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Subject: I'm an editor for students of English

James Brown
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Date Posted: 14:12:41 11/20/02 Wed

Hi. I want to let forum members here know about a new service called Editors For Students. The purpose of this service is to quickly help English-language writers improve essays that have a deadline. I offer editing, proofreading, and consultation services for essays. For official letters such as job statements of purpose and immigration statements, I charge a reasonable flat rate. Additionally, I offer tutorial services at monthly subscription rates. My tutorial services allow writers to consult with me on anything related to writing, any day of the week. It's the best way to have a private language tutor whenever you need one. If you need paper writing help now, visit my website at http://www.editorsforstudents.com

I should tell you a little about myself and my experience. I have a double major in English and Comparative Religious Studies at one of the key schools for ESL students in the United States: San Jose State University. The San Jose metropolitan area, best known for its competitive tech market, also happens to be one of the hottest destination spots for international students seeking business and computer degrees and jobs in these industries. While attending school in this area, I tutored for three years in the English Department's writiting center, so I'm intimately familiar with ESL and EFL writing. I also have technical experience at Sony Electronic's Spoken Language Technology Lab, where engineers from universities internationally would consistenly call on my help to prepare their papers for publication in technical journals.

I can turn any paper on almost any topic into readable, professional, and compelling prose. If you want to know more, please contact me directly at brown@editorsforstudents.com . My business is small. I'm not a corporation. And, because of this, my reputation depends on every word I edit for you.

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