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Date Posted: 17:49:50 08/04/06 Fri
Author: souldragon
Subject: Re: Draconology, the science of dragons
In reply to: pgi 's message, "Draconology, the science of dragons" on 11:17:32 07/15/05 Fri

Now that I am searching for some answers I'm looking for on some questions I got, why should Dr. Volodimir Kapusianyk send that foreword to InQuest magazine, Inquest magazine is a magazine that mostly focussus on Magic:The gathering,... thats a cardgame, ok players of magic and WoW (world of warcraft) has some thing for all the magic and fantasie, but I think it's a dumb thing to send it to a magazine like that.
Why didn't he send it to magazines of national geographic or similar magazines, its worldwide spreaded and you get a public thats into science,discovery and a lot more people with the "Dr." or other high grade within there name.
And after that, I qoute;
For Several years, he has been trying to write the definitive draconology textbook, but ill health has kept from completing more than the foreword.

If I make a book the last thing i will wright is its foreword, with that, his foreword is written like he already has made a book about draconology, ill or not ill or yust "lazy" or trying to set his name in the history books of internet before he dies of old age so he will be remembert after his dead, or yust giving a meaning to the word draconology necause it sounds cool and he is the "last" one who is practitioning it, well if he did practition draconolgy he would have had a lot more written down than only a "foreword".
In my eyes he is no draconologist, dragnuist, extrahobulla, or whatever is made up to give that practition a name.

Btw I believe in dragons, at least that they have wandered around, and hope they still do.

Well I need to find some new starting points for my own investigation.

greetz and wisdom

mens quod sententia a humanus est sic validus is can gero quisquam in nostrum vita.

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