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Date Posted: 17:26:20 04/13/10 Tue
Author: jerica (sad because i need a placed to stay a.s.a.p.)
Subject: Re: we want work with you under your leadership
In reply to: Pastor GR SolomonRaju 's message, "we want work with you under your leadership" on 18:52:15 08/14/08 Thu

>Dear and Respected Pastor in Christ.
>Greetings to you in the precious name of our Lord and
>Savior Jesus Christ
>It is my privilege to introduce myself as a Servant of
>God. I got your address from my church youth member,
>But I prayed 2 Weeks for the guidance of Holy Spirit
>to write this letter. Now I inspired and constrained
>by the Holy Spirit to write the letter. I G.R. SOLOMON
>RAJU, Iam 22 years old, Pastor have been in this
>ministry since
> 3 years in the outskirts of Hyderabad . Now I want
>to share with you something about my conversion
>(Testimony) and how God called me for his ministry
>and about my present ministry. Please read this
>letter with patiently. I was born to an orthodox
>Hindu Parents, my mother was an idol worshipper in my
>childhood, first my mother heard the 'Word' of God
>from a Bible Woman, and she was a Pastor's wife. My
>mother believed and accepted Jesus Christ as her
>personal saviors when I was studying in 7th Class. My
>mother became a strong prayerful and God fearing
>lady. She told us about Jesus Christ, but I refused
>for sometimes. In my 20th year, I used to sell arrack
>and drugs. My mother always used to pray for my
>life-changed redemption from sins. One day I got
>Malaria fever, though I was taking medicines. The
>fever not controlled. I became weak and I thought I
>would die
>and I was bed ridden for 25 days in the bed. Then my
>mother went to a pastor and called him to my house to
>pray for me. Pastor and elders came and Prayed all the
>night. Pastor shared the word of God from the Book of
>St. Luke 10:25-37. While the Pastor was preaching the
>Holy spirit convicted me that I am a Sinner and I
>confessed all my Sins with tears and I accepted Jesus
>Christ as my personal savior, and God touched me and
>healed. I become a Child of God and God changed all
>my life style. A great burden had been removed from
>my heart. I Baptized and having follow ship with
>believers and
>was growing up in faith. I baptized in the year -
>1994. One day when I was praying in my room, the Holy
>Spirit anointed me and I got new power, then I was
>praising. Praying and 'rejoining in the spirit. The
>Spirit of God told me to be separated for his
>ministry. Then I went to Bible Training. I did my
>B.Th. (Bachelor of Theology) in 1998. Then I started
>new ministry with new power in the outskirts’ of
>Hyderabad city with 4 devoted believers. After 2 years
>my Church Congregation increased up to 37 Baptized and
>spirit filled believers. God is using me in a
>wonderful way in several Plan¿. I got married in the
>year 1999. God has given a Good Life partnership, my
>wife name is PARISUDDA KUMARI. I appointed 2 pastors
>we have established 3 congregations .
>. The work of God is going on very well, meanwhile,
>my dear mother by whom I accepted Jesus Christ, slept
> in the lord and my father also passed away after my
>mother within one month my mother and father both
>were passed to the Glory. That was caused me very
>much dispersed. I became an orphan. In our slum areas.
>There are so many parentless children in the
>outskirts of Hyderabad City . A great burden and
>compassion went right into my heart about those
>parentless children, because I am also an orphan
>(James 1:27 ). How they hear the work of God when they
>are starving? So I humbly regard and request you pray
>for us are pray for these orphan hunger children Heb.
>13:16-17, Prov. 19:17. there is necessary to feed
>them as per work of God to elect and choose as right
>side people of sheep Matt. 25:31 last instead of
>chosen left as goats. So I started a small orphanage
>for the parentless children of 6 members at present,
>my wife is also a Bible woman, she is taking much
>interest about the orphans. She is giving them both
>secular and spiritual education. We would not able to
>give them good food, cloths and all necessities. So
>please pray for orphans. We are all depending on god.
>We are working ministering hard in slum areas, among
>Hindu People. The Spirit of God is moving month them.
>God is performing so many miracles and wonders among
>Hindu.We do mobile Gospel Work weekly once time.
>Please pray for my ministry. We are all young me but
>fervent if spirit. We are meeting on Sunday Services
>in a rented house. So Brother, why I am writing all
>these things? Because please uphold us in your
>earnest prayers. We need your prayerful
>encouragement. Co-operation and give spiritual
>advises for my independent Ministry. We want to work
>undre your leadership . if you give your right and
>helping hand. (Romas 8:29).
>Note : 1) I am Orphan, Hindu Convert.
>2) Young person and New Ministry, we want work with
>you under your leadership.i havea 3 month old son and we stay in 55 elizabeth church street marietta ga 30061 and my time is up i really need a placed to stay at a.s.a.p.
>Please pray for my Ministry,
>Your brother in Christ
>Pastor Solomon
>my mailing address is

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