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Welcome to the Friesian Forum! Stop in to chat away with your fellow Friesian enthusiasts and feel free to submit any questions or comments you might have concerning the breed.
Some Rules and Guidelines to Read Over
Having trouble posting your photos? This forum uses standard html, which means you need to use the: < > brackets, not the [ ] brackets. If you really need help, e-mail me at:
-Please do not verbally attack any individual, business, organization, or their horses. It's not nice and opens you and Friesian Crazy up to liability. Please conduct such matters in private.
-This forum is here for open and polite discussion about the Friesian horse and the issues surrounding the breed. If you have something critical to say, please make sure it doesn't fall into the above category, and that you know the actual facts of what you're saying. It just saves everyone a bit of confusion.
Violators of these rules may be banned without notice for a time from the Friesian Crazy forum.
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