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Subject: Information research on Open and Distance Learning

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Date Posted: 10:49:42 03/20/12 Tue

Open and distance learning (ODL) has as its main objective, attaining of mass
literacy and providing opportunities for those who could not gain admission
through designated entrance examination agencies as well as those who could
not afford to leave their job to attend a fulltime educational programme. Open
and distance learning seeks to improve skilled manpower and also improve the
skills for those already at work. The purpose of this study, therefore, is to identify
both the internal and external implementation problems for ODL in Nigeria. Major
recommendations are made based on the result of the study. The Nigerian
government should thus subsidize ODL programmes just like the conventional
school system and improve electricity supplies to the nation. In the same vein,
Nigeria should emulate ODL implementation procedures of Brazil, Egypt and
South Africa. ODL programmes should be seen as the avenue to produce a
strong manpower for national development rather than an avenue for internally
generated revenue by the stakeholders concerned. Students should develop a
good culture of maintenance of the available facilities. ODL can only be
sustained with the involvement of all stakeholders. The National Open University of Nigeria is Nigeria's leading - and only specialist - provider of open and distance learning at tertiary level. We are also the country's largest tertiary institution in terms of student numbers.

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