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Subject: Re: got my CD!!!!

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Date Posted: 10/17/09 8:21pm
In reply to: Nancy 's message, "got my CD!!!!" on 10/ 5/09 8:21am

I found this blog a couple of weeks ago--I'm glad to find fellow Dan Fans! I could write pages of how Dan affected my life but most of you probably have similar tales. Suffice it to say when Dan died, part of who I am died with him. I never met him, never even got close; and, unfortunately, I'm not a musician, just a fan. I first heard Dan's music at 16 (1975) and his music immediately became part of me.

I too was disappointed at the lack of info on the CD but I appreciate that his desire for privacy was respected. Especially profound was the discovery that the note at the end of, "Birds" was the same as the note at the beginning of, "To the Morning"; the first song of his first album--perfect bookends an amazing collection of a talented career. I would love to know whose idea that was, Dan or Jean's. Must've been Dan's....

If you haven't read Jean's article about making, "Love in Time" that's on his website, it's A MUST READ!: Here's the link: http://www.danfogelberg.com/loveintimeinfo.html.

This article makes me hopeful that more tidbits might be coming in the future. My absolute favorite is, "Soft Voice". It's hard to accept that this might be the last new music of his published; I can't believe how sad I can still feel knowing he's really gone. It's almost two years already....

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[> [> Subject: Re: CD package

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Date Posted: 10/24/09 4:07pm

Hi Renay. Glad you found the board....always nice to hear from another Dan fan.

Jean's notes and stories are always interesting to read. When I first saw the doll on the cover, it seemed so bizarre, I think I was expecting more of a story to go along with it, but I do understand her thoughts on why she added it. Still looks kinda spooky laying out there on the ice, but she did a nice job incorporating it into the scene, and I'm glad she took the time to share her thoughts about it.

Also thought there would be some more-recent photos of Dan in the CD package, rather than the earlier Diltz photos. But the one on the back from the 80's of Dan clapping is great....makes a perfect ending. I can imagine how hard it must've been for Jean trying to put the package together though....so much going on in her mind and her heart, while trying to do justice to the album and hoping to please everyone all at the same time. Not an easy task.


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