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Wow, what an awesome weekend I had! It was a blast! Thank you Miss Mary for such a fun pageant. Thank you Miss Teresea for my beautiful hair and makeup and for understanding my "Morning Mak Mood"!!!! LOL! Mommy loves how pretty you make me look and how you take your time with me. Thank you to Miss Toni for my awesome pictures! They LOVED them, I won 0-8 front cover of the program book and got perfect 10's in photogenic. Miss Leighann, I don't know how Mommy and Aunt T.T. get through my East Coast Pageants without you! Thank you so much for all you do for me and for all my last minute fix ups I need! And thank you for that cool glitter spray for crowning, I felt like a princess! Miss Lisa, thank you sooo much for making me my baseball outfit and in such a short time at that! I know you worked hard on it, and Mommy and I just love it! Especially that hat! Miss Ashley, Myah, Miss Lisa, Billy Katie, and Miss Kim, thank you for cheering me on from home! Wish you guys could have went too! Miss Wendi, Miss Nona, Miss Leighann, Miss Renea, Miss Jamie, Mommy, and Aunt T.T. thank you for taking all of us to Ihop, that was DA BOMB! I've never had that much fun going out to eat! Miss Jamie, I don't even know where to start! Your awesome, you always take such good care of me. I really did like those nails..why do you think I kept eating them, LoL. Thank you so much for EVERYTHING you do for me, Mommy, and Aunt T.T.... I love you and Chelsea sooo much, you guys are the best! Chelsea, I had so much fun at Goofy's Kitchen with you. Next time, were gonna gang up on Captain Hook together! We'll show him were not afraid of him!! Mr. Tim, I know I drive you crazy having to give you a hug EVERY TIME I see you, but I just can't help it! I tell Mommy all the time that I'm gonna marry you one day! Carmella and Simona's mommy, thank you so much for letting me use your microphone for talent, the judges would have never heard me without it! JTB photography thanks for my awesome stage shots, Mommy loved them! You guys are always great! Miss Wendi & Jenna, I miss you guys soooo much:( I wish we could see each other more often, but it's kinda hard when we live about 3,000 miles apart! I had so much fun playing with you, Jenna, your so sweet! Miss Nicki, I love you so much, you are just the best, you always cheer me on louder than anyone! Thank you for teaching me everything I know about pageants, and for always believing in me. Aunt T.T. thank you sooooo much for everything you do for Mommy and me. You are the greatest aunt a little girl could have. Without you, I wouldn't be able to do what I love to do. I love you so much.
Congratulations to all my friends, Chelsea, Serina, Noey, Jenna, Carmella, Simona, Chloe, Samantha, K.T., Megan, Lauren, Sasha, Brook, Jessie, Shawna, and Baya, you all were awesome, and I miss you all so much!
See ya'll at the next one!
Hugs & Kisses,
Makayla Ann Green
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