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Date Posted: 15:21:27 10/30/05 Sun
Author: Barry
Subject: Re: Trouble On The ToP
In reply to: utoraptor3000 's message, "Re: Trouble On The ToP" on 11:32:25 10/30/05 Sun

Yes, it was Bumpinator. Azzy we checked his IP
and his grammar and spelling is the same as Bumpinator.

And no he can't post as anyone else on the ToP
because you would need everyones passwords to
do that. And he dosen't have them. I vote yes
smite that critter. BTW, Azzy just banned him from
the ToP. And edited his posts and deleted some too.
So I don't think he'll be back some time soon.
You don't want to talk to this Bumpinator he's bad news.
He's the hacker who has been messing up the OMB,
impersonating me and giving Aric and Stouthorn a rough
time with all his Religious ideas. Now come on Its OK
to say that you believe in what you believe but, don't
force it on everyone and if they don't agree with him
say that your going to hell because you don't believe in Creation. That's over doing it. And crazy. I'm religious and
I don't go around trying to influence people to believe
that my ideas are the only way. I respect every opinion
on there. Because it's sound information. And can be used whatever way you want to use it.

As for the OMB, I don't go there anymore.
Because that board is to easy for anybody to use
HTML to impersonate you. Though my board The DL
is the same as the OMB, I can block this Bumpinator
if he ever shows up there. I don't think he knows about the Dragon's Lair because, I haven't saw him on there yet.
*knocks on wood* Well, I hope you had a nice little week
away. It must have been nice and felt good to. I know,
because I've done it lots of times and it helps you
get your mind refreshed from the weeks troubles.


— Barry

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