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Subject: Laughs with both joy and crulety.....

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Date Posted: 12:25:18 05/27/01 Sun
In reply to: Windblown Fire 's message, "He crawls in carrying a basket under his arms....." on 11:42:13 05/27/01 Sun

*Very nice my friend, very nice. Now leave us!* He turns back to the cell holding the bird. You will play for us bird. Unlocking the cage he walks in. He flips her on her back and binds her down with magic. He raises his hands half a foot from her body and starts to chant. Her feathers shift and her beak changes. She grows bigger and the underside of her wings turn a royal purple. He chants one last word and everything falls silent. He slowly unbinds her and watches her flap the purple wings of an Eagle, they spark with the little magic she has left. No blue remains in it, it's all purple. The rest of her body is still white. He straps jesses on her and strips off the hood, which is starting to choke her. Her eyes glow solid purple save for the black pupil. He makes the hood bigger and shoves it back on. With a glove on his hand that reaches up to his elbow he picks her up. He holds her feet as she strugles with her stronger body. *You are locked away about talking of your past to both animals and people. You can only say your name and talk of things that are asked of you or that must be said! Now what shall your new name be? Ahhh... yes, Gift of Heaven! I think I can change that much of your memory!* He speaks softly a tone of comfort in his voice. *Your name is Heavens Gift. You are friends with Alanna, Elana, and all their other friends. Once you were a white hawk. Krnrath is after you and until you get caught by Seeker you will try to stay as far away from him as you can! Got that? Now fly and be free!* In an instant all her bindings and dissabilaties dissapear. He watches as she flys up the stairs and out into the world to live another life. *Not the fate I intended, but it shall work for now.*

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Re: How dare you to that to so beautiful an animal, how dare you! >>>Ariana14:06:26 06/17/01 Sun

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