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Date Posted: 09:56:46 02/03/05 Thu
Author: partypoker
Subject: Re: Online Poker Terms - Poker Dictionary CONTINUED W thru Z
In reply to: partypoker 's message, "Re: Online Poker Terms - Poker Dictionary CONTINUED" on 09:53:10 02/03/05 Thu

A pot won by the last blind when no one opens.
Walk the Table
The automatic winning of the entire pot with a certain specific card or hand.
Walking Sticks
A pair of sevens.
To Shuffle.
Coiling or crimping cards by a cheater so the wavy card can be spotted in an opponent's hand or in the deck.
One who folds too many hands.
Weary Willie
See Elimination.
Certain tapered or shaved cards that can be pulled from a deck when needed by the cheater.
A player who fails to pay a debt.
A round of jackpots played after a big hand such as four of a kind.
A-2-3-4-5. The best possible low hand. Also called a "Bicycle".
To bet and raise aggressively on both sides of a calling player. (Squeezed Player).
Whiskey Poker
Draw poker with widow cards that can be exchanged from one's hand.
A queen.
1) A card or cards common to all hands (Spit Card). 2) The money cut from pots (Kitty).
Wild Annie
See Double-Barreled Shotgun.
Wild Card
A card that can be played as any value.
Wild Game
1) A game using wild cards. 2) A highly spirited or fast-paced game.
Wild Widow
A card turned up for use as a wild card (with all similar cards being wild) in every player's hand (Spit Card).
The card exposed or flashed at the end of a player's closed hand.
Window Dressing
A card purposely flashed from one's closed hand.
To have a winning streak.
Winning Hand
A winning hand is one that you get paid for. For most video poker games the lowest winning hand is a Pair of Jacks. In Deuces Wild Video Poker, it's Three of a Kind.
Or Back-to-Back. A pair, trips, or four of a kind dealt consecutively or back-to-back in a hand... usually in a stud hand starting with the first card.
Wired Pair
A pair in the hole. In 5-card stud, a door card that pairs the hole card.
Wooden Hand
A hand that cannot improve or that cannot possibly win. Comes from deadwood, a term for the discards.
1) In lowball, a 10-5 hand. 2) In high, two pair, 10s and 5s. 3) In hold 'em, a 10 and 5 as one's first two cards. 4) Any game in which 10s and 5s are wild. 5) A nonstandard hand sometimes given value in a private or home game, five cards 5 to 10 with no pair, which ranks above three of a kind and below a straight. For all definitions 1 to 4, also called dime store; for definitions 2 and 3 only, sometimes also called dime stores.
Someone with body odor or bad breath who hangs around card games (on the outside), often offering gratuitous advice and unwanted opinions, commenting on the play, and generally being obnoxious and the worst kind of kibitzer.
Work the Broads
Cheat at cards, particularly three-card monte.
Working the Telegraph
Cheating by sending prearranged signals, say by finger positions similar to the "signing" used by the hearing impaired, or by certain code words and phrases embedded within seemingly ordinary conversation, of a victim's hand to the signaler's confederate. See telegraph.
World Poker Tour
A series of tournaments on the tournament trail, held throughout the year at various casinos and cardrooms and online, the winners of which advance to a $25,000 invitation-only buy-in final event that crowns a world champion. The individual events are shown later on television. Sometimes rendered as the initialism WPT.
World Series of Poker
A Hold 'em tournament with a $10,000 buy-in held every May at Binion's Horseshoe Casino in Las Vegas.
World's Fair
The nuts.
Worst Hand
A losing hand.
Worst Likely Hand
The worst holding you might put another player on.
Worst of It
Fighting the odds; usually preceded by take the or have the; a situation in which a wager has an unfavorable return. Opposite of best of it.
Initialism of World Poker Tour.
In Omaha, a situation in which your four downcards consist of three consecutive cards, which combine with two cards of the flop to form five consecutive cards, so that a large number of cards on the turn or river give you a straight. For example, your downcards are 6-5-4-A, and the flop is 7-8-K. You can make a straight with any of 13 cards, any 6, 5, or 4, three each of which remain, or any 9, of which four remain. Compare with full wrap and inside wrap.
Abbreviation for World Series of Poker.
X Marks the Spot
See Crisscross.
1) $100. 2) A $100 bill.
The expression is used in e-mail, and is also heard at the table. The implication is that the speaker just beat a good hand held by the person to whom the comment is directed, probably by a longshot. Also see IGHN.
Abbreviation of Yoleven.
11, in respect to the size of a bet. Probably comes from craps dealers who pronounce the word clearly, loudly, and distinctly to distinguish amid all the casino noise from the similar sounding seven. Often they drag it out to eeyoleven, and this is sometimes shortened to eeyo. Also, yo.
You Roll Two
See New Guinea Stud.
Younger Hand
An obsolete term for any player to the left of the eldest hand (that is, the one immediately to the left of the dealer).
Youngest Hand
An obsolete term for the player immediately to the right of the dealer.
The lowest-stake game in the house.
Zilch or Zip
Nothing. A dealt hand with no cards worth holding (i.e., you should redraw all five cards) or a final hand with no payoff. Also called a garbage hand.
In lowball, 4-3-2-A; always preceded by the rank of the highest card in the hand. Also, Nothing.
A poker player with no tells (see tell), one who has a poker face, shows no emotion, and otherwise exhibits no behavior to give away his holdings.
Toke. This term is generally used only by dealers.

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