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Subject: Re: Teaching jobs in Asia!!!

angeline henry
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Date Posted: 19:36:30 08/11/04 Wed
In reply to: sujith sumanasiri 's message, "Re: Teaching jobs in Asia!!!" on 19:48:17 09/30/03 Tue

Dear Madam/ Sir,

I have come to know that there are some vacancies for the post of an English Teacher. I wish to present myself as an eligible candidate for the post of an English Teacher. Though, I am not a native speaker of the language, my command over the language is commendable.

I have been in the teaching service for the past five years. I am a qualified teacher handling English from grade 8 to 10. Though , I am qualified to teach English , I will be able to handle Science, Maths for lower classes and as I have done Master degree in Sociology I will be able to handle Sociology too. Apart from this ,I have done a special course on Exceptional Children .

The main reason to seek job abroad is to gain a wide exposure and experience. If given an opportunity I will prove my best ability to the satisfaction of my superiors.

Yours in the service of education,
Angeline Selvakumari Henry

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Re: Teaching jobs in Asia!!!shylesh06:12:01 10/18/04 Mon
    Re: Teaching jobs in Asia!!!a.mohamed ali22:54:33 11/10/04 Wed
    Re: Teaching jobs in Asia!!!R. Samuthiram (joy)02:52:55 02/19/07 Mon

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