atlantic” Damien Wayne.

Q I want to take you back to the night you were screwed out of YOUR title, November 19, 2005. Could you tell me what you thought when you heard that that barking idiot Adrian Whisper was the special referee in your title match?
A. I was pissed Marshall. You see the CEO has been trying his hardest to get the CREW title away from me and this was his master plan I guess. Gotta give him credit for it worked and Whisper ‘handed’ Viper my title.

Q. Now shortly after KAOS in the cage Whisper announced he was retiring from the Mid-Atlantic area. Do you think that he ran like the Gimpy Old Dog that he is because he knew some day down the line you were going to get him in the ring and end his career?
A. Whisper walked into my house, cost me the title, then hauls tail back south running like a scared ‘dog’! Retire my ass. Whisper you are a yellow belly coward and everyone at CREW saw that. You are scared of Damien Wayne as I am the only man who can go toe to toe with the G.O.D. and whip his ass!

Q .Everyone saw that Whisper was counting slowly whenever you went for a pin and then giving Viper an extremely fast count when he pinned you. Now my question is where was the “enforcer” of KAOS Timber?
A. Timber? Who knows. Probably out back chasing some ring rats. Look Timber was suppose to be the final piece to making KAOS unstoppable. He thought hes was mean and a bad ass but what we found out was he is nothing but a washed up has been as he got his ass handed to him not once but twice by a referee, come on now we are talking about a referee. Damn!

Q. At KAOS in the cage Team KAOS had a three on one advantage against Shane Falco, and Timber refused to take a shot at Falco unless it was one on one instead of beating him down. Then he cost you the match by giving you the Log Splitter when Alex Walls was clearly shouting that he had the wrong man. Do you think someone like oh I don’t know Whisper or Viper could have gotten to Timber?
A. No I just think Timber is weak hearted. He couldn’t stand hearing the idiots booing him and telling him what everyone already knows and that is he sucks!

Q. Now on to that greasy haired pretty boy wannabe Shane Falco. My research shows that you two have a long storied history dating back to your NCWA days. For all these rednecks that are going to read this well the ones who actually can read…….remember you morons hooked on phonics does work. Could you tell me a little more about your history with Falco?
A. Me, Big Time Mike Booth, and Preston Quinn made up the most dominat force in wrestling the OSE. We brought Falco in and made him a monster. Booth got injured and PQ retired. That left me and Falco in which we did raise some hell and ruled CREW, NCWA, and other places. Well Shane starts listening to the whisper in his ear and his head grows big. He came to VA to challenge me for my NWA-Va title. He starts playing to the crowd, he too likes to chase the ring rats that run around, but that’s a different story in its self. Falco just didn’t know his role.

Q. After you destroy Viper on April 29, are you going to set your sights on the CREW Heavyweight title or taking care of that redneck Timber?
A. Well the money wasn’t right for me to face Viper in the dog collar match. I told CREW that until they can pay me ‘superstar’ money I won’t be there. Plain and simple. They treated me like crap when I was champion, now its time for me to play hard ball with them.

Now Damien I’d like to try something new for this shoot a little word association. Remember don’t hold anything back
1. The CREW CEO: Sneaky, low down, rotten, human being!
2. Viper: Had the title handed to him by Whisper
3. Adrian Whisper: A major thorn in my side. A man who cost me my title and ran like a coward.
4. Shane Falco: Could have been the next big thing if he would have stayed with me but no he wants to hear the cheers of the little girls when Damien Wayne plays with the women.
5. Timber: A washed up has been who needs to retire and move on somewhere.
6. KAOS: Could have and should have but never will be!

As for Adrian Whisper coming back to CREW.....you and I have some unfinished business...it takes a big man to attack a journalist from behind doesn't it? Then you run with you tail tucked between your legs like the Gimpy Old Dog that you are. Watch your back Whisper because you never know when Bently is watching.

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