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Date Posted: 21:22:21 12/28/05 Wed
Author: walt
Subject: Re: Eureka gold
In reply to: Bill Herbert 's message, "Eureka gold" on 11:44:27 07/07/05 Thu

hi bill
the Eureka gold is a great unit for gold hunting.
i used to hunt reno & rhypatch with it.
its most senstive for small bits of gold in 60 kh, and will go deeper in 6.4. i used 20 for general searching, then when i wanted to pick a spot clean i would switch to 60.
i would recomend to run the tracking in slow unless the ground is changing a lot , then fast would be better.. run the signal in normal & the sensitvy at about 3/4. a slight bit of threshold is nessary & set the volum up as loud as you can stand.
good headphones are a must as they make it ezer to hear small nuggets & also the batterys will last longer with headphones. remmber a slow sweep speed will help you find deep & small nuggets & keep the coil level to the ground.
also take the unit up to lake tahoe when it warms up & clean up the beaches.. tahoe give me quite a few rings..
hope this helps a bit .
good hunting.
>Anyone have any tips for a newbee Eureka Gold owner.
>I'm going to use it in Reno Nevada looking for gold
>only. The dirt around here has a lot of minerals.

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