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Subject: Re: raptor class

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Date Posted: 19:37:34 12/08/05 Thu
In reply to: POLARIS 's message, "Re: raptor class" on 18:17:20 12/06/05 Tue

>>>>so are we going to have a four stroke outlaw class?
>>>>that means anything goes? only rule is that it has
>>>>be a four wheeler motor. what do yall think about
>>>>that? are we going to add a 5.20 index class? i need
>>>>to know what to do. get slower to run 5.20 or get
>>>>faster to run with the big dogs. everbody put in
>>>>two cents. i guess we will have to vote at the track
>>>>before the races. what do you think about that carl?
>>>>kirby smith
>>>OK KIRBY you already said you can run a 4.75 on motor
>>>so it shouldn"t be any problem for you to get in the
>>>4.60 class.
>>>as far as adding a 5.00 class. If we do then we will
>>>drop the 450-700 add the 400ex class because of time,
>>>thats what i think may happen but we will take a vote
>>>at the next race. So if you any classes you want to
>>>keep be there to be heard.
>>> Carl
>>I'm through talking it don't matter to me do
>so everybody is thru talking to here's what i think
>could slove some things, drop the 400ex because they
>aren't 400's most all of em are at least 440's next no
>raptor class they can run in the 6.00 or 5 whatever
>and the 450 to 700 4-stroke class should be just that
>450 to 700cc 4-strokes 450cc to 700cc 4-strokes only
>that's the rule do whatever it just can't be more than
>700cc's now the raptor and big cc 400ex's can run in
>this class also then add a index class 4.70 , 4.90
>,5.00, 5.10 , 5.20, 5.30, or whatever (I asked for a
>5.10 or 5.20) no big deal to me I know we are too fast
>for 6.00 and too slow for 5.00 and before anybody says
>do more work we've done about all that can be done
>without getting a different frame that's all nobody
>else on here has even mentioned a class so ya'll need
>to put ya'lls .02 and oh yea the fastest time slip
>we've got is a 5.17 to the best of my knowledge and
>that's right I'm looking out for my bike and rider but
>do what ya'll want we can always go back to trail
>riding and dirt road racing

ok since I'm the only one talking I guess I win, Carl so here's the deal class changes 6.00 gone 400ex class gone raptor class gone now 3 classes are gone here's what you've
got 5.20 index and 450 to 700cc run what you brung any ???????????????????????????????????????

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Subject Author Date
Re: raptor classcatman05:19:47 12/09/05 Fri

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