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Subject: BEST ESL JOBS IN KOREA(www.bestesl.co.kr)

Yuhak Bank Cheongju
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Date Posted: 01:25:40 03/30/06 Thu

website : http://www.bestesl.co.kr/ Click Here and create your resume !!

We want to let you know some information about our job position that we offer.
We have job position per month, so we open our job center everyday.
Applying is possible anytime.

Please visit our web site and please come and see Today's reputable job List
::: Seoul, Near Seoul, and the other good cities!!

Below job details are for our usual position,
We have various positions include public schools and couple position...
-- Just send us your requirements when you apply. ( :^D)


** Location: All around of Korea.

** Average working hours
As an ESL teacher, teach about 5~6 hours a day, Mon. ~ Fri.

** Housing
The employers will provide a furnished single or shared apartment

** Airfare
Round ticket will be provided .

** Salary
Ranges from 1.900,000 won ~ 2,300,000 won (Korean) Per Month

** Severance pay
You will also receive severance pay after the completion of your contract equal to
one month salary.

** If teacher want to work overtime pays 18,000- 22,000 won / hour

** Paid Holiday, Vacations
16-17 national holidays (Can experience Korean special holiday),
Vacation: 10 ~ 15 days / year

** Health Insurance:
Medical and dental insurance will be provided in half or full by the school.

Please visit our web site for more information!

Thanks for your concern for our position!

E-mail Address : samsung_sk@hanmail.net


******** How to apply *********

Option 1

If you would like to apply for an ESL job by BESTESL,
please send an email to samsung_sk@hanmail.net
with RESUME, Recent Photo and the following fields:

(Resume & Photo are indispensable to contact with our school)

* English Teaching experience: Yes ( ), No ( )
* If Yes, Some description ( Where, How long):
* Teaching certificate: Yes ( ), No ( )
* Major/ Minor in the University:
* Nationality:
* Available date:
* Date of birth
* Preferred Location : Big City ( ) City ( ) Town ( ) Doesn?t matter ( )
* Preferred teaching age :
* Requirements :
* Best time to Have an interview:
* Tel # that We can reach you:

Option 2
PLS visit www.bestesl.co.kr and create your resume!

Warm regards,

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