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Subject: ESL teaching Jobs in Korea with Full benefits!

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Date Posted: 01:27:26 05/30/06 Tue
In reply to: Yuhak Bank Cheongju 's message, "best esl jobs in Korea" on 01:18:38 04/07/06 Fri

JUN Recruiting Co.,Ltd. is a recruiting agency, specializing in ESL related jobs in Korea, established in April 2001. Since 2001, we have been placing qualified native English speakers for teaching jobs in various institutes throughout South Korea
Agency Benefits for Free
- Suitable job offered (No job placement service fee for job seekers)
- Korean information Help in Visa processing
- 1:1 Consultation when needed
Hi, this is Song Kim at Jun recruiting from Korea.
I am currently contacting many foreign teachers in Korea as well as in Canada and America. Some of you might have heard about working abroad in Korea. I got good references from many teachers who got a job here, and I can provide that for you. I am sure this is a great experience of learning new culture and life style. We are currently accepting applications for new English teacher positions at Public schools as well as private English/Foreign Language Institutes throughout Korea. We have more than 100 positions updated everyday, so contact me whenever you decide to work abroad.
To learn a little more about us, please visit our website ( www.Juneducation.com )
Or you can check more information on this website ( http://www.aacircle.com.au/teach-in-korea-info.htm )
1. Native English speaker from English speaking country.
2. BA/BS or higher (No experience required but ENTHUSIASM IS MUST!)

- Location: All over Korea( Seoul, Busan, Dae gu, Jeju so on)
- Term: one year contract (renewable)
- Monthly Salary: 2~2.1 million won or more depending on experience
(About $ 2000 USD - low income tax: 3 % annually)
- Teaching hours: 6 hours a day/ 5 days a week
- Benefits provided by School.
a. Medical insurance (50% paid premiums by the employing organization)
* 1.7 ~ 2 % of your monthly salary will be deducted
b. One year visa sponsorship( E-2VISA)
c. Round trip airfare (from Us to Korea)
d. Bonus upon the completion of one year contract (equivalent to one month pay)
e. Furnished housing provided (single)
f. Paid holidays(10-14days) + Korean national Holidays
g. National pension (50%)
* 4.5 ~ 5.5% of your monthly salary will be deducted
You will get this pension back from Korea Government when you leave Korea.
So when you finish your contract, you will receive
1. Monthly salary
2. Severance pay
3. National pension
So if you finish one year contract, you get around $6000 including your last payment.

HOW TO APPLY: Send the forward following documents and information by email (solkim@juneducation.com) :
1. Resume/CV (Curriculum Vitae) including Contact information.
2. a copy of the Passport or recent scanned photo
3. Detailed info. On your job preferences (Location, Students age, or other preferences)

Not only you will get a rewarding teaching job but also you will get honest advice on dos and don'ts from our experience in teaching in Korea. Once we've found you a job, you will find one true mentor. Looking forward to working with you all. Thanks
JUN Recruiting Co., ltd.
TEL: 822-452-3901~2
E-mail: solkim@juneducation.com
Website: http://www.juneducation.com/

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