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Subject: Re: 450-700 cc class

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Date Posted: 17:20:20 12/05/05 Mon
In reply to: polaris 's message, "Re: 450-700 cc class" on 15:53:10 12/04/05 Sun

>>>>>>ok guys you have to remember we already race until
>>>>>>morning. adding another class will only make this
>>>>>>i dont think that will work we already have people
>>>>>>complaining about the time now
>>>>>>make a vote to drop what class 400ex,450to700 and
>>>>>>let me know carl
>>>>>drop the 400ex class and the stock raptor class and
>>>>>make a 5.10 or a 5.20 break class the 400ex can run
>>>>>either class plus the 6.00 and so can the raptors
>>>>>i say banshee's not allowed in the 5.10 or 5.20
>>>>>I try to make every race and have been since it
>>>>>started all i want is a class we can be competive
>>>>>we can't run stock got a wheelie, can run the
>>>>>450-700cc cause we're 2-stroke and under 450cc
>>>>>my.02 if you're making another class give us
>>>>>to run in too you know i've been asking before any
>>>>>this started. I'm behind you 100% do the right
>>>>>and oh yeah here's my.02 on the 450-700cc class
>>>>>doesn't make cc's it's 450 to 700cc's run it , I
>>>>>we could do some checking and some 400ex's would
>>>>>to step up maybe not, but 450-700cc I say if it
>>>>>the cc's run it and spray it, turbo charge it or
>>>>>ever the rule is 4-stroke 450 to 700cc just bring
>>>>i'm with polaris i think 450-700 "cc" should be the
>>>>rules. run what u bring! drop 400 ex class and add a
>>>>5.10 or 5.20 bracket class. we will adjust
>>>>accordingly. lets just race and have fun. it would
>>>>hard for anyone to tear down a 4-stroke anyway! hope
>>>>everyone can agree on something, get'er done! thanx
>>>>randy and kyle
>>>I think that would be fair, what do ya'll think about
>>>the banshee's running in it???????????? just
>>not the 4 stroke class but the 5.10-5.20 index, yes
>>let them run! thanx randy and kyle
>ok what's the verdict I say we decide now annouce it
>at the race and run it JAN. looks like anybody that
>going to be racing in the either class has spoke now
>what index do ya'll want 5.10 or
>5.20???????????????????? let's vote on it

I say we have a 5.20 breakout class that's my vote

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