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Subject: Re: Mountain Bird Ranch videos

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Date Posted: 12/ 9/09 1:52pm
In reply to: nancy 's message, "Re: Mountain Bird Ranch virtual tour" on 12/ 7/09 8:41am

Yeah, actually there were two previous versions. They were only up for a brief time, and then she took the whole site down. I wondered if she had second thoughts about putting it online, but now that it's back up, I'd guess that she just wanted to do a little more work on it to get it just right, and find a video hosting site that she liked. The first two versions of the video were almost identical in content, but the second one was in a high resolution, wide-screen format, which has a really nice visual quality in full screen.

The current version online is about a minute shorter than the first two. What's missing is a little segment of the walk-thru showing more of the foyer, plus a small office room with Dan's album art and photos & things from his music career on the walls. There are also a couple photos of the master bedroom missing, and a few different landscape views. Other than that the content is pretty much the same, just slightly different effects and sequencing of the scenes. And the current version flows really well, and actually makes a better presentation for the purpose of the video.

In one of Jon Asher's posts a few months back, he wrote about meeting up with Jean in Santa Fe after she had been to the ranch gathering artwork. I assume that's when she filmed the footage for the walk-thru segments. There is a sadness about it, of course, especially thinking of her going there alone and feeling the emptiness of the house. Still, the video is so interesting to see, and the way she used the music really creates the beauty of the piece.

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