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Subject: Re: in love with love in time

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Date Posted: 09/19/09 12:47am
In reply to: Bianca 's message, "New CD coming soon..." on 09/16/09 8:08pm

I'm right there with ya, Bianca....lovin' the new tunes! Still can't believe how fortunate we are to have them, and I'm still amazed by it all. Dan recording the album and putting it away for later is incredible to begin with....the thought that went into it, and the songs he chose.....and now the anticipation of reading his liner notes and seeing Jean's contributions.....it's more than I ever imagined we'd be enjoying at this time.

I transferred the mp3s to a disc so I've been playing it in the car whenever I'm out. The sound is great, but I imagine the CD will be even better. "Birds" and "The Harbor" were the songs that touched me the most when I first heard them, but all the songs have become significant at this point. And actually, sometimes I find myself skipping "Birds" now....there are times when I'm just not ready to hear it....or feel it. I'll go back to the beginning and listen to the other songs over again before I let "Birds" play through.


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